#21 - Big Pharma Jobs | Kahaya & Preston | Oruga Studios | The Oruga Podcast

#21 - Big Pharma Jobs | Kahaya & Preston


[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the
other way now look at these guys they look busy right
that's a fun one so let's let's paint a picture let's say Pfizer comes up to you
and it's like Kaya you're the perfect spokesperson to be on the commercial for
our flu shot and booster here is some money would you do it
Preston I spoke to moderna last week okay of course I was begging them for a
job they didn't even have my major up there and I was like please just give me
like a little entry-level job of course let me go up to five I was
asking them dinner lady about you know benefits the benefits that they have for their workers
my beautiful [Music] welcome to the op
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farted yeah it's true um
so what's up kahaya how you doing doing great are we starting the podcast yeah yeah it's already started should I just
say F4 do the computer that's up to you homie do you do you feel like you have stuff on Demand right now I do not have
anything on demand then who gives a [ __ ] no worries recipes rest in peace amen what you unplug USB
type c oh yeah yeah yeah I can I can um let me do this gotcha boom boom
boom we are all good I'm good so what's
up homie how you doing I'm doing great how are you all right it's just you know I'm okay I'm okay I woke up really hazy
this morning why is that um over sleep under sleep you know I I I'm getting I'm at this
point where I'm sleeping perfectly I go to bed at the same time every every night I wake up at the same time it's
perfect actually like I I just woke up hazy because I had a carb loaded last
night I had a lot of rice and I just woke up in like one of those just food
Comas where you're like oh I still haven't like processed all that food yet
and my body's just like just yeah yesterday I made a mistake I
didn't eat until about I want to say 6 00 p.m Jesus what does
your body do when that happens for me personally I just get like really tired really you get tired I get super tired
okay so I had an exam yeah yeah intro wine class okay and I was studying for
like three hours and Langston Library you see okay and I was like man I have not eaten I'm like a blink away from
falling asleep I need to get some food in me you don't have headaches or like you don't get like shaky or anything I
did get shaky actually I got a little shaky yeah I didn't when I was sitting down I
didn't feel anything but once I uh stood up and like walked a little bit
man I was feeling the shakes for sure yeah yeah I felt weird I feel like I wasn't in my own skin do you ever have
like headaches like from that really interesting if I ever if I neglect
eating like a meal or two you shakes are common and I also just like I my
headache will get so bad that I am not hungry so it psyches me out but I just
gotta push through it and eat anyways just to like get through that feeling the speed at which I devoured the burger
I bought at six yeah it was ridiculous I looked like a
starving African Child okay cheap old burger right you see inhaling
it just looking yeah I got like a Dr Pepper oh my God
yeah that's what I was going for I was like if I'm about to take this exam I need to make sure my blood sugar is at
an optimal level so my brain can function right you seem like the you seem like the best of my friends of like
how you don't it's you seem like you always have water with you like I never
see you with anything else besides water so like that kind of surprises me I'm just a broken City oh you can't afford
[ __ ] okay that's hilarious you know that's why I'm here Preston so I can get
sponsors to support my meals all right I don't know what I'm eating tonight oh it'd be nice if you know like GrubHub
you know like right one of those kits to be saying the mail you know for meals you know what I'm saying no I don't
actually explain man there's these companies that like will have chefs make meals and like they'll ship you like
I don't know like a small piece of chicken like a single meal like you'll pay them a monthly subscription uh meals
to your house you're talking about oh I forget the brand or company that
does it but they send you like recipes they send you recipes for specific meals
correct but they also give you the ingredients yes yeah yeah so they and that's the only thing that they do is
give you ingredients for specified meals right so like when you order for those I
think it's um Oh I thought I had the name of it for a second but it doesn't matter what
company it is but but anyways like when you when you pre-order you like select the recipes and the meals that you want
right I feel like that's how it has to be it's pretty cool like I've actually done
that before and I forget what company I did it with but it was pretty solid yeah and like the recipes were okay and they
weren't really that complicated but I it really tested my you know literacy literacy rate I'm like all the
directions yeah and but being able to have the timing for it too like
in the beginning I was like stressing out over the instructions because you
all you have to like time it really well but then like after about four or five meals I was like oh I got the groove
this is going perfectly I understand you know you boil the rice and you're cooking at the the chicken at the same
time and you're like it's a nice balance and yeah those are fun those are real fun cooking is chemistry it they used to
actually have a cook like chem the chemistry of cooking at UC really plus
back in the day no [ __ ] I would have taken it in a heartbeat really I do enjoy cooking I do enjoy chemistry so
that would have been like the perfect that's a surprise to me you actually like cooking yeah for sure really I'd be
cooking sometimes okay what's your favorite dish I want to say something complicated I
have to say something intellectual you know I made a Reuben the other day Okay like with corned beef yeah yeah and beef
and got the salt and everything and salted it cured it in the fridge for a
couple days that's cool was it good no it was terrible that's sad that's uh too
salty huh yeah yeah if I was gonna do it again next time I'd use a little bit less salt it's too salty for me
you know you're trying to preserve that meat huh yeah yeah what else have I cook those crazy I made uh
man everything that comes to mind is like meat because I just want meat right now to eat okay did you eat breakfast are you not even I
ate a like Velveeta soft bake the [ __ ] is that belvita what what you know what
Velveeta is Velveeta it's Velveeta okay I'm probably pronouncing it wrong that's
okay the yellow packet crackers
my God no I know what you're talking about that keep going yeah so they have like a soft baked one okay and it's like
a cookie and it has bananas in it okay amazing I'm addicted no we're talking
about two different things I was talking I was thinking you were talking about the cheese no gotcha okay okay
