#18 - History Channel After 9 | Kyle & Preston | Oruga Studios | The Oruga Podcast

#18 - History Channel After 9 | Kyle & Preston

[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they
look busy right have you watched the History Channel
after like 9 00 p.m and it's just like aliens yeah Nazis and dude the Cold War
in Antarctica how there's bomb shelters and animals oh yeah and there's a hole in the bottom like no there's actually
you go to the pools of the earth and no I'm serious do you believe in Hollywood
Theory and there's a giant hole it's a gaping hole and you go in this hole and
what's actually down there and what's what's actually inside the Earth or
dinosaurs yes and other more advanced humans more advanced aliens but these
guys are the ones responsible for genetically engineering the first humans right in sub-Saharan Africa around 200
thousand years ago so think about us like Barnacles on the bottom of a ship you know we just are this like gross
gross Moss that just that just grows on outside of the ship but on inside the
ship there's more advanced beings and when I refer to this ship I mean Earth
so yeah yeah [Music]
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[Music] how you doing Kyle it's good to see you
man it's good to see you it's good to see you too it's great to be here the smile on your face when you talk about
your girl is great it's great you're all goody just right off the bat yeah just
go in with it for sure I mean you know what [ __ ] it okay okay
I I smile I think everyone should smile when they think about their significant other I think it's a I think it's always
a really it's a really good thing when you just like you think about them and
you've just feel exactly what you felt the first time you met them sure I think
sure and that means that you had a good at first experience when you met her yes I did okay okay it was it was
interesting because we didn't we eased into meeting each other because we were around each other a lot for drum
corp because we met we marched to we marched together in a DCI core called the cadets okay and I'm
in the I was in the drum line she was in the color guard classic yeah yeah yeah okay what's the color guard was I mean
so the color guard is a section it's a visual performance uh as opposed to the
musical performance that the band does sure Color Guard like spins flags and
they toss rifles they toss they toss everything and toss and they spin
um phallic symbols yeah basically but they tossed either a drag or a
rifle or a saber okay or they'll dance okay cool and
it's they do a lot of very intricate sort of stuff not I don't really
understand most of it I'm not gonna lie okay um she'll explain a little bit of like a
choreography she'll explain some choreography she'll drop like words and she'll drop terms that I don't quite
understand what they mean yeah yeah yeah of course and I'll just have to be sitting there like
yep I know I know what this means and she'll explain it and I'll just
it's just so much to memorize I mean it's a lot that a normal performer has
to spend years to master the art like for themselves and so
it makes it difficult to just kind of catch on to everything when you're simply next to it and not too committed
to actually being great at it yourself because it's it's one thing to watch
something but it's another thing to do it yeah constantly and know what all the
little intricate moves and yeah you can tell by somebody if somebody can
speak about it well they've done it for a long time like that they call that like expert language when you start when
they start speaking you're like this is a foreign language I know you're speaking the same language but you're using terms that are like so beyond my
expertise it's like crazy right yeah and you know there's like a whole Web of
Knowledge right about that that you're just you have no access to it's uh I think I like um a great
example or like a metaphor is like you painting this one spot over and over
until the paint starts to Mound up and turn into a mountain and you're like
you're just adding a layer of paint every single day and like eventually over years you get this huge thing
that's just like compounded and you have so much like wealth of knowledge because you've done it every day and uh yeah
about that and so sorry but it's okay the cat is looking adorable
yeah she's always sweet and she's always just so clueless of what's going on around her she's loafed up right now
have you ever seen like those funny cat videos like the real short ones and they
all I feel like there's there's like grown to be communities okay multiple of
them um and I was just scrolling through my Instagram reels and I think it has
decided to feed me into one of these communities because it's nothing but just cats looking like this yeah with their
paws tucked underneath yeah yeah so it's great to see when cats are doing that
little talk but they're laying on glass tables and then they'll take photos
so you get the paws just like stuck an old window here and they're just so
fluffy and it's adorable yeah I have a soft spot for cats but they are kind of
some of them can be mean and she's not one of them thank god oh no that is yes
she's amazing she's um if I had a mean cat it would be a tough it would be a
tough relationship but I'm going to check I'm sorry I'm checking on this no worries man we're ordering well actually
not we um Kyle is ordering some Papa John's right yes I've got a pizza coming she
[Music] [Applause] um that brings me on the topic of
dude I I saw a friend today and this friend is a white guy and he has
no affiliation with anything gangster at all but he always throws
gang signs when I see him and I'm like dude what are you doing we're in public right now shit's sewn like I literally excited to
