#19 - Government Agents and Peaceful Protests | Nolan & Preston | Oruga Studios | The Oruga Podcast

#19 - Government Agents and Peaceful Protests | Nolan & Preston

the oruga podcast somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they look busy
right you could talk about that all day long about
how about how the anti-war movements were peaceful but then there was
government infiltration to make sure that they turn violent so they could start police ing
those peaceful protests because the protests turned violent and and same
thing with um what did those black lives matter protest during 2020 how most some
of them were peaceful but then they turned violent and you never could figure out why they turned violent to
this day I still think there was government infiltration of trying to make sure that
those peaceful protesters were instigated were instigated ated and they just had government agents just incite
violence so the police could move in and disrupt the protests yeah it was it was
such a Trippy time like remember those bricks just coming out of nowhere where are these [ __ ] pallets of bricks
coming from it's not like and they always would say construction Crews would leave those behind and you like
get the [ __ ] out of here
welcome to the op be sure to check out aruga shop we make shirts and hoodies
that are comfortable and stylish follow @ shop aruga and visit aruga
store.com that is O ru store.com beat produced by Cuda check
him out at cutab
beats.com welcome back to the aruga podcast it's been a while since we've
recorded it's probably been a couple weeks or so at least two probably at least two for sure yeah you recorded
with Kyle and and no no no it was so me and you
did a recording and then like me and did a recording a couple days later and then
that was it so yeah so has b a while and I mean like I don't know if this is I
don't know if this is our last recording with this mic but soon we're going to have a new setup where we're hopefully
going to sound a like 10 times better so that's exciting yeah and we'll be looking
fancier hopefully with cameras soon as well I mean we're going to just have Drone footage to be staring at you'll be
staring at our beautiful faces you won't be looking at New York or Croatia you'll be looking at
us which is funny that on YouTube we'll have like New York or Croatia's Drone
footage and like somehow I don't know what it is but every single podcast I somehow bring up going living like going
and living in New York which is like I don't mean to I just think about it it just is the recurring theme with you it
is like it's I'm a [ __ ] broken record when it comes to wanting to live in New
York and just wanting that experience oh my gosh of course like right now I can't
help myself I'm talking about it is it just going to all the different food
places or is it just that like skyscrapers the that the walking
lifestyle it would be really cool to just go in every single skyscraper down
there or like Mak an a too that's [ __ ] laborous You' have to live there for [ __ ] 30 40 years to have that
much of freedom to go that's a lot I I don't know
but um yeah just the ability to see all the different cultures all the different food venues you get to see so much good
architecture there's so much art um yeah the biggest worry about
living in New York is that it's the first Target for nuclear bomb it is the
first Target it's cuz it's the Metropolis in every single superhero movie yeah they have to call it some
other city right goam or I don't know I don't know the other but yeah it's
just it's it's a dream man it's a dream what to be living in the city to
be living in New York City I mean I live in the city now but like this City's
okay it's just it's it's okay apparently it's the home of iow speed
but it's the home of aruga that's right that's right listeners we are going to
be selling in the Bengals official merch store one day who
knows or Reds or one day if there's a basketball team we'll also be there
right the Cincinnati Royals
we're going to kick it back up we're going to kick up the NBA team back back in C right they'll be doing they'll have
games at fif third Arena uh rounds of funding so Angel Investors beware yeah
all right we're trying to get courtside tickets we're trying to get Field tickets to the bangal we're trying to
make the stadium we're not trying to get cour State tickets that's right instead of it being pay cour Stadium it's a ruga
stadium that would be badass actually I wonder how much payor paid the Bangles
for that for that title I know and that's such a dumb name for a stadium payor yeah like the Great American
Ballpark A1 name yeah even the University of Cincinnati's basketball
stadium they Fifth Third Arena that's okay I mean it doesn't really skip in my
mind Fifth Third Arena okay whatever but payor especially cuz Fifth Third is
Cincinnati based I don't know if payor is a probably is I don't know I I don't think Fifth third's Fifth Third is yeah
really yeah are you okay it is uh from Cincinnati okay okay which I found out I
thought it was pretty wild that is pretty wild it's like a PNC which is a
pretty predominant is that from Georgia Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
there's so many Banks from like Florida and Georgia well that coke money man I
know right right something was flooding in in the 80s we're just going to say it
out loud the Colombian money you know the the the type of money that they
make documentaries out of I mean what was that one St about how there were
Banks almost B the population ratio whatever there's more there's there's
more banks in Miami than per capita in than any other city I think that's what
the stat was that there's like per capita there's more banks in Miami that
Miami than any other City yeah than any other County or whatever yeah so it's
just you know it's curious what they're built on It's Curious we're going to have to
take a visit down there someday to investigate sure yeah what is the city
built upon right Miami it's not the Miami Heat you know
it's not them bringing in money it would be interesting just to lived in the 80s and like 70s and all
that when Pablo Escobar and all that no it'll be okay too many shootings you
there was a lot of shootings so I would be paranoid well at least like I don't know but let me tell you the Narco show
paints a really interesting picture about Miami in the 80s and or like late '70s yeah make it so
glorifying they glorify the [ __ ] out of it they glor that's why we're talking
about it right now bowling oh my God whatever whereever that was right and
remember that scene discos and the [ __ ] bell bell bottom pants were still kind of a thing during the
honestly it's one of the best Netflix shows to been around though I think it's one of the best Netflix shows the first
three seasons are so riveting so riveting have you ever watch squid game
all the way through no couldn't get through it couldn't get through the first 15 minutes of that episode or of
squid games I didn't watch it