gotcha cool so you'll it's are you hungry is that why you're talking to
I guess I am hungry that's a shame you literally before this podcast you watched me eat too and I was just like
enjoying food got a little bit of a coffee you know trying to get onto
fasting pretty soon why just because you you don't need a fast what are you talking about why not you don't think
I've eaten so much this week stop it you need again you need to get built for the military what are you talking about it's
how it's gonna be no I need to pass a test I don't need to get billed I just need to pass the test it's a [ __ ] Mile and you do
some pull-ups and push-ups what are you talking about exactly so if you lose a couple pounds you know like it would be
easy for 10 pounds you don't need to lose 10 pounds are you insane bro I'm like 200. yeah okay you could be 225
what are you talking about you can't actually be 225 at my height you have to be 210 is like the max for what I don't
know like body mass for the military stop it what are you talking about
if you're like over 210 they have to like do a test figure out how much of it is muscle and
how much of it is fat sure in your body yeah so you could be over 210 at like
six two yeah but you have to just make sure that your fat is
you know maintained uh-huh I feel like with fasting it helped me burn some excess fat for sure okay you know this
is insanity by the way you do okay okay that'd be free I feel like I could fast
for a week a week without eating it's not like I don't eat like I'll probably eat
something small so fasting you mean just like real light meals super light meals
Okay frozen water a lot more water than meals okay
I don't know how it's gonna be done but I will definitely have you ever fasted before in your life okay okay did you
like it I hated it really so much yeah so you want to do it now well naturally
naturally it's for religious reasons and I'm just such a degenerate and rebel
okay I was like I'm not doing this right right right right but now you know a
mature 22 year old so I can uh
you know mature 22 year old things like like Fast myself yeah real mature okay that's fun
that's fun what about you Preston have you thought of getting on a diet or anything like
that [ __ ] right here that was actually the wrong sound bite
that's so sad um no I no I don't need to fast I just need to gain weight so are you thinking
about doing like a high calorie diet or something that would be nice yeah like I don't I don't know what that would be I
haven't really spelled that out I haven't really thought about it you know I would like to think about it I would like to like dedicate a lot of time to
that to that thought pattern but I just haven't at all and um
yeah I would just I don't know just a real heavy like um carnivore diet that's probably
something that would be really cool with um just eating steak I just need to eat steak and rice I feel like that's the
only things I need to consume so yeah did you know that they sell a lot of
carnivores at jungle gyms what does that mean like things that eat meat no okay
like I sell crocodiles okay that's crazy like crotch cold tail I'm gonna try it
so bad I you know I bet if you serve it well it would be good it'd be very good
you have to like season it well I don't never forget the season of well but like you know if you really go above and
beyond on the preparation I bet it would be fantastic I don't even know like the first step to
prepping it I assume it's like a mixing between chicken and fish sure but like
you're eating a [ __ ] you're eating a dinosaur which is so fun
yeah it's a reptile I never even thought about it like that that's fascinating I don't think I've ever eaten a reptile
it's good I've tried alligator before let's see it doesn't seem like it's not too crazy I don't know it's not like um
when you're eating and you're not like oh this is exotic you know should I ask
you these questions like random animals that you've had I think yeah we've had this conversation before but I
you know I've had a lot before but something I really want to try is like like shark you know I heard that they
have like a lot of ammonia in them so really somewhat dangerous I don't
know if it's dangerous or just tastes like piss I forget which one it is probably both you know
but um something about yeah I just want to try that or just something kind of
Beyond The Bean path you know to be able to try like you know this might be controversial but like dolphin
that'd be kind of interesting crazy right I wonder what or like swordfish that tastes like you
know people always talk about how swordfish is good so like that would be that would be an interesting try
you know I can't try a whale that seems a little too controversial you know I bet that'd be so good yeah I bet so too
I don't know it'd be like the dude I heard the craziest thing on earth
yesterday and it was that when Wales go on to see
where when like the land yeah yeah excuse me I'm sorry I just said something really dumb so when Wales
evolved and they went on to land they evolved into dogs or Wolves
and hippos like that's where the species evolved to what I'll have to look that
[ __ ] up just to double check but that's what I that's what I heard which was Insanity insane and that wolves and
hippos share genetics which is like crazy so far beyond what I
would have thought ever but they're like genomes it's like really similar similar yeah
that's so weird I mean if you think about like a shaved dog does that look like a hippo kind of
not to me not to me at all I think they don't look
at all the same but yeah or how you know imagine if fish had hair like how weird
that'd be yeah I
two different worlds man two different worlds there's the there's the idea that um
bad pigs pigs when they released out into the wild like or like when pigs are
domesticated and let's say they get out of their fencing or they get out of the farm that they were domesticated at and
they start living in the wild they start growing hair and start forming tusks
within the first two months because something triggers and they immediately understand that they became wild and
their body just transforms into more of a wild animal that's crazy I don't know that dude how insane how
insane is that that like they literally in under like about two months it takes for them to like completely transform
that's crazy I pour my heart in my blood my sweat my tears to this game
[Applause] [Music] history
we in the record books
oh the aruga podcast has United with the Galactic Federation with worldly symbols
and alien logos we celebrate our galaxy with new merch hope you love it and
tomorrow I wonder if we have that like if we were
put in a certain environment if we'd rapidly change I would assume so yeah I mean like right now I'm you know like a
very soft human you know I I shave and I cut my hair and I make sure that my
unibrow doesn't come in and [ __ ] like that but I bet if I was in an isolated situation where where I became a a wild
animal I'm sure I would look way different way different I'll devolve a