it every time that shit's so embarrassing stop throwing gang signs you saw in a rap video like what are we
doing right now do you just wants you to commit to the bid he wants you to like dab him up he's like hey let's go like
that shit's so good to see you douchey
yeah yeah I need this Papa track ma'am yeah whenever you have a pizza order
coming on the way do you ever just like sit there and just watch it and just watch it drive to you especially with
doordash occasionally I'll do some doordash and I'll watch the person go to
other restaurants as they're picking up other orders and going to other people's houses and then the Rage or just the
like what the [ __ ] are you doing you have my food you're letting it get cold so you can get other people's food how
dare you and um yeah it's so addicting that's so interesting I think the whole
thing that I can see where my Del where my deliverer is
like where the person is driving that seems like such a problematic thing why should I a person who just paid for food
get to watch where someone is now like that's so weird like that's like that's what you get to watch where your food is
going that's so great it's do you get to watch where your foods go that's so stupid like you get to watch your hot
dogs would you want to be a deliverer though and have [ __ ] like us
watching where you're going though like you know I mean it just feels so weird okay are you actually I do that okay how
do you feel about it I don't care you don't care I'm on the job I know I'm coming but it's your phone that's
tracking you though right well the well the tracking so
I don't actually know this is a secret that I've never been made privy to to be
honest okay because how they track you I think it is in the car toppers
but they look so old like you're gonna put a tracking device
in the car the [ __ ] GPS tracking device that connects to a [ __ ] satellite miles in the sky that's so
crazy and they're using it to track a pizza right a circle of bread with
tomato paste and trees on it the American special I put my heart in my
blood my sweat my tears to this day man [Applause] [Music]
history we in the record books thank you
[Music] the aruga podcast has United with the
Galactic Federation with worldly symbols and alien logos we celebrate our galaxy
with new merch hope you love it and Godspeed
[Music] the American special yeah yeah and we call it Italian food but it's not it is
kinda actually or it was Pizza is it more Greek well I mean
there's the concept of taking bread and putting stuff on it is really old there's very
fuzzy lines as to what you could count as Pizza so it makes it really kind of difficult
but in Rome pizza was like or a thing that was like
pizza okay was like crap like flatbread with some
vegetables over top of it yeah it's smeared bull crap was just like poor people food
it was like okay just what poor people would have to eat that's all they could that's like is
it's like the scraps right basically it was just so cheap and easy I mean they
had so many other options too for cheap and easy food but it was it was never really um considered a
luxurious food item not not that it is now but it's definitely not it doesn't
even matter yeah but like if I could think of some of the best
food it's usually gonna be Pizza first something of the some kind of food like
that right have you have you had um like other cities Pizza like have you
had like New York style pizza or like when you've gone to New York or have you gone to Chicago and like had their deep
dish so I've never been to New York or Chicago
um actually that's a lie about New York but I have not been to New York
with money and autonomy I went when I was in elementary school I was in the
third grade I went for the summer because my dad had a business trip and my mom was
I think she was in Washington DC and my dad was having a business trip in New
York okay so we went with my dad to New York and my dad got one of his co-workers
daughters who was a caregiver to basically babysit us for three days I
don't know how they managed to work that Arrangement out okay but she was probably compensated very well
um but we would we went to like the Intrepid Museum and we walked that was
the most walking that nine-year-old me had ever done okay I have out like we
walked 10 blocks and to the Intrepid Museum from the hotel
um and the Intrepid Museum is I feel like I'm going on a tangent here with my trip to New York but the
I I'm a big fan of like aircraft carriers and just aircraft and
like Aeronautics and just Air and Space technology Shenanigans and just that
whole kind of industry and
seeing an aircraft carrier and being up close to one was really cool but we didn't really do much
Pizza venturing when I was there okay so wait I'm
never been to New York yet either but when I go there I don't think Pizza is going to be my staple food that I'm
gonna you know go and eat because there's so many cultures there there's so many like little like
going to Chinatown would be cool like the Italian food in New York's supposed to be pretty good too and like they're I
remember there was a thing um when the fires were happening up in
Canada they somehow sneaked a law in New York that um they have to reduce
emissions um so they forced business owners who have wood stoves like wood brick stoves
for pizza joints to reduce their sales so those pizza joints wouldn't produce
so much emissions and smoking and smoking to the air which is ridiculous
but it's so ridiculous oh that's so crazy because it's like the fires
weren't like the emission I'm sure New York has a high emissions rate of course because there's so many cars and just
[ __ ] but like that's so crazy that they had to reduce the sales of pizza
