#20 - GTA Character Lifestyle | Nolan & Preston | Oruga Studios | The Oruga Podcast

#20 - GTA Character Lifestyle | Nolan & Preston

[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the
other way now look at these guys they look busy right
and if you haven't played GTA what we're saying right now is nonsense yeah it was so much fun and just the prep for
everything it was so funny because it was just a little checklist that you would go
on with your GTA character be like does he have enough snacks back to his little
backpack yeah does he give it a former practice do I have enough Rockets the pack is lunch bag form too I don't
have enough grenades even look at his personal vehicle out for him right
that's just the top of my building my GTA character
is actually so um what is it pampered um yeah because
you just live in that high lifestyle now because of me I got him nice and Rich
right right you're welcome my character has a my character has a three thousand
square actually maybe a four thousand square foot apartment with a military operations room and a five-car garage
with glass and concrete everywhere there are GTA characters gonna be better
off than us and we're they're not gonna be I will live that life I might not have a war room that seems a bit intense
uh yeah that seems a bit intense with like Maps everywhere and it's got the
military computer computer laptop right you click one thing and you start hearing Lester don't need that not in my
place um but yeah dude having an eight car garage I'm getting a call from Japan
whoa answer [Music]
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have you ever listened to this podcast on like half speed before half speed
no I'm telling you want to traumatize yourself it's always faster like 1.25 yeah that's kind of tolerable yeah to a
certain degree but on half speed it is on 1.25 and 1.5 which is too crazy yeah
if you're listening to podcasts on more than 1.5 I think you're a Madman you
aren't absorbing any content and I also think that if you listen to things on a fast speed wouldn't that or
even audiobooks yeah wouldn't that affect how you speak slightly once you start thinking that I need to speak
faster because it makes more sense because I listen to everything that's really fast and just because I need to get more information out at a quicker
Pace just like how I listen to it right which doesn't it shouldn't apply to how you
in real world applications I'm totally with you on that and isn't
in the benefit to understand the whole pause and breathe and that's how many words I can fit into a sentence breathe
then on to the next thing like if I'm listening to things that are on 1.25 I
feel like I'll just have a whole new way of talking it'll be faster and it'll be a little more uncomfortable and I would
have a little more anxiety because I don't know how to deal with all this ah true
I do think it is calming and relieving that we have Drone footage though because you can either watch it on any
speed and either way it'll be just relaxing right you know you could you could have us unmute for God's sake and
just watch her watch the Drone footage with the graphics and the ads it's so relaxing yeah just be like yeah or even
watching us with closed caption and just no audio I wonder how that experiences
I'm curious I don't know I wonder how many people experience podcasting
through that where it's just closed caption I don't like mute it's a good it's a good point and I also want
to stress to any listeners who've only listened to audio version of our podcast
you should watch a few of our commercials because the visuals Forum available on YouTube we are hopefully
going to upload video to Spotify soon yeah once we under go that uh process
because like let's give you a little behind the scenes we just bought some mics and we bought a mixer and we have
no funds so we need to like chill out just use this stuff for now and then
eventually we'll be able to afford cameras and then we'll have comfortable with the equipment for sure and maybe
one day we'll have an audio and Tech person I was about to say guy but that's
it's a little too gender Associated but um
anyways uh yeah that and we're at episode 20 if we finally got like good
mics that's pretty nice I'm glad we got to this point it is a huge upgrade from where we
started for sure what that little shitty mic and we're we're like miles away from
it and you can barely hear us and we have to jack up the volume so you can hear us and we're only seeing growth
right now you're only seeing Chris for sure dude okay
we had a previous conversation before we started this podcast and it was about
um stealth boats and how there's like radar systems for the ocean and how
boats are tracked just Marine tracking yeah yeah and it's just like how there's
flight tracking there is Marine tracking I don't know how big your boat has to be or what system has like what guiding
system it has to have for it to be tracked by this thing
do you think that there's always apps out there and websites that you can just
track flights and boats you can go onto a website and just look at the boats that are in the ocean stop yeah like
yachts and [ __ ] cruises that feels like you just see them where they're at
in the world what is this pirate.com like they may have gotten some ends with Google Earth and are just able to like
track it you know that's fascinating if I was a boat or let's say if I was a yacht out in the middle of nowhere let's
let's paint the Drake video with spin about me where they're on that boat I wouldn't want anybody knowing I'm on the
yeah on the middle of nowhere right I mean it doesn't say who's ticketed like
who are the what's the payload it doesn't say who's on the boat that's
fair it probably says the captain most of the time but it will not say like how many