little you know the way I act would be completely different I bet for humans it's a little more
we've been we've been this for a long time you know so yeah I think it would
take maybe maybe generations for us to devolve if you would say that
'd be crazy maybe looking back at us like the Egyptians like we'd be looking
back at ourselves like the Egyptians like dang how'd they do that okay
sure if we went crazy if there was an Armageddon oh my God imagine if
like there is a nuclear fallout amen people like only the crazy people that
have been nuclear prepping survive and like they spread their genes and then
that fills the human population back up right imagine how weird people would be
like once they get out of that nuclear fallout they'd be so weird it it would
be covered it'd be coveted and pandemic times to
an all-time extreme like extreme isolation extreme hesitance on other
human beings because we've been separated from each other for so long the times of nuclear fallout like okay
so nuclear fallout happens then the Ice Age you know so we start becoming
Eskimos you know and we would probably have to migrate to the equator to even feel a little bit of
warmth right and um yeah it would be a real interesting world that's for sure I
bet people wouldn't even see each other as humans at that point like they'd be
like looking at a different tribe yeah yeah yeah it totally yeah yeah and only you know
thank God for the internet because now we can start realizing that we're all kind of the same people right you know
we can like look over to the other sides of the earth and see you know videos and
photos of people just being people and it kind of like humanizes us all to realize that you know we're all the same
in some form and fashion but if there was a nuclear fallout in an ice age
[ __ ] the neighbors we don't like the neighbors yeah yeah geez it would be
real tribal real quick I was looking at a I was actually looking at doomsday
website yesterday I was looking at Gasoline yeah I was like I'm about to
reinvent the gas mask because I wouldn't have a beard and join the military okay I was looking at gas mask so you're
thinking about like Dome yeah Dome head yeah I decided that
[ __ ] it I'ma shave you know because okay I feel like is that why you came in
shaved mask yeah is that what he came in shaved today yeah sure the gas mask
look way more comfortable now than a big old dome for sure okay
and I think that uh Reinventing it's not worth it and
I always have this thought though like okay so nuclear fallout happens the air is a little unbreathable
what's the gas mask do is it just filter air yeah does it give you oxygen so that
means you have some can but that means you have filters okay that means you have to find oxygen
that means you have to like I mean why wouldn't there be oxygen in the air right okay so it would be radioactive
you know radioactive oxygen so you have to have like what filters with like iodine in it like what crazy yeah
compound that would feel that would collect that toxic nuclear waste radiation waste in it but you're still
having the issue that like you're part of the air right like you're in the air
yeah like your skin would absorb a certain percentage of it right I agree with that I understand that and also
they would like I remember watching this um Chernobyl documentary and they were saying that like
um some of the nuclear waste which shoot out I don't know like particles would
shoot out particles that would basically go right through your body so you're basically getting like mini gunshots if
that makes sense going through your body because these particles are going so fast and they'll just break right
through your body so you have like a so when you experience that you have a higher percentage of cancer and you just
have to have a higher percentage of dying right because you're exposed to these types of particles so it's like
man what the [ __ ] do you do like do you just wear lead just a lead suit they
have like hazmat suits that you can wear in case of severe radiation it kind of
looks like yeah something that you would wear like someone that was spraying for covered where you know what I'm saying
that but it has different those real shiny yeah yeah yeah every whole body
right yeah don't they have the yellow ones aren't isn't that for nuclear Maybe
maybe I think we're referring to the same like the almost it's like a metal kind of like light meshy kind of thing
PPE the way they advertise those gas masks was ridiculous it was like there
was an impending doom yeah it was insane yeah I remember my I had a family member that was trying to
have me buy some gas masks with them and I was like no I think you can you know
how crazy you'd look walking around that yeah that's why I didn't like it and also like
you know I just I really want to think that the world is okay so in my delusion
I didn't want to get a gas mask man I still be seeing people with the covid
match I know that's so weird I saw one dude just walking around outside
completely by himself with a full n95 on and it was hot as [ __ ] and it's just
like dude it feels like he was harming his health more with the mask on you know like just
breathing just like whatever's in that paper you know like that paper those
masks are produced in a factory those factories I would assume aren't perfectly clean I mean they do have to
be somewhat sterile but yeah they're ha there there has to be some leeway for sure yeah just a little just a little
just a little engineer I hated the mess and the whole mess
would be sucking in a few like you're suffocating yourself and you feel that little like humidity on your cheeks and
you're like ah it's so gross it's like when you sleep on your face yeah yeah
which you don't do for a reason we're right right it's it
I'm so glad that we're at the point where we can go out in public and I don't even think about it anymore like I
really don't think about masks anymore thank the Lord that was such a horrible
time when that was like prevalent I remember I had a I had one of these
memories strike me yesterday and it was um I remember going to a class two years
after covid and they released the um the mask like mandatory like mask mandate
and I went to class and one of my teachers saw me without a mask on he was
like what are you doing and I was like what he's like that doesn't release until
next or the Mandate doesn't isn't released until next week put a mask on and I was like
until next week huh and then next week's okay next week I'm allowed to take a
mask off but this week is an issue like it made no sense to me and I just like
it still gets under my skin now so it's like you're testing the waters here my
God Dangerous Waters that's right you see you know what listeners you should
know that me and kahaya had a conversation yesterday about how my free my freedom of speech oh my God I know
how kahaya here is a communist
oh [Laughter]
um so yeah yeah you're saying it's testy Waters to talk about coven and how is a