joints because of the fire or the smell smoke that's produced from like wood
stoves like what the [ __ ] did wood stoves that's crazy right like that's so
naughty so um but yeah I can't wait to go to New
York I have a um I have a body that like shits on New York because he went once and he was
like [ __ ] that place I hate it I'm going to live in the [ __ ] middle of nowhere
like cornfields because that shit's put like yeah but I mean urban environments are loud they're stressful they're
cramped they're stinky they can get hot in the Summers
but there's but there's so much good food there's beautiful
museums there's comedy clubs everywhere Pro so are you are you Pro Urban yeah
life oh yeah 100 I think I'll probably have a a pure split uh probably like in
my youth I'll probably like love to go like live in cities and all that but like once I like settle down have a
family I'll probably want to live on the outskirts of a nice city
but that's me at you know 22 who knows I'll change my opinions eventually I'm
sure but yeah I want to live in New York at least once or Chicago or Chicago Chicago yeah um I think it would be
I've personally never been one to want to live in a city because you pay for
way more than you need to don't exist sure it's a simple existence costs more
um which I mean if I'm if I'm like really rich it's not going to be a problem sure
but then there's the problem of getting really rich to deal with that that's true
but then there's also but you get to walk everywhere dude oh to walk
everywhere so badass I know but um but like
you don't have to get in your little modular car and be separated from everybody you like the things I love
about living where I live now is that I have to pass crackheads on the side of the street that passed out on benches
and that's fun like you get like a little spectacle every time you walk somewhere and that shit's I don't know I
find that to like have a silver lining you get to be like part of like the ecosystem you get to see everybody in
their hustle and bustle like when you're in your car driving to the city you need to go to you're having the wrestling
bustle you're in your car you're focused on getting to your destination but like when you're walking around you can like
check your heart rate like simple [ __ ] no that is that that does seem really nice the there comes with the caveat of
you pay more to live and mm-hmm
having a lot of other people around you can be inconvenient sometimes it's true that's true living
in an apartment as a musician can be inconvenient okay so urban areas are
difficult to live in um
once I get an electric drum set um and then that changes everything that
changes everything because then I don't have to live in a house I've always been on the
like residence Market to look for a house to get like me three other people
and just split up a house okay like me and
three other roommates that's that's your renting plan I'm assuming that that's my renting plan yeah and
um what we would do is we would basically turn that house into a big hub for everything yeah so like right if
if per se it was me and like a bunch of buddies
and we were in a band we would use that we would turn that house into a studio
and that was your dream for a minute yeah that was the dream for a bit but then we lost
uh but then you gotta live with those people
whatever whatever you don't really okay no I've done okay we lived with each
other in Drum Corps it's fine okay okay and that's totally fair that just teaches you how to
the teacher is going to sleep in a gym floor full of like 150 people around you
and just being able to tune them out just go to bed is like it's fine okay
um there was one um this was about three or four years ago but I was like searching for a house to live in and um
I found this house I was like a thousand dollars a month and I got in the head of it was either four or five bedrooms and
I got four other people to live in that house and to pay for it so we're about to split 200 or 250 a month for living
in a house in a house bro that's the Dream It's the and it was the house was
raid by the river too and there was a park right in front of the house and like beautiful neighborhood and like the
house was a little shitty so that's why it was a thousand a month but like man it like I still dream about like you
still I still dream about that situation try to do that oh because like because I
that ass I had Ben wants to get a studio in
either Atlanta or like La yeah and
um I would really want to get in on that to get all together Studio because that
helps me immensely with everything that I want to do for my career too right and
being able to like partner up and like split the cost to the studio and
share it for each of our career purposes would be like a a really good move yeah for us for sure
and um [Music] well basically the the what I'm trying
to say is if that's what's interesting how like you have to go to Atlanta or La
for a good pool of people creatively well if you want to like Network around
them in person without flying it's kind of annoying is there's like no real
who's asking right who's in Cincinnati dude like barely anybody like it yeah
I don't know at least with the like at least with the music industry the music industry is like not non-existent
you would have to go to Nashville to have at least some representation of like the music industry
but yeah I'm sorry I cut you off like I I don't even remember what I was saying would you want to get a house with Ben
is that the plan that was what I was kind of getting at however
um I still think we would need more people just split it up and be
more cost effective than an apartment well good luck godspeed man godspeed
um yeah that's interesting I