attendees or the captains like uh call out number call out I don't know I'm
actually qualifying sure it'll have that information probably displayed and when
the would those radar systems are they only surface level of the ocean or are
they also in the sea no because if we were able to track submarines bro
I don't think that's civilian information well it's definitely some civilians had
blocked off somehow unless people are just able to attract
submarines low-key we just don't know [ __ ] about it and um it our we're all
about expanding public knowledge and information asking the true questions but um so
there was the Swedish boat I saw on the internet a couple days ago and it it looks so like funky about how likes this
boat has like no hard edges it looks like one of those B20 or what's the new
American bomber that we have that's stealthy I just call it a blackbird because that's what it was in Call of
Duty yeah Black Ops okay one of them things here's the
sweetest ship that's an LSAT LSAT yeah this is the Swedish ship
that's radar or campy tracked by radar yeah done this thing [ __ ] it can be
tracked it's producing waves you got me there waves are and look
Universal look at us you um artillery guys
damn you're telling me that can't be tracked it's got a dish on top of it and that's got a satellite dish on top of it
by something it's got to right yeah
I think the fact that some reads can launch whole Ash Rock it's from underwater it's just baffling science to
me like how the [ __ ] have we come that far in Civilization that we're just
launching [ __ ] from underwater boats yeah under what they're not even boats
underwater capsules and then I have a payload of
artillery on them that are capable of just wiping out cities let's put a real conspiracy hats on do you think there's
any underwater nuclear like bomb sites like right off the coast
of Florida silos sure yeah it'd be crazy if there was an underwater Silo that was
just made by welders or some [ __ ] like imagine you're imagine you're a military
personnel and you have and you got this new nuclear job and you have to take one
of those little boats out to a buoy like a hundred yard or like a mile off the
coast and this buoy just is an elevator that goes all the way down to the sea floor and then underneath is the
government facility I wonder how many elders it's like
special classified government projects go out and contract
that'd be a fun one for if you're doing underwater welding too yeah you know
government probably has just for all their under
they're black they're Black Ops yeah yeah they're undercover [ __ ] I put my
heart in my blood my sweat my tears to this day man [Applause] [Music]
history we're in the record books [Music]
[Music] the aruga podcast has United with the Galactic Federation with worldly symbols
and alien logos we celebrate our galaxy with new merch hope you love it and
did you see how the balloon that went over the United States the balloon that
was deployed by China and how it was supposed to be doing surveillance over military bases the military came out and
said that there was no transfer of information from that
balloon going to China do you believe that
then what is it just floating in the air for good question it's just just flying in the air man it's just a
fancy kite yeah just flying kites oh why would it need a transfer
information and it's that's so fascinating to me that
I don't feel like why why would the government go out and say
that like is it I don't feel like that would be true just doesn't seem yeah it's such a cover-up right I feel like
that's just like oh we didn't fail on our jobs they failed on their jobs we're pointing the finger too those idiots
we're not the idiots [Laughter]
[Music] every Department in in the special ops
we'll never know you know maybe kahaya when she joins the military you know did
you see that the F-35 um jet went missing too yeah and then it
was found right and how is it like Charlottesville or something something yeah South Carolina or some [ __ ]
like that I don't even know where close to that millions of dollars worth of 40 plus million just for a plane and they
don't even have a location don't even have a location paying on it
which is crazy yeah because it's not supposed to right I don't know I guess they don't have
them on those so other governments can't figure it out
either I don't know that seems sad I've never watched a Top Gun film either pie
really yeah I've watched the fight scene for the first Top Gun and it's just like
it really shows its age so I'm not a fan of it I didn't like watching it
it was tough it's tough to get through hello I did you ever watch the
tarantinos Take On Top Gun yeah
he thinks the movie is about like him being gay the whole time right yeah and how he never got with that girl and how
them playing uh beach volleyball was like uh I don't know yeah yeah
I do remember that so him Tarantino one of the greatest film makers in my
personal opinion I he tainted my like want to watch that movie so and plus it's
American propaganda I would assume after the movie I would only feel like [ __ ] everyone else we're American yeah it's
one of those movies right yeah Tom Cruise has so many of those it's like a Michael Bay movie and Michael Bay movies
just have an American twist to him it's all for the military machine right
yeah this industrial comp industrial military complex I just [ __ ] that up
too Jesus Christ we need to buy more missiles so we can
use more missiles so we can buy more missiles and it's just a cycle
talking about missiles and Rockets I've been playing the hell out of
Starfield you know you keep talking about that game but I have no idea what it is well
I just finally grinded it out for like the first time the the first playthrough that I was able to get of it it was only