lab League Theory oh no that's prevalent I did say this I was talking to you
about that yesterday too that's crazy yeah dude and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna go down that rabbit hole of how of
how clearly rest in peace clearly it came from a lab
but okay I'm not gonna go in I'm not gonna go into it clearly clearly he came from a
lab okay oh my gosh yeah and I'm not even gonna yeah I hate this guy
you know what's gonna happen now we're gonna get that I'm gonna put the show up on Twitter and Twitter would be like
this is not factual right right now Twitter's the most factual one out there
you know how they'd be like a check-in fact checking people yeah I do yeah yeah that's cool to say like this is [ __ ]
no no no anyone say that's [ __ ] you got the lab League Theory
they're part of that one oh my God Theory Theory yeah
all right it came from a back guys that's why they had that's why they had shots ready six years beforehand that's
why they had shots and boosters ready and they had round two ready for shots and boosters for sure
is visibly uncomfortable okay come on all right so the mask you
know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying I think it's because of the air pollution still is that still a thing
no I mean yes obviously but like it all goes down to the particle size and how
those the weaves of most masks don't stop
pollution they do what and then with pollution those particles are so much
smaller than what the masks allow in
does that make sense I remember so let's is that true I know you can fart and you'll smell it
for sure oh yeah no [ __ ] but like you see what I did there is there a lot of
[ __ ] in like poop references like [ __ ] mother lovers
[Music] yeah you do
that's so funny anyways um so I just remember and I don't know
if this is a real scientifically accurate video but I remember this guy
um hit or had a vape you hit the Vape right you inhale The Vape and then put
the mask on and exhaled and you could see all the vapor particles and smoke come out of the mask and
they were saying that um The Vapor particles are much larger
than the kova 19 particles so it made no difference
you mean smaller yeah the kova 19 particles were smaller than the vapor done I'd say that maybe I
didn't say that but yeah covid-19 particles are smaller than Vape
no it just went right through at least most n95s are different okay yeah yeah
n95s are like real deal [ __ ] but still like all these other [ __ ] masks like
all those like surgical masks oh yeah I agree yeah I could see that yeah very
sure those are [ __ ] um the cloth mask but yeah so it's like I you know it's either you go all in or
you don't yeah for sure I definitely agree with that one in your eyes you'll be seeing people
with the cloth mask still I think it's also like a a fashion thing too now like
people that have weird faces they wear them yeah yeah yeah people that think they have weird faces you know and I
don't know what it is either but and I'm gonna say something a little controversial but it seems like Asian people really like the masks further
culture yeah which is crazy to think about but like I really see the only
people I see with masks on are 80 90 of them are Asian I see and you
know I think I find that really fascinating because it just seems like they just look at UC anywhere man
anywhere you don't have to name drop our College um all day Reckoning you know I think
that uh I mean yeah I know for sure like in Asia it's a big thing even before the
pandemic oh yeah because they they wear that [ __ ] for pollution and even like if
they're sick or something they'll put it on I don't know if that really helps them but like they still do it out of respect uh yeah which I'm spilling
someone I don't know I you know I rather get exposed because of the idea that I would like
build up my immune system if I if I cage myself away from all those sicknesses
the one sickness that does breach the doors I'll just be wrecked by
that's my thought process but obviously I don't know if that's a good thought process or not I bet there's like a
philosophy that some people have that wear masks that's just like I don't want to get sick
I can't afford it right not today I've got a blue no way no way no way I got my
shot my Boost I got my flu shot my booster and I'm putting the mask on because I can't get sick today for sure
yeah yeah that's a fun one so let's let's paint a picture let's say Pfizer comes
up to you and it's like Kaya you're the perfect spokesperson to be on the
commercial for our flu shot and booster here is some money would you do it
Preston I spoke to moderna last week okay of course I was begging them for a
job they didn't even have my major up there and I was like please just give me
like a little entry-level job of course let me go up to five I was
asking them internet lady about you know benefits the benefits that they have for their workers like okay what's their
benefits I don't remember okay I think they do no yeah I don't remember that's crazy stock
options yeah I was trying to ask them about that that's garbage she didn't really answer me she just told me to
apply online she smiled and I answered the question she was like yeah yeah yeah yeah trying to be nice
right this guy's crazy yeah it's recruiters bro recruiters are such idiots
it was whatever I you know [Laughter]
that's racist
uh gosh that's funny so um
yeah what else is going on oh
how do you think what do you think about that uh plant that power plant oh the last the power plant that we went
to yeah yeah that was a cool one it that was very fascinating because technically
it's not a power plant what was the term that they kept using for it I know they generate his name same
generating facilities sure I don't know man but so just to give a little background
um me and you went to a power plant place that gives power to a university
and it was really fascinating because it was like it was just a whole new world you know
we we got into the building it's like we did not belong there we immediately
didn't belong there and they gave us earbuds so we could like you know these little foam things that we put in our
ears so we a little noise cancellation and then we walked out into basically
the boiler room right where where we see all these like heavy duty uh Machinery
yeah two generate electricity I guess and then we like were we were walking around this
guy was showing us like just a whole bunch of nonsense it's just like he's like pointing at stuff and he's like
he's probably had to like work on those machines and stuff right he knows what they are so he's like just explain to us
like you know the process of how the users came and what machines this thing
goes through and what each of these machines do right but then while he's explaining this the noise level is so
loud we can barely hear any of his explanations I was literally like creeping up to to that guy that was
giving us explanations just so I could hear what he was saying for sure and then he and then he opened up one of