um I don't even know if I should talk about this but I guess I I'm talking to like a little like uh like a
low nonchalant rapper right now and I'm trying and um I'm trying to make music
covers for him so like and he's from Atlanta and like the thing is like
texting about like business stuff like that like is horrible and I just like
one of the column or like meet up with them but he's in Atlanta and
um yeah yeah that is where the music industry is I know I know
I um I don't know when but I've been trying
to get out of Cincinnati and Ohio eventually however I
still have a couple more years that I'm able to do this Drumline that I'm in it's in the area that I've basically
made my home for the last five years yeah I like the time check
you know five years five years yeah yeah I'm just I'm manifesting that Rolex
right there yeah no Rolexes are for our um
no no not for Kyle you're not a you're not a watch guy oh but when I get the
money you never know man oh you never know what Connie tempted I'll be so
tempted to get like I'll just be so tempted to splurge all over
um I think my car would be the first thing I'd start thinking about splurging like
it I know that's cars are just Bottomless Pits of non
investment you'll never get your bang for your buck when you put money into your car but the thing is man just to
have like nice rims in your legs it uh like I
gotta I have a Jeep Wrangler and like man it'd be so cool to have like cool bumpers and just cool rims and just like
[ __ ] though we just took out the cloth seats we're putting Gator leather in here not the gator leather [ __ ] off with
big Gator left I'll have a white leather I'm gonna be driving my [ __ ] Rinky
Dink shagging wagon yeah yeah yeah I mean it's a Mercedes [ __ ] it I'm driving to Benz yeah you're driving a Nazi car
how do you feel about that um I'm feeling pretty pretty fascist about that it's how dare you man how
dare sorry it's just it's you know probably a crazy fact on you because this like boggles my mind yes NASA after
World War II NASA hired and um the Hat
NASA hired a Nazi to be head of NASA after World War II wow that's crazy they
what's even crazier is that like that's what that's to the Moon
ballistics but uh missiles they were the best at missiles and just like in
rocketry I mean like that was their they were like they were the first ones to have a rocket
um like successfully go to England and bomb of London's like I that's horrible
I I don't have you watched the History Channel after like 9 00 p.m and it's
just like aliens Nazis and dude the Cold War and
Antarctica how there's bomb shelters on animals oh yeah and there's a hole in the bottom like no there's actually you
go to the poles of the earth and no I'm serious do you believe in Hollywood Theory and there was a giant hole it's a
gaping hole and you go in this hole and what's actually down there and what's it's actually inside the Earth or
dinosaurs yeah and other more advanced humans more advanced aliens but these
guys are the ones responsible for genetically engineering the first humans right in sub-Saharan Africa around 200
thousand years ago so think about us like Barnacles on the bottom of a ship you know we just are this like gross
gross Moss that just that just grows on outside of the ship but on inside the
ship there's more advanced beings and when I refer to this ship I mean Earth
so yeah yeah
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[Music] um gosh I went down a rabbit hole of
Antarctica crap of like all the conspiracies that go with Antarctica and
how the US military has huge bases that um serve as secondary governments if
nuclear war goes down and how the Pentagon has basically a support system
when nuclear war does happen and then like yeah dude how there's like [ __ ]
sound rays that destroy I don't know there's like so there's so much deep
conspiracy on YouTube about Antarctica like I I think I consumed an unhealthy
amount of it it's so crazy did you did have you ever seen the the laser gun that the military
has like the I've seen it's like a microwave gun that's basically what it
is it's but was it the one that's on the boat yeah yeah the one that's from like
space no this is on so the US military released YouTube videos on their
official YouTube channel it's so funny and they were talking about how in 2010
they made this laser gun that could shoot at the speed of light let's just absorb that for a second it
shoots at the [ __ ] speed of light it's what's it shooting at the speed of light
I what they say is I from my understanding is microwaves okay so it's
so it's shooting light at the speed of light I I think it's like a almost like a heat
form of combustion that it that it shoots so like they were doing tests of
like a boat that was like miles away from the battleship and they aimed at
the at that ship and then they shot at the speed of light and it's just like you see these metal rods that have no
ability to combust you know I mean there's just like no ability for these metal rods because they have no gasoline
on them they have no nothing but then they just explode uh and because they show in the camera of the boat
and they just explodes and you're like what the [ __ ] just happened like and um
yeah that was their video which was really interesting it was like a 30 or 40 second like nonchalant thing where
it's like these weapons will be equipped to most battleships because this is good anti
um anti-nuke deterrence anti-nuke deterrents well it sounds like
just like what being able to weaponize light
that like [Music]
so nothing can go faster than light nothing can go the speed of light
I'm nerding out for a minute because light is massless the photon has no Mass
right which is and when you when you go into like the