an hour and a half so it wasn't like a good depth of the game like I didn't know
what it was about fully sure and now I'm like mostly six hours in okay so I kind of get the scope of it
and it's all about just like going to random planets mining minerals
and upgrading your ship and then there's a whole plot alongside it okay so you're
a miner yeah that's how it starts in the beginning your mining vessel you could basically
start off the story however you want it like you could be going to these planets to try and cook different [ __ ] out of
the aliens you kill or you could just be one of these ship captains that are just
really good at Space Battles Okay and like flying your ship really good it's
really wild but you chose to be I'm an industrialist so I'm good at like
it said I'm good at like speech like persuading people
and then that's really good for just like getting into random conversations
with NPCs yeah yeah and starting starting random quests and [ __ ] sure or
just wiggling your way out of like paying higher for something do you like
it yeah [ __ ] with it okay there's just so many different options you can go down or the graphics good yeah there
it's 4K 4K damn damn would you ever want to do like Oculus like the what is that
VR it would be so nauseating because when you're like in the ship mm-hmm
the gravity is just so weird okay just being in space with zero gravity sure
are you like a person in this game or are you a like a non-living object do you
customize your character oh so you are like a bipedal character I don't know just like a
you're either humanoid humanoid okay I wish you could be an alien hmm uh you
can't even be an alien no Jesus that's crazy pretty racist if I say I mean if
there's a DLC down the road why can't you be an alien huh I think there should be a DLC down the road where you you
just have a different race or it could have a different appearance appearance Not A different race but different
species species yeah I mean everything you could go to a
different planet and find different species that's what's cool about it are the intelligent species do you like
hunt them down and then you can cook them that's so sad are you like say one of them has just like more of a are you
Christopher Columbus that's where you are the entire game you're colonizing these planets that's
so sad okay and yeah the industrial I forgot the third Park the third perk
about the industrialist is like making outpost on these planets okay so that's
that's the guide that I'm gonna that's the way I'm gonna go down sure the path
the path my path was an interesting game if you're an RPG
pretty much played by I think they said 100 million at this point people yeah play this [ __ ] damn
it's either 100 or 10. that's a third of the US let me look it up real quick that seems
like such a crazy step by the way there's no way that's a [ __ ] ton I'll look it up
Starfield player
I don't think I'll get back into video games until I get until either
oh just kidding not a hundred million I think I'll get back into video games
either when I have neuralink or I have
um the Oculus so you're showing me that the there's only six million yes that's still a ton
though across all platforms for its release still pretty good yeah
um but yeah imagine imagine being able to play video games with neurolink
where it's just augmented it's just like you would just project it with your eyes
like it would just be in your room that's where Pokemon go is gonna blow up
I'm just kidding now there's got to be a different game like that where
you can account for fitness okay and just like do some other [ __ ]
and gain coins or something like that huh something cooler than
hatching eggs for Pokemon you know yeah but I still see kids addicted to that
game you're a kid that it's addicted to that game right yeah yeah Pokemon go I'm collecting Pokemon Bro they didn't they
popped out of their little ball thing I gotta go throw it and I gotta twist as I get a curveball I gotta curveball that
[ __ ] wow they really curveball that [ __ ] they give you a bonus right yeah yeah I
can't believe I'm a nerd for all games though okay besides like [ __ ] 2K and [ __ ] like that I hate that you never
went through a single phase of like 2K or Madden no really never That's crazy
dude wow I think like um it's almost like brainwashed I you
know it it's the excitement that if you're an NBA fan or if you're an NFL
fan it's really easy to pick those games up because you get to know the players just a little bit more because you get
to like I actually like quote-unquote play with them and you know you get to learn their names you get to learn if
they're [ __ ] good or not and that bug bit me for sure like I
loved 2K for like maybe eight years that's funny eight years I just spent
like getting my getting my career player going and oh I got my team playing going
to the championship every single year I remember there was one my career player
I had that I was Owen three against the um
oh and three against the Golden State Warriors in the first round of the
playoffs and I literally would try to play my perfect game and then if I was
and if I was about to lose I would turn my Xbox off and then replay the game
just to make sure I would win every those next four games and I did I won
those next four games but I think I played them 10 times yeah just to grind
it was all I wanted was not to get kicked out of the playoffs so yeah dude
I loved that I love 2K and like the all right dude that's just so many years of
2K where they're just burned into me because of the soundtracks soundtracks of games too because they would actually
have like they would have a lot of rap on it and it would just be um I remember 2013 had started from the bottom that