the machines that delivers power and it looked like a [ __ ] jet engine dude
which was insane which to this moment I still don't understand and did he explain why I looked like a jet engine I
can't remember I think it I I don't remember either but I believe from what I believe
it's like the steam goes through one side dang I don't even remember
I know steam comes in right and then heat energy comes out and that's like
the main generator no [ __ ] everything else is producing steam this thing is
taking this name and then turn you into power and then they recycle what was
used to to turn the turbines maybe the jet engine that we were seeing was where the steam was going through and turning
the turbines yeah for sure that makes sense yeah but then but then we were walking around and like
seeing generators too if like if the steam doesn't turn out or if they have
to go off steam to go to diesel to power the university it was really crazy and
then we go upstairs to like see the water Stacks that was
crazy too and like and you hear like the water reservoir like trickle down these
water Stacks or these steam Stacks it sounds like a waterfall yeah same super
cool super cool but I I have to say this and I know I said this to you before but
I gotta say those people who worked there looked miserable they looked so sad
what time is it right now no when we went there what time was it oh like three or four I think they're about to
end or shift don't you I don't give a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] they looked miserable no matter what time of the day I think they're chilling dude I know
they just stop it stop it those people there was what can you even do there
besides be there hey honestly they were just Witnesses that's what they were
hired witnesses to make sure that the machine runs properly right I feel like things hit the fan a lot for sure for
sure and they were also they were also responsible for the cleaning of water
and they were also responsible for I don't know I don't think they were responsible for sewage I think they were
only so they can run it through their system
again yeah yeah yeah but then they were talking about how nasty their reservoirs were and how like they had to clean the
bottom of the reservoirs and that it's all filled with up filled up with a Gunk and [ __ ] like that so that's cold water
balloons yeah that was fascinating why were they talking about that
oh we're the teacher the teacher that organized that
um that tour asked the question in the headquarters room I don't know yeah I
remember that in the operations room yeah and it was just like shin on it I shined on the water to the people yeah
to the people who are responsible for it which is they're not responsible for uh uc's water really yeah are you sure
okay it'd be that's a city uh okay okay okay
yeah definitely be the city's responsibility okay like the Cincinnati
Waterworks yeah yeah yeah I think that's what it is Cincinnati Water Works I've seen their place hopefully that's the
right place I'm thinking of what's the next tour what were you talking about before the podcast they're planning on
going to a coal Refinery I believe like
one of the big there's a big plant I don't even know where it is it's piyoko it's beautiful coal they take the coal
it's just carbon water just comes out the top it's amazing that's my trump
man I wish I could explain the spare words I want to say it's a challenge but it's not on Wheels so it's like a
conveyor that's the way to say it I have a conveyor that goes like Miles and Miles through Ohio like from Kentucky
mm-hmm over the river into like Sharonville
like above Sharonville okay which is incredibly long then there's like roads that you can go through and you'll see
like a little Bridge of and just be like cool in these conveyors going to this
plant okay and then they take that coal and they just turn into electricity but there's a lot of different stuff so
you're telling me we're gonna drive to Sharonville if I'm if I'm welcome yeah 45 minute drive let's [ __ ] go damn
and so question is your teacher actually going
to orchestrate that yeah it's already been orchestrated when is it I don't know that's a problem I need to figure out like if I can go homie come on if
you go please I said it's like pretty uh because last it's pretty damning that's
what you said like it's a it's not somewhere you want to be it's like let's teach you a lesson that's like not waste
your electricity when you see like how it's actually made that's awesome yeah and can I say the last tour that we went
to to that power facility I I want to shake your teacher's hand because I
didn't shake it oh no and I didn't shake his hand and I wasn't like you know even when we left that tour it was like a
real awkward goodbye too and I want to make like I don't know what a patch up that relationship do you like my teacher
like that no he your teacher's fascinating because he's
a weird guy he's a funny guy but um there's a there's a coupon right what
what's a good Cube term for this he's a little bit of a man child no he's a little quirky a little quirky
he's a little old he's just I he's fascinating but I want to say that um
yeah dude that that would be so cool to go to a coma what are you saying coal
Refinery yeah or is it basically no it wouldn't even be a core refiner because that's where they like clean up the coal
right yeah yeah yeah a cool Power Plant I guess cool yeah I
guess that's what has to be called that'd be so [ __ ] cool to go to dang there's uh a nuclear plant I believe
that oh it was going to be a nuclear plant but it's not nuclear plant isn't
that right right off the Ohio River okay you know what I'm talking about I don't actually it's like the Miami power
plant I I don't know if it's nuclear or coal but I want to check out a nuclear power plant you know how cool that would
be fun that would be so [ __ ] cool I'm pretty sure it's a cool power plant but yeah nuclear would be dope nuclear would
be so dope because sketchy oh dude can I just say that we're we're at the time in
history where we can check out both of them at the same time
like in 30 years it's not going to be there's no there's no coal yeah yeah or
it's crazy to think about right we're at the we're really at the last time where Cole's gonna be like prevalent and like
so much energy and solar it's insane like there's so much potential
solar panels have a finite life and then you have to bury those
[ __ ] because you you can't reuse the materials and they also aren't
really eco-friendly let's let's talk about that solar panels are not
efficient and they are not eco-friendly they literally you can't reuse any materials they're getting there though
and it's just like so nuclear really seems like the only answer at this current moment and like which nuclear so
scary because you know like we just talked about before Chernobyl you know the scary ones what's what was
the uh Japan won that um Nagasaki yeah no no I'm not talking okay
um no I'm talking about the nuclear power plant that um that it you know had a meltdown