foundations of physics you're completely correct there's nothing faster than light we're actually we're in an
expanding Universe right now and the universe only expands to how fast light
is so it's it's that is some existential level
like understanding like yes the universe is expanding what's even crazy is like
it's not so much that the universe itself is like a physical object that's getting bigger
whereas everything inside of it is getting equally further apart from the
things around it and it's almost like if you were to like put
everything like on a campus and then you were just to magically shrink
the footprint of everything you've just made the canvas between the things grow
okay relative to whatever's in it have you ever looked up
the shapes of the uni the universe or the theories of what the shapes are it's
so crazy how many ideas there are and how the universe is shaped and it's like
there's there's lots of four-dimensional shape okay have you seen that have you
have you ever seen a tesseract yeah that's a [ __ ] one man so Jesus that's
a [ __ ] one because you can talk can I before we go into the Tesseract
thing I so I want to go into this idea that um the way we understand
intelligence the way like let's say if I wanted to quantify your intelligence uh-huh I would put a piece of paper a 2d
thing and I would test you but me and you live life in a 3D World so how could
you test me on a 2d paper and you know I mean so like the fact that you lose
when you say test what do you mean like traditional just
like um a question and then you have four options for the answer and then after
your let's say 10 questions I'll quantify how you did on that test right
uh-huh okay but then that's a 2d representation of what your intelligence is but we live in a 3D World well we
live in a what what are you gonna be like we live in a 40 world we live in an 80 World bro there's
[ __ ] 27 Dimensions what are we talking about well you see I I I'm starting to think that people are using
the word Dimension just to describe different things okay um whereas like
the dimensions of space like the spatial Dimensions like uh length width height
and time those described like the entire universe and everything in it
okay throughout all four of those Dimensions describes the single object that is all
of existence are you saying that the fourth dimension is time yeah and it's a spatial
dimension interesting and whereas like Ah that's
actually sick like a good a good thought of like me trying to represent this would be in the um Interstellar movie at
the end when he's like going through the idea of going through time but it's
in the spatial representation yeah that was a bit more of a cinematic kind of
yeah yeah I'm with y'all it's it's more
conceptual because we can't actually perceive that because we are
three-dimensional creatures living in a four-dimensional reality right so we
can't really that's why there's so many things about our universe that confuse us is because it's not under oblique any
obligation to make sense to us so there's just things that are unfathomable that just exist and there's
nothing we can do about it we can jot down our little numbers and write our little Community like write a little
equations pull in our little telescopes at anywhere and but the like our brain
is just too small to understand it all yeah yeah that's why we need AI we just need that big brain we just needed to
anything that's going to be able to exist and think within the
universe is not going to be able to fully understand it the full Universe
yeah because it itself is a part of it okay nothing that's able to think because like our brains are the universe
they're made of the parts of the universe the energy that goes through
them itself is a part of the universe and we are therefore all parts of it
um which means anything that we're able to understand and think about is going to have to like our brain has
to be complicated enough to be that intelligent to understand it and you run
into like a spiral where in order like
your brain's got to be this complicated to understand this thing but in order to
understand this thing it's got to be that complicated and in order for it to understand
it's in order for something to understand itself it has to be more complicated than itself okay and that's
okay and that's that's basically the premise of girdle's
theorem which is that anything that is inside the universe can't really
fully comprehend its own nature it's pretty badass I gotta I gotta be
honest like to be one of those great minds to just like be able to look at the big picture like I was uh have you
ever researched the Drake equation I have not the Drake equation goes over the idea of how much alien life would be
in the universe and then they go over the foundation of like okay what causes life how many planets are in a solar
system how many how many stars are in the galaxy how many galaxies are there
and how many races of life would be able to reach this point where they can enter
like they can travel through space and travel to distant stars and it's just this
compilation of like how much intelligent life would be out there that travels the stars and
it's just like to be able to have that big picture is phenomenal I mean that's
that's so cool I mean that's really so badass just to be like you know what I mean to be like because the to be able
to like you can't talk about this with the person that you're walking down the street and you're like you know I mean like they'll just look at you like
you're crazy right right they'll look at you like dude I gotta pay my taxes like tomorrow what are you talking to me
about the the universe the galaxies dude I I live in you know I live in this