were here but it was the 2K track list we're always crazy oh they're so good
they're iconic yeah probably one of the best in the video game industry
for sure yeah for sure which is sad to say because some of the times they sign
like shitty ass artists some of their songs and either that or
GTA you know GTA GTA has such a great catalog yeah and they actually try to
make an album too which is so wild that GTA was like yeah let's put together an album
that's crazy that's so naughty and it was okay it's been 10 years since GTA 5
has been released so and the last time that happened when GTA
4 was 10 years old yeah the fifth trailer was released so it might be pretty soon
angers crossed we talk about it every damn episode I know dude it's the most
overhyped game in all of humanity I think I'll literally whatever console
comes out with that game it's gonna be real tempting I'm gonna really have to
think about if I want to get that game or not because it'll be such a soul sucker I will just be devoting my time
to my GTA character I'm just like his online came out yet uh no they're coming
out next month oh God it's actually tomorrow tomorrow
guys tomorrow is coming out I can't wait it's like oh my gosh every little event
for that particular game is gonna be so Focus then on
I hope by that time I better have it better be on Oculus it better be like VR
and like you know how badass would it be to get into a car and then drive the car
with VR bro that will be us like
that'd be so crazy that'd be so nice I don't know if the graphics are there
yet for Oculus but I've never tried VR out yet
like I preach I preach no video games I shouldn't play video because I have like
this is like the obsessive personality like I just like want to build all my
time to that one thing and oh man we still haven't done that Heist on the
on GTA 5 where it's a prison break it's the Doomsday bro and dude it's got such
a good payout but we just never we haven't done it yet we haven't been able to because it's it can go up to four
people but it's just me and me and you usually right yeah is that the bank one
where it's the inside of the mountain one oh I've never done that one yeah
that's why man that one where it's the bank robbery Heist on GTA the last one
we did that one was so fun that was like we would we would like I gotta get all the
armor I can possibly get I got I got replenished all the snacks I gotta go to
my secretary for all my snacks that was so funny and if you haven't
played GTA what we're saying right now is nonsense yeah it was so much fun and
just the prep for everything everything it was so funny because it was just a little checklist that you
would go on with your GTA character be like does he have enough snacks packed in his
little backpack yeah does he have a former practice do I have enough Rockets let me pack his lunch bag for him too I
don't have enough grenades even look at his personal vehicle out for him right
assistant assistant can you get the helicopter on top of my building my GTA character is actually so
what is it pampered um yeah because you just live in that high lifestyle now because of me I got
him nice and Rich right right you're welcome my character has a my character has a 3 000 Square actually maybe a 4
000 square foot foot apartment with a military operations room and a five-car
garage with glass and concrete everywhere there are GTA characters gonna be better
off than us and we're they're not gonna be I will live that life I might not have a war room that seems a bit intense
yeah that seems a bit intense with like Maps everywhere and it's got the military computer computer laptop right
you click one thing you start hearing Lester don't need that not in my place
um but yeah dude having an eight car garage
that's a shame that's a shame hopefully I don't just get my like credit card pinged or some
[ __ ] right now they know where I live that's an issue no one what happened konnichiwa is that actually
hello or something what is that what is that what it means I I know it's
Japanese okay cool right well if that's like [ __ ] you or something that would be an issue yeah
no it's not it's friendly okay okay good good job thinking on your feet
though couldn't eat you what does konichiwa mean
um good day good afternoon yeah okay that's fair that's okay that's interesting why am I getting calls from
Japan I don't know did you know that China's encroaching on Taiwan
I did here but uh with their military force yeah they so they deployed all their um boats and then it was either
today or yesterday the uh their aircrafts their planes were getting into
um into taiwan's aerial space or I don't know what the proper term is but yeah
hmm pretty crazy right that is
because that dude so Russia they you are trying to invade
Ukraine they're trying to you know occupy Ukraine yeah and right now China
is getting real close to trying to occupy Taiwan that sounds like we're gonna be fighting
on two offenses right hmm when was the
last time we were fighting in Asia and in Europe huh when was that
yeah that does sound like an all-out offensive right and we pulled out of the Middle East
because we're in a rock in a hard place
because we promised the Afghan government that we would leave but why why would we promise that we would leave
Afghanistan there seems no benefit to that and we honored it and and that
country fell in three hours
stop it they didn't fall they were just repositioned yeah and like they talk
about how Iran is the um the biggest leader in um
supporting terrorism and um like as Americans we don't
um what is this it's the coin term we don't um
no not tolerate but negotiate we do not negotiate with terrorists that's the
coin term of American like of American policy yeah but dude it's just so funny