because of a because of a tsunami did they safely turn that one off or no
no oh yeah no no no those that land is unused for you know it's not going to be used for hundreds of thousands of years
because of it yeah crazy it's unfortunate real unfortunate yeah I bet it looked really pretty in
the next hundred thousand years cool I was reading a thing about chernobyl's
um dogs oh yeah I read that too I didn't read it I saw the video on it actually yeah which was real fascinating that
like they have like a thriving animal system yeah which you know we don't really understand how
they survive or work like in that kind of environment but yeah yeah they're
saying something like it was people's you know pet dogs that they had to leave behind and they like made it with each
other and then you know Darwin what you call darwinized out Darwin awarded it but that's the thing well that's a
that's kind of the that's the gruesome thing they don't talk about is that um when Chernobyl had that meltdown they
ordered every animal to be killed in a radius every single animal every
livestock every pet everything kill it and euthanize it so like
yeah it's fascinating that there are animals still there that's crazy so they just you know they didn't get every one
of them that's crazy yeah yeah that's sketchy I get what they're trying
to do they're trying to stop that then the bad mutations from spreading honestly like it's not uh it sounds
rough it's you see what I did there that's a little pun it sounds rough but the thing is like I get not wanting to
contaminate the rest of the world right with bad genes which honestly that's a
great thought I like I like that they thought that one through man yeah I
should imagine being the scientist on that like how I know condemning that is I like yeah I messed up and because I
messed up all these dogs all these people had to die all this land is destroyed like a bad Omen dude the fact
that like the nuclear Cloud was going over most of Europe you know it was hitting England
I screwed it up for everyone come on right right that sucks it really does it really does
that I'ma cry I'm gonna take a minute to cry you take a minute to cry
that's racist Jesus
for God's sakes
so that plant in Ohio I see it from the restaurant yeah
I see the boats that carry coal oh yeah those barges yeah barges yeah like
professors telling us like they need five or six barges a day to like maintain the power of cold barges are
huge they're massive that's what the six you said yeah okay to keep the power in
the area that's insanity and we're still thinking
no nuclear energy is not gonna be the way um that's so crazy so um
yeah have you I feel like there's more than five or six though and I'd be looking because I can see The Borges
barges driving like driving floating driving
um yeah I don't know boating uh the river boating up the river yeah yeah yeah it
seems like a lot more than five a day really yeah what's your shift like six hours yeah
six hours they're going all day and you see like 12 I wouldn't be surprised if it was 12
like I see at least once or two an hour there's sometimes I see three of them back to back yeah consecutively in the
same space of water dude you know I've always wanted to know the physics how do those things stay afloat
there's so there's a do you think that your pocket underneath yeah you say that
[ __ ] that seems cool that's a cool idea there's an air pocket underneath like buoyancy it's a principal buoyancy like
uh-huh you know they that shape of a boat it's like I don't know and then
like in the bottom part the V yeah yeah yeah there should be like it should form
some sort of like air pocket or like maintain some pressure okay that would allow it to flow sure
it's still it's still insane that's why when the Titanic hit the iceberg that
was under the water it the stabilized the pressure in that you know part of
the ship and it you know yeah sink I'm with you so like
yeah yeah yeah yeah that's fascinating I was thinking about like why not make
cars like that because there are some times where you know people boating cars is that what
you mean no no okay people haul their TR their boats of trucks and then they back
their trucks into the water and there are boats go in the water sometimes I'm
we're stupid and we leave our kids in there and the truck is somehow still in neutral and it rolls back and then the
car gets in the water and I I think I told you a little bit about this idea before like I was thinking of an anti
sync anti-drawn device that you would like pull like mechanical handle on the
roof of the car and it'll pop open and like inflate like a Lifeboat type of mechanism and take the person up with it
okay okay oh as a passenger being inside the car yeah and when you're in the
water you open the door you press this thing and it just shoots you out with a with a preserver of some sort
interesting but uh yeah I was just thinking like why not just make cars buoyant in general you know too
expensive man yeah you know how that's like double engineering the metal is so dense in cars as well yeah you would
need like cash you would need some real [ __ ] Engineers too double dose on on
their objective you know like for one they gotta stay up on the road and for
two they gotta stay afloat man boats have issues with staying afloat and cars
have issues with staying on the roads like you're double dipping in engineering right there
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it would be cool though it would be very cool imagine having like a one of those like convertibles like the one in your
uh picture but like top down you know what I'm saying okay okay yeah yeah
[Music] just go in the water just cruising
listening to your Snoop Dogg yeah yeah God I was bumping Snoop Dogg
yesterday for sure um you know I honestly I have never had
a need for my car to be about honestly never had the need
um just from like if I was like on an ocean or if I like really like the lakes
or something maybe maybe maybe I'll pay double for both Commodities but
you know I just have no need really have no need I feel a lot you know just like
do you have you been on the boat I have yeah do you like it it's okay it's okay
right yeah it's not something I die to do again right right um Nolan and his family go have a boat
they have a pontoon boat and they go on the river and go on lakes all the time in like Cumberland and um
yeah you know I'm just I I like where my family is and I like that yeah
I don't need any of it because I've I've been on pontoon boats I've been on boats
before you know you're just sitting around drinking Under the Sun that's pretty much that's what a lot of people do yeah it's that's pretty much all you
do you know it's on a fish dude I'm trying to fish that's gonna eat what you fish that's a cool concept that's fun
right because you get a little more interactive you know and you have a task you're actually doing something and you
get to have the fruits of like oh look what fresh fish literally fresh fish