country I live in this state there's a football game on on Saturday what are you talking to me about this you know
these aliens out there like nobody gives a [ __ ] and it's so fascinating like the
um this is so far from the normal conversations that go on you know like
hey have you like do you have those friends where you like you start talking to them you're like [ __ ] we're in these boring conversations
about you know you know they're like I gotta do my laundry today oh I gotta you
know yeah I gotta go comprehend the universe
and we're all a part of the universe man if you think about it where does your body stop into the
universe begins what is you are you your arm
um or are you not your arm I my favorite thing is what were you
before you were born what's that deep down feeling you have before you were born well
the universe itself is a single object big okay
four-dimensional object there's the past there's the Futures the
beginning there's the end it's not linear that's not actually the
end and that's not the beginning it's just a big old thing so you believe in string theory that the Universe starts
and stops continuously well it's not that it starts and stops continuously it's that time is a dimension of the
universe and the universe is a single concept the single concept of everything
or if there's not a beginning there's not an end there's just
nothing past that point and there's just nothing past this point okay okay and
it's kind of like either side of it can look whatever way that it wants the point is
um to talk about this with your first date
I have talked about this with Rachel yes yeah oh Rachel yeah yeah that's her name
yeah yeah um I have talked about this with her we we have gone down a number of existential rabbit holes okay that
normal normal people don't talk about right because that's not what normal people talk about it's not no it's not
it's really not no it's not yeah it's it's crazy to me how much people don't talk about like those crazy Concepts
because you bore me to death if you want to talk about everyday [ __ ] you know but
like the real questions at life like what are you what are you what are you what is this
life is your Consciousness a physical object or is it a separate dimension of space in which your soul resides
yeah because like you look around you and all you actually see is the images
that your brain has rendered from
just seeing but it looks like you're just in a like you're in the world and
obviously you're in the world and you're like I'm at this table I am at this table right but when I I feel this table
this table feels hard this this exists in my mind but you know how
um um do you know how like there's like uh these atoms technically all have space
in between them and then like but then all so do my my hands have atoms with
all space in between them too so how does my hand not just go right through this table but I feel it as like a hard
surface there I think there is a magnetic reason to that
because I'm mass and this is mass because I yes I think so something something like that there is a
reason and I don't know it entirely yeah yeah yeah we're gonna trade headphones just for fun
just so you get the experience yeah yeah yeah eventually I'm gonna have a mic that's like upon
um like those big old arms so that doesn't pick up any audio of this stuff yeah yeah
yeah well this this is uh this is me patting the table to feel the atoms
lining up perfectly yeah yeah yeah yeah try that try that at home just like
feel the atoms on the table so how long did it take until you
started bringing those conversations up with Rachel uh immediately or did you like ease it they were really early
because I wanted to like see what she was about I didn't want to be I didn't want to end up where I like meet someone
and I gender relationship with them and then I find out something about them
that I just like didn't notice like okay oh I can't talk
to this person about this subject right that's really annoying because I love it
so much and I made sure to not have that I made sure
to talk about all of my special interests this goes for like I mean special interests
are something that you should always bring up with someone that you want to spend a lot to spend a lot of time with
like what are you interested in because these are going to be the things that I'm going to talk about these are the
end of time but I'm going to care about for the rest of my life and if you're not able to meet me on that and also
care about the things that I care about we're gonna have a lot of uncomfortable conversations yeah or at least if you
don't care to know what they are like I don't know everything there is to know
about Color Guard because that is I
that's a rabbit hole that I'll have to take a lot of time to learn and I'm also not fluent in Sign Language my
girlfriend is fluent in sign language that's awesome ASL um
and David throw some fun ones at her like [ __ ] or uh oh man I used to
know so I used to miss all the bad words I used to know all about like what like
vagina and penis oh my God all that [ __ ] it's so fun actually I I used to like
people always used to like just make something up and then say it was a bad word because I would have someone tell
me like six different things that all meant [ __ ] you yeah yeah yeah because it's more of like a gesture because like
some of some things aren't like an outward word you have to have kind of paint the picture it's like
um when you have to say [ __ ] I remember this chick was like she would do the one for V for vaginas like no not
that one oh [ __ ] no not that one the bridge in between is the taint like that
kind of stuff and it's so funny it's so funny
it's so crazy like I loved all that [ __ ] it's so funny