how like in this past like couple years has been a lot of murky Waters there's a
lot of positioning going on and then the whole assassination of a Indian person
on Canadian soil I don't know what implications that has but
the world events have been very fascinating recently very unnerving a lot of it's been adding up to something
weird a lot of build up like it's gonna be world war three but it's gonna be a lot of positioning and like I don't know
we can't we can't have all that war anymore because the whole like a
different n word you know the nuke and uh dude it's so scary it's a scary world
not ready for it I know what happens when you're drafted what's gonna well I'm gonna be drafted to over the same
age but you know what happens when the draft are you going into the first day yeah I get Aviation experience
be vacuum cleaning the place so that's your job now we just just to
clarify I'm not doing that so much but I mean that's what I had to do last night because there aren't any
cleaners for two days out of the seven
Amen to that man but into that yeah there are a lot of Duties associated with the vacuum cleaning is one of the
funny ones that's what well so you wouldn't want to do that in the military come on why not
just kidding that would be my role in the military what would you want to do
uh probably helicopter maintenance helicopter maintenance
whoa helicopter sounds cool for sure I think what I would want to do is um
there's a certain job where you blow up um
enemy Tech so like they'll bring in a militian expert I um you know I feel
like that's for the offensive but there's a job where you just have to destroy like enemy stuff like though
they'll gotta be a fancy term for it I know I bet I know but this person will just like destroy enemy guns destroy
anything collected after a battle and um yeah just imagine just destroying just
like blowing up stuff 24 7. just like no implications that's a good job I would
agree getting rid of the bad guy stuff you just dumb it down right yeah did you
see the um the Elon uh uh I don't know he was talking about
how you know the old term of the winners uh the winner the winners of
Wars right history and he was saying that the um Now The Losers of
The Losers of any War have a lot of time on their hands and they can always add at Wikipedia yeah I think I already
tweeted that or something right yeah I don't know I don't know but that was like I didn't see that tweeted by him I
know I butchered it really badly but the thing it was a funny funny thing your enemies nowadays have enough time on
their hands to edit your Wiki mm-hmm and talk [ __ ] about you right
there's no anybody can write history now which is a fascinating thing
true I guess or whatever Google bird knows knows that [ __ ] right yeah but they googlebart doesn't know or was it
Google bard yeah bard interesting yeah Google bard gets your name wrong
okay it'll get it right one day one day one day
I just gotta correct the [ __ ] out of it yeah actually you know what I do now is I do thumbs down and then I'll write in
the proper response yeah that's what I do sometimes it's starting to like I don't know if it's responding or if it's
just updating and Google bar is getting better I mean it seems like every single day and soon
googlebard won't be able to go through YouTube videos which it's actually got
yeah it um it came out with extensions really you can edit Google barge has
extensions now and it's for anything in your drive [Music]
anything in my Google Drive anything stop it yeah you can link anything in
your Google drive or yeah yeah basically basically how scary that [ __ ] is you
know it's literally going through your files yeah there's privacy options to say like you can access this file and
say make a itinerary or something for me through based off this document
but what hap what keeps what keeps everybody from seeing that stuff what hap what keeps everybody from seeing
your Google drive because I'm pretty sure you select the files in particular that you are selecting for Google part
Google part to like look over and review yeah as a source sure but yeah you can
use all of your Google apps now as an extension for Google bird wow I think
most of them which is crazy to think about because it is going to be YouTube videos
your drive your your um slides [ __ ] like your Google Sheets your like
finances anything like that mm-hmm which is pretty nutty because this goes
back to the age-rel question what's better Google Bart or chat jbt you say
Bart Bart ah it's it it rolls off the tongue with Bart but I guess it's Bard excuse me it's such a [ __ ] name it is
because like you could have came up with anything it's like why does Amazon have Amazon Alexa because it's a good name
everybody can pronounce Alexa or maybe not everybody but like as an American it's a good product for America yeah is
it's an easy easy pronunciation I can't if I can't figure out Bard everybody I
would assume a lot of people it's easy to pronounce as well
Darna rugins um yeah yeah let's Applause to that one
I was so [ __ ] alive
you're gonna have to reduce the volume with this okay okay here okay let's
let's do it we take ready all right that's Applause to that
it's weird to cut that off just so excited because like there's a reason they stopped flooding so suddenly what
happened hmm like it's just funny to like do it
for sure then you have the time to stop right to like right yeah so it just sounds completely
cut off mm-hmm yeah funny new soundboard options you
know it's the default soundboard right now I didn't mean to scare the [ __ ] out of here
just like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay because like when we were stop stop
that [ __ ] is God I [ __ ] hate this there's nothing
that shaking the demons out from that one Jesus we'll change the uh the pad option