how fresh they are though I get my own food like that kind of yeah I open the
belly of the fish and just see like beer Kim TOPS oh that's okay
yeah what do you call it the aluminum little uh bottle Capper yeah I don't I
know what you're talking about I don't know what the name of caps steel caps sure sure
yeah yeah I'm learning a lot about wine [ __ ] you and [ __ ] your wine class
and when you go into the military and you're wearing your military outfit out in public I'm still gonna be like [ __ ]
you and [ __ ] your service that's crazy oh I will arrest you
[Applause] yeah you're gonna arrest me that's cool to be
like depression yeah wait you said to me I'm a new District agent you're just
disrespecting a country you see this American flag
yeah yeah true fascist good thing I'm not unlisted yet I could get in trouble for that
statement probably you know what I'm saying and that's that it's free speech what are you talking about oh I forgot I forgot freedom of speech I forgot that
existed oh yeah yeah you forgot [ __ ] Communists wow but anyways
oh gosh yeah have you ever caught anything crazy fishing you know
trying to think I've been fishing I've never caught like something ginormous have you have I seen
have you seen the photos of the fish I took I took photos of a fish in my Lake
at my home this fish I don't want to it'll take me
it'll take me a long time to find the photos but this fish was as long as my arm
and I I know that seems ridiculous I know that's like the disabled thick fish huge
just like meaty oh huge and meaty and I was and I was asking I was like who the
[ __ ] put this fish in here and I was talking to my grandfather who supplied
the fish into the lake and he was like [ __ ] yeah I spent like a thousand dollars on this beach
of course they're in there have you eaten them yet no I haven't but there's like four or
five these drawing enormous fish and the first time I looked the first time I saw
it I was like I'm not seeing this right now like I I literally thought I was delusional for a moment because I was
like this is huge I was like I was literally looking
I was like this might be an anaconda like this is ginormous and then
but like I kept looking it's got the fins it's got a little like shark fin on the top of it too that's how I noticed
it at first is the little shark fin you know the water yeah and I was like what is so like I kept getting closer and
closer and yeah I think they're just like Bottom Feeders I don't think
they're like and you know how Bottom Feeders are they are they tend to be bigger and um they tend to be a little
more like I don't know what the term I could use for but they just seem a little more
different than the typical fish oh more Sharky looking a little more Sharky
looking yeah just a little more elongated too you know but I I think the bottom yeah I think they're bottom
feeders like Meyer and bought a captain a little fish
and put them in there if they'd expand to try and reach the size if you're like you know how have you heard the analogy
of fish will grow to the size of this bowl yeah yeah um it's a good question I don't know I
think when you supply fish to a lake you gotta make sure they're sterile too so
they don't go Downstream and like there's the there's what yeah you gotta make sure they're sterile or
non-invasive too oh so like if you're getting species of fish that are
non-traditional to your area like not I don't know none I don't yeah I'm just gonna
deciduous sure they're yeah they're not indigenous to the area and then so you gotta make sure they're sterile so they
don't like it's pretty overpopulate overpopulates the biggest issue because some fish don't have predators and if
you do if you deliver an animal that doesn't have predators then it's gonna be you know are fish animals
yeah okay great I just want to make sure I didn't know if they're okay okay it's like saying
are trees plants I mean yeah and you're
right I guess but like wait I'm out right animals or are they fish I
know right right I don't know man because birds are animals right
yeah yeah but yeah if birds so what make something
so a bird and a fish can yeah that's the animal cells they have animal cells yes
that's what it breaks down to right do you have a circle seller do you have a
square cell for sure yeah or do you have the non-human biologics cells okay or
are you a single cell organism but that's still an animal too boom crazy no it's a bacteria it's
bacteria are they really I mean why wouldn't it be I don't know are you saying that sponges
are not animals and they're bacteria I think sponges are animals there's the
bacteria cell there's the animal cell and then there's the plant cell right okay
those are the three that's cool all right I'm not biologist yeah I'm just
someone that wants to be a chemist yeah did you actually give your resume to moderna I did for sure I said I said to
her please let me give you my resume I'd love to give you my resume here take
it yeah I want to be on someone's desk I've been doing it at least once why why
do you want to work for a [ __ ] big Pharmacy why would I want to work for a big Pharmacy yeah why do you want to be
a number let me ask that question why do I want to be a number numbers get paid good numbers yeah yeah yeah yeah all
right it's all about attracting paralyzing wait [ __ ] how can you say this it's all about the wall of
Attraction oh I'm saying like if you were a number you'll be attracted by numbers okay you know what I'm saying
yeah yeah yeah so you just want to get lost in the sea of of employees right you know if you're a loaf of bread you
get attracted to bread yeah yeah
that's funny absolutely I hope it you know I had the best for you I'm gonna go the exact opposite way
um [ __ ] the corporation [ __ ] resumes thinking about pressing Tommy thinking
about starting my business as a businessman you know what I'm gonna
do tell me what do you want to do is it I'm going to make one product some fireworks okay pretty
cool like fireworks fireworks like have my own fireworks box and I'm gonna sell it to
like TNT stores you know what I'm saying yeah yeah firework pop-ups legally of
course okay what would be your um
contribution and then well I'm trying to think of what would be your innovation yeah I do need an innovation you need an
innovation you need a Cutting Edge you need to be different than the other competitors out there so how do you make
yourself different I was thinking about having a loud firework
like uh hmm oh there's a way I explained this to
myself earlier I was thinking about it like some things
are allowed but some things are larger that you
wouldn't expect to be loud like a fire dang how would I explain this so you're
talking about a boom right you're talking so like noise would be your factor of
interesting so there's many ways to do that there's many ways to like I guess
compound the sound right um I so you're it seems like you're kind
of go on the more of like the homemade firework kind of like right are you talking about the homie