um but yeah Sign Language sign language is a cool one that's really cool but you know that there's different languages of
sign language I did actually so there's also like
signed exact English which is you can there's ASL which is its own language
and then there's English in sign which is not its own language
okay because it's just English but all the words have a sign translation which
is really kind of weird because you think to yourself well why is that not just its own language with but the reason why that's not its
own language is because it changes with English when English changes like over
time sign the exact English also has to change to adapt and adapt wow because
you'll be using English words with your hands with English grammar with your
hands and that follows whatever English does over time and ASL this is separate cone complete
separate thing it's got its own grammar that's independent of English that's cool I always like baffles me that there
are different sign languages like why it's so crazy you know I mean like you
would think you would think that they would be able to pull that [ __ ] off like uniformly but not why I mean
vocal languages there's multiple vocal languages that's totally true that's
totally true I don't know it's fascinating that we haven't pulled off of universal language yet I mean we're
so together with there's this concept that we're the most connected Generation
Um it's they say it's homoconnectus I mean we've been able to do that with independent countries okay they've been
able to pull off national languages the the problem of global language is then
you have the globalists yeah [Music] I know so what did they call them Global
cons I don't I don't think about
because it used to be painted as like the Illuminati but then they but then there was like another
um oh my gosh I totally forget what they call it well I think at this point it's
just been like a bunch of people's trying to tell the same story in seven thousand different ways New World Order
New World Order that's what I always heard of this the whole world order was
like the people who want to take over all the governments and just want to become one Hive one big old hive mind
right um there's also the world economic Forum
you want to talk about that one where they don't want you to own your cars anymore they want you to rent your
[ __ ] car you don't get to own anything you will own nothing and you
will be happy dude I wanna [ __ ] slap whoever [ __ ] means
you get to yeah go slap him dude where's this pizza hold on I'm checking my
that's such an insane concept by the way because like uh how could you be happy and own
nothing like I get it um the idea of owning things is a pretty Western uh concept of being able to own
my land and own my uh things but the fact that somebody's gonna be like
you're gonna rent everything you're gonna have to be slave labor all your life if you want to be able to afford
everything which like it just goes back into the separation of classes and like
you know no matter what culture you go to there's always a class system
and that fascinates me it doesn't matter what parties you're talking about what political systems you're talking about
there's always a class system well the human cycle really is
like you you create a country and it's fair and Democratic off the start and there's
not a separation from the people who run it and the people who live in it okay a
beautiful concept by the way sounds like a utopian society well it starts off
that way because the people who run it used to just be people who lived in it right yeah and then eventually as
Generations go by people are born into Power they're born into that power from
the people who started the country and then eventually after like a couple hundred years social class divide
separates to a point of like Revolution and then well it just really starts I
forget which American founding father said that uh governments go stale after
200 years and that you need to have a little uh restart to be able to have a fresh
functioning government but I don't know man we're at the what 250 years old for
the United States of America so like I don't and what was what was 50 years ago
the World War II Cold War Cold War World War II yeah ouch
ouch ouch ouch yeah and uh did we ever did we ever
like make good on everything with all of that no we didn't no no there's a lot of people who went to
Argentina there was a lot of people who made Adidas and Mercedes oh
we don't like those things ouch but I'm still buying a d i d a s
because I love that [ __ ] three strives homie three stripes do the Adidas joggers man I'm sorry you can't uh yeah
what are those things called the fits the um tracksuit track suits yeah it's a
big popular thing man tracksuits are everywhere um yeah I don't know how you get around
that I guess a ruger's gonna have to make some track suits eventually but we'll see jogger pants Styles yeah yeah
yeah buy a shirt arooga store.com what a plug-in what a plug
that's hilarious yeah man I didn't even get to show you the Galactic Federation
uh commercial dude after this I'll show you it because it's so like it just
makes me laugh because it's so ridiculously hilarious
is it here uh no what it's doing it is
you know if if they get here in 10 minutes that means we could just cut off eat and then we can go to um
because we got we got some plans after this we're gonna go to a we're gonna tour a
um what is it it's like a power facility gosh I'm just gonna read the email
because um kahaya a a regular guest on this show is
inviting me to a class tour of a power plant me or Cincinnati and we will see
uh two large gas turbines two gas coal wood chip furnaces and also chilled
watered facilities I mean like it's going to be fascinating um I can't wait for that that's at 3 15.