soon you know folks I won't I won't elude what sound bites I have but they
will be very good but I just can't I haven't figured out how to add new sounds to the soundboard
but yeah it's a fun one it's gonna be exciting with the whole
setup but yeah it's more than halfway there already it's like 70 80 there yeah
and it sounds great I mean like I'm really I'm I'm happy with everything seems professional
definitely seems a bit professional
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[Music] so how are you doing Nolan how's life
pretty solid pretty soon that's good I did have a clip that was an
interesting find about so the CEO
of Twitter back in the day okay Jack Dorsey yeah I
guess he films these weird documentaries or episodes
where someone follows him around with the camera okay and then it was like in
one of these tweets it was like in the reply section I don't know why
but it was up the of Jack Dorsey next to a fire pit
and it was just him and like some wrapped up underwear a t-shirt underwear like
it looks like he tied his T-shirt to make underwear okay that's the trippiest looking garment okay it was like Jesus
and he was just next to this fire pit slapping his balls
like 30 50 times okay over the fire over the
fire pit okay and breathing in really heavily I'm assuming yeah and it was
just like this guy used to be the CEO of Twitter is he the old dude the Boomer
looking kind of he looks like um he's hard to describe okay
how did you how can you give me a medium like where did you find this this was in the reply
section of like um some tweet like Elon is such a better
CEO than Jack Dorsey is Ah that's some [ __ ] yeah yeah and I
was like yeah look at what he's doing in this video something like that that's scarring that
is and Twitter doesn't do any of the um they're not like Instagram they allow
everything I should probably just show you because I need to include the audio with it too is it horrifying
I don't know if it's more horrifying
I don't know if it's more horrifying or the fact that this is what he looks
like okay that dude yeah yeah yeah yeah okay
but anyway I've never seen that dude before
you're Illuminating a whole new world for me Nolan God damn it I can't find it
that specific video let me just
what's your shirt what's your uh what's your key words you're using huh Jack Dorsey fire pit video
and what you describe seems like something that wouldn't be on YouTube for how yeah egregious here it is on
Reddit okay ball slapping will cleanse your soul video does not have sound let me see
what [Laughter] this camera angle
isn't that scarring [Laughter]
this is the doorman for hell
chanting thing bro dude this is a [ __ ] weirdo
that's a [ __ ] wag a weirdo it's just shorts it is disgusting let's look at the
comments yeah I can understand why YouTube would probably not let that one fly
I missed the old days before Kevin when you could get a few mates around and strip to your aunties and gently roast
your bollocks over an open fire
but yeah what an intense okay I'm okay
that guy's mentally ill he's mentally [ __ ] you're gonna have to include
that one in the [ __ ] um text that to me so I can put it in but yeah that's crazy dude how
I I know you guys are gonna have to be scarred as well
alongside us oh gosh you know I there was another owner or at least a
CEO of Twitter right after that guy I think so before Elon yeah because I
I listened to a podcast with Joe Rogan and him and
that the other guy was extremely boring that's why I was like there's no way
what you're describing is the person I know because there's just like uber conservative
like very it seemed like a Catholic or church going fellow that that guy
I don't think he went to church he skipped out on a few Sunday Services
he didn't understand um that's embarrassing yeah what he's
doing is embarrassing as [ __ ] oh gosh that's funny thank God character
like that exists in the world though for us to be scarred yeah yeah just to
know how ridiculous we can be there's people out there in the world um
remember that one not as embarrassing as them try not to be if Nolan tomorrow if
you post a video like that I'd be very shocked
the only thing that I would want you to critique is how fast I'm slapping it on how hard oh sure okay I mean that's the
only thing that you should critique okay that's how fast I'm slapping yeah you know I
yeah it's all about how fast is that his daily ritual or is that his like maybe
that was just for the camera maybe that was just like comedy bit maybe that
would you know what if it was his routine right I'd be a little worried if that's his daily routine that looked
like his routine he seemed very comfortable doing it that was the crazy part I'm very comfortable
there was something especially in front of the camera Rich he felt ritualistic
in that moment he's like I do this every morning I take a deep breath in 16 times
and slap my ball 87 times look how whipped I am I didn't get this ripped because I didn't what if he's like I
slap each ball 50 times specifically yeah so that I can stir up all of my children
and he's a Moses looking characters [Laughter]
because it's a magic number right those are the type of people who have like just mini Cults he looks like a cult
leader I feel like he would be crazy he's got enough money for it right and like the whole campfire and like the
little little Huts behind him what was that it was just the whole scene and let them know if you want to watch the video
again I'm okay it'll be included probably I don't need to watch the video you'll see like weird little TVs in his
little [ __ ] what is it like commune maybe he has a commune maybe he made a
group of people and he's got a little Community I don't know nowhere and that's what he does just every morning just ah