fireworks are you talking about the fireworks that are more industrial that are like put on during Memorial Day and
Labor Day are you talking about like City industrial fireworks are you talking about more homemade not homemade
but you know like homemade I see what you're saying like more there's two different markets for fireworks yeah there's two markets and that's it it's
like the people at home that want to launch it and yeah spare time and then it's like the pyrotechnics that have
that host like the big you know like football games and stuff the high road Technics it's not a cool title that's a
[ __ ] badass name and that's such a badass job by the way dude what a badass
job so the way I was thinking about it is like uh
some fireworks you know they'll go like [Music] they make a little sound
then they go boom so what if you could have like your own firework sound you know what I'm saying like and it could be louder like a more like a screeching
like right right cheering the eagle have you ever when was the last time you
went to a like a real industrial fireworks show I see him all the time at the restaurant but I hear him I see them
interesting so you work on the river and you see the rad Stadium fireworks
yeah yeah and they do very great fireworks every Friday right every
Friday night yeah that's pretty good and but the thing is with those
fireworks I'm they're very traditional right super traditional like shapes nothing crazy yeah yeah that's crazy but
like they have the ability to do like spots like smiley faces and basic shapes
like I remember I don't know about 10 years ago I saw a American flag that's crazy yeah and it was like very well
done like you saw the stripes you saw the stars and like it fades in by like
you know a second and a half but it's still cool you know for the moment and you know I think that would be a
good Innovation to be able to have like the shapes but I bet that's the hardest thing to do is shapes you know it's
harder than shapes what letters still can't be done really yeah
there's no like fireworks show where they're like spelling things out yeah I think you could do it but it'd be like
you literally would have to send out like man could you really do it no because you'd have to position it like
there's sometimes like the smiley faces that you just said where they'll launch that and then it'll like pop sideways
yeah so or upside down yeah so either be upside down or there should be like a straight line and you won't even be able
to tell us a smiley face so if you're shooting up like 10 shots and then they all pop
and like some of them are sideways some of them are upside down that's really hard to control
plus the um I I think there's something ingrained in us that we like like the Drone shows
right drone shows just don't really give us the same kind of juice or
satisfaction as fireworks do I feel like as humans we really like the explosion
that's where it started yeah you know how it started how far I've started
I would assume gunpowder right that's China right it was in China bamboo if
you take bamboo and you throw it into a fire uh the I think it's carbon dioxide
builds up inside the bamboo in the middle of it and then explodes and goes
wow that's pretty crazy that's fun that's a dangerous situation and a bamboo forest right yeah and a fire spot
on yeah yeah that would be wild not somewhere I would want to be
personally but then from then out they put gunpowder in it like black powder Plum powder in the bamboo yeah I mean
even bigger boom and that's like and it just kept evolving from there yeah where
we are now um what was the last was it Labor Day or Memorial Day what was last Labor Day
yeah Labor Day so uh since the eighth there's on this uh fireworks show on Labor Day
and it was a [ __ ] 30 minute firework shows like the longest fireworks show
I've ever been to was it by the river yeah of course I was there for that one too at the restaurant I saw it from up
above dude so we were sitting down uh at Newport in the Levee okay and you know
and the grungiest spot because everyone around us were just
kind of trashy a little trashy a song when I was driving by yeah [Music]
and um it's and we were you know we were I mean me and Nolan and his girlfriend
were on the river and we were watching the uh fireworks and dude just something about it just I
think the satisfaction of the boom like we really those ones were crazy and they
hit you in your chest like I saw I saw children I saw babies losing their
ability to hear because their bad parents brought them to go see the fireworks and it's like you you really
lose your ability to hear from just the Boom boom and over like for literally 30
minutes over and over and over and I think that's what like there's the sight of fireworks but then there's also the
sound that we really get satisfied from uh the um
it's like fireworks yeah like they pop in the air when I was at marble at in
the skyscraper in the bat cave whatever you know the hero Tower whatever whatever mine what are you talking about
right now when I was at the restaurant the smoke from the fireworks literally
like was hidden the glass it's pretty crazy like that was interesting really
yeah I thought that was interesting I did like I don't know
yeah whatever sulfur right it was being carried through the air that was
interesting and I always thought of that I always find it weird that they were like yeah you know the byproducts of
fireworks she gives a [ __ ] it's just ashes we can spread that through dry grass who cares there's also uh the
shrapnel that's a thing like so fireworks like that like those big ones are kept in shells and it's like just
like a paper mache type of material and they like get like tape and they tape it
together okay and then it launches all the explosive stuff you know in centigrates in the sky and then like the
pieces of paper and tape and cardboard you know fall down and they have like a
blast zone where they have to make sure no pedestrians are there or they're going to get hit by a you know a piece
of firework yeah yeah yeah that was crazy that is real fun that's real fun
that'd be a fun job though that'd be yeah for sure do right underneath it yeah I wouldn't want to be the guy who
loads all the shelves [Music]
yeah no it's done electronically nowadays the
launches yeah yeah yeah you don't when it wasn't though that's even worse like
blow your arm off right right I remember a couple years ago one of my family
parties had some fireworks and one of the fireworks were turned the wrong way
and it went right for my car and I was like dude
like the person who was lighting the firework like was running after he left
me because he knew it was not kosher
because he had one of those little torch lighters and so he lit it and he was literally [ __ ] eat like solid and as
it like started leaning over and fell away he just like [ __ ] bolted
I've never seen that [ __ ] out of breath more than that today
prayed for my car hit my glass and then went up and blew up
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