wait is that a class tour yeah yeah but we're allowed because I don't know why but like he's just bringing us along
which interesting yeah so it's it's gonna be fun so he's allowed a plus too
oh he's gonna we're bringing three people he's bringing his girlfriend too plus three that's gonna be a plus three
okay it's gonna be hilarious but he's gonna be picking us up in his Nazi car as well he's got BMW but um
um yeah I'm excited for that one okay well this unfortunately does not
have an ETA on the pizza no worries ma'am
oh have you gone on any fun dates with Rachel yet um we don't we didn't have time during
the summer for literally anything because the average Drum Corps day was like
I mean you would sleep in the gym of whatever School you were rehearsing at and I heard you before and that's
Insanity by the way that's so concerning how military is that uh not really it's
not that strict about like how it's not very regimented about like how
you conduct yourself at all times okay um but there's a couple things that you do need to keep organized okay like
you'll ideally want to keep all your stuff organized just for safety safety yeah uh not losing your [ __ ] right right
um but like you don't have to set up anywhere specific they'll just divide the gym into two halves and you'll have your own
air mattress you'll blow it up and you'll just sleep with it they separate by gender yeah that's hilarious yeah
that's so funny because if they didn't what well people [ __ ] on tour oh yeah of
course and they [ __ ] in the gyms of course they do yeah of course just under the blanket just be quiet yeah I never
did oh yeah what a good Soul what a good Soul no I would get I got an Airbnb on
um we had a free day when we had a show in San Antonio the next day we head off
like that thing so we got an Airbnb and just spent the day at an Airbnb cool with Rachel cool so that was the only
fun date you had well no we just didn't really we didn't really go on many dates we went on an IHOP date when she was
staying at my house okay we were basically just trying to make up for all the time we couldn't spend together
because we were rehearsing and Performing shows um
what would be your ideal date what would you want to take her would you want to do like the would you
want to do like classy like take her to like a museum or whatever we did go to
the National History Museum Smithsonian DC when I flew out to see her last week
okay she lives in DC she lives in uh she lives in Calvert County Maryland which
is really close to Baltimore okay okay and she goes to school at Towson University okay so there's just one over
my head but that's okay we're like yeah for sure bro Maryland yeah yeah the coast okay
that area yeah DC close by mm-hmm I'm with you yeah yeah yeah because I got a
I have a friend who lives in DC and same thing it's like they describe and I'm
like yeah for sure yeah yeah yeah I know what you're talking about yeah yeah totally no stomping grounds bro like oh
around the corner that's like my favorite joint to go to yeah I'm out here with the cornfields and
yeah no but um we would
so I wanna I would love to go hiking but that's going to be a multi-day thing so for date
I'm not gonna obsess over the word date I'm just gonna activity just any day involving me and her so right of course
well I really want to go I would love to get an RV
and go around like rural oh I got I'm getting a phone call we're getting a
phone call getting a phone call oh [ __ ] hello
yep [Music] all right
all right um I'm going to meet you out there all right we're gonna pause people
I'm so sorry here all right [Music] okay we're we're still rolling okay
um we were still rolling oh no not like I just wanted to make sure that um when I hit record that it still records on
the the main file if that makes sense and it doesn't create a separate file dude it there's just so much little [ __ ]
with the program that I just try to make sure that it goes smoothly but um
yeah thank you so much for listening and we're uh since Kyle ordered some pizza
we're gonna [ __ ] dig into some pizza and I almost dropped the Dr Pepper I
think that was a Dr Pepper I'm really not sure but it is I hope that thing doesn't spray all over the FL over the
walls that's sick okay great um yeah I don't know thanks for
listening and thank you for having me you know of course man of course
and we got to be ready [Music]
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on all aruga merch free shipping for orders over fifty dollars is available
as well thank you
[Music] somebody's always looking the other way
now look at these guys they look busy right
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