yeah very scary yeah that guy would be in my nightmares
before Freddy Krueger bro hey okay yeah yeah okay that's how scary
he is um yeah agreed
uh I didn't even like I guess so he was the creator of of Twitter
um I want to say so interesting starting CEO Maybe huh
wow I wonder if there will be a new like social media ever to come out arooga
yeah the next one morph into greatness I'm just kidding
we need we need a slogan or some [ __ ] hey desperately desperately we need to
slow comment a slogan for not even our show maybe maybe just our brand in general just comment something you know
we'll give you it could be inspiring it could be motivational this might be our first contest it could be creative
listeners if you have a good slogan for us like a a two to five to six word
slogan that would just encapsulate anything anything like if
you got a Nike just do it kind of think it's an acronym even an acronym for
Eureka because we come up with for a lot with a lot of them God we were there was a month where we were just thinking of
acronyms right we were just talking about acronyms and be like well what would be
a good one for arugo oh my gosh and
anyway he's talking about getting closer to Halloween and
the brand yeah Ruger will be one year old
indeed on October 6th it's crazy that we're in a month 11. how though I think this might be
releasing around October October 6th what this one Aruba's birthday yeah that
might so no a little after yeah this would be
so the 14th 21st this will be the 21st interesting actually no this might even
be the 28th this might be the 28th because our
last recording yeah this is going to be the 28th released so that's how far we
back we record gosh dude so like yeah right now it's uh September 20th but
we're gonna be a month ahead so yeah October 6th is aruga's birthday which is
crazy because you were saying that the the Drake album's gonna be released was it just for a day just for dogs for all
the dogs or for the dogs any any of those titles is great yeah dude how how
great is that okay you know me I'm coincidence I'm a [ __ ] crazy Drake
fan not coincidence what is the word that's like Drake one Enlightenment
just catering to aruga's birthday is crazy like that's he really is for the
dog oh my gosh and his albums are so amazing they're
he's one artist where I can listen to a lot of his albums front to back and I have no complaints and if we go to one
of his shows you we would not be unfollowed by him the next day that's
how that's how tight we are right right we wouldn't be like Bobby yeah we would
be tight with Drake from Kentucky boy all right yeah oh gosh he shouldn't he
should love Kentucky you know he was playing for him
oh God we love you okay we do and you see in all the [ __ ] you see they lost
they lost last week we live all the Ohio Kentucky we don't really [ __ ] with any
Indiana universities no but it's not Bengals though let's kick them out of the Tri-State honestly
let's get candy and yeah they're not the two states they're just not exciting bro no there's nothing in Indiana there's
I'd rather be grouped with Illinois for sure and there's many reasons why
sorry I just uh yeah Illinois should just absorb Indiana I I would totally
agree and then they would probably be the same size as Ohio you know probably bigger they would have all the
cornfields in the world I'm just kidding oh no I would make
borders real nice if I was President really you would redo all the borders yeah we don't need these improper state
lines you know with these state lines why don't we make drawings like a little Pez dispenser like one of the leading
back if I was President I'd be like leading back jurisdictions we're gonna change them up
so you don't care about border control you don't care about the the pressing issues with Communism and
and socialistic countries and cheating on other diplantic lands if I was a
leader I'd be a trade country because in the end at the end of the day the only Step Above being a trade
country is being like a Interstellar multi-planet Trade Company
you lost me really totally lost me I got nothing are you saying like you as a
country it's more beneficial to be part of the World Trade yeah okay so like if you're part of tariffs left
less taxes then that'd be just real chill or I would try to be real chill with every country
I wouldn't impose too much on like shipping in and out Imports I
think as a country I I heard this one statement from Mike Baker and he was
like the doesn't matter he was saying that how like as Americans we are addicted to
cheap [ __ ] and you know who makes the cheapest [ __ ] China China yeah and right now we're
just like having this like weird limbo state where we probably should get a new
trade deal with China and you know I don't know things are things might get more expensive as time goes on obviously
because of inflation and all that everything boils down the trading and
tariffs and taxes yeah literally
we wouldn't be anywhere in the world if we never traded with anyone if we were like oh I got this plant
that'll make you feel better and you're not gonna survive without it
okay we're gonna be anywhere without trading we would just be in a dead tree
stump and there's the idea that every single country is now economically tied to each other so if one country has a a
recession yeah then all of them do because we're that invested in other
countries as a superpowers like um chips bro chips in Taiwan there was no there
was a chip shortage and then everybody was suffering because no other place really makes
chips and then it's also ridiculous that if you go into like one of these shops like a corner store or some [ __ ] or one
of your International markets okay one of these
Asian companies have chips or some something like that chips or a drink and
they're they're charging like 16 bucks for it just for like a small soda or have you ever seen that no I don't know
what you're talking about I got nothing you lost me again it's in like you gotta see it it's in
okay okay
so I believe that what what place you were going to but what place are you
referring to I went to yeah for some
yeah and then I noticed that they had
um like orange soda and just random [ __ ] like that okay but they're charging 16
for it and good for them that's amazing that's how they probably make most of
their business you know right besides all the random walk people that walk by I hope not if that's what they make it
on overcharged drinks [ __ ] them
yeah some [ __ ] I you know when company when stores do that when
they overpriced [ __ ] just because it's more convenient they make it [ __ ] cheap you know make it worth my while I
there's a lot of restaurants where they have like Chipotles really guilty of this where they'll have a bottle of coke
right there or they'll have those like um pineapple drinks but they're like
five dollars yeah you're like why dude I could go to Walmart right next door and it's like a dollar like why are you
doing this yeah CVS or Walgreens I can walk up in there and get a a Doritos
whatever the hell you call them I don't know but I think those stores are gonna die soon those stories yeah yeah since
once nobody goes in there for photos anymore once pharmacies are online it's
over bro they basically are over we only go to the doctors to see what
drugs we need from the pharmacies you can just you'll just zoom we can
just zoom oh your back hurts through the camera oh here's the here's the
subscription you'll just buy it through Amazon yeah that's that's probably 20 years
from now 10 years from now we won't be going to the doctor we'll be doing like scans in our bedroom where
the like a full body scan and then like yeah you got cancer in your right leg or
something yeah I was just able to detect it with this little device right you don't need to take a drive like that you
don't need to take a drive to a dirty building and see a and be a bunch around a bunch of sick people just take a body
scan in your house you'll be fine future medicine dude that doesn't seem far that does not
seem far right I mean you can you can literally take photos of your mouth and send it to your orthodontist and and get
checkups that way so like it doesn't seem far man talking about
that I don't know if you've ever experienced it but having braces was the worst thing
well I'm going through it right now actually with the with the Invisalign my teeth are sore yeah they're always
always or you just your gums feel like they're sensitive all the time constant
headache yeah constantly I like last night I went to
bed with a headache and I woke up with a headache and I was like cool no change and then going through places with
rubber bands especially is the worst because I had that experience that was fun though and then you feel the
pressure yeah but wasn't it so fun shooting your rubber band out of your mouth have you ever done that before oh
you missed out if you didn't do it I did it sometimes like a rubber band thing yeah just slingshot and you just think
man I remember slingshotting in class while I was in high school and this was really gonna land in someone I tried I
don't know if I was ever successful but I definitely tried all the time because I had a bag of them you know yeah and um
it was funny that was a weird thing that would be like what color do you want and you're like what her rubber bands just
clear I don't care like yeah I said clear too um yeah so sorry but time check how much time
you got we should probably cut it off at 6 30. 6 30 for you unless you unless you no to
play pool yeah just one we can wrap it up right now though okay yeah because you know what sorry folks but you know I
kind of want to play some pool this has been fun you know a cool Icebreaker with all these mics we love the new sounds
they're wonderful thank you thank you I accept my Academy Award
um that was the speech I'm just kidding
this week we'll have a whole new sounds hopefully we'll have a like a a good
sound board but yes I'll have my sound pad wire hopefully right would you want
a little connection you want a little Uzi sound bites yeah I'm gonna have some Shawn O'Malley sound bites maybe some
kahaya Soundbars as well some culturally relevant sound bites let's just say that much I can't after you said that I would
have pressed a certain Sound by him and it would have been perfect hopefully it'll be nice and comedic by
the by next episode but yeah we're super hyped for the growth of the aruga podcast I know this part in the
beginning of this podcast it was a little rough we were a little like a little stiff but by the time like right
now I think I could go for another hour but it's a shame because I really want to play some pool so
um yeah thanks for listening check out I don't know check out our website we're constantly updating it aroogastore.com
and we might be we might be taking some products off the store so like
check it out get it while you can because those products might not stay there very exclusive and somewhat
seasonal Amen to that and we are revamping them currently so that when they are released
again you can buy them at their best product Point yet
and even he lost me on that one yeah but that's all I got and uh yeah enjoy
yourself enjoy yourself and we've got to be ready
[Music] visit arugastore.com today and enter the
discount code op15 for 15 off your order on all aruga merch
free shipping for orders over fifty dollars is available as well thank you
[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they
look busy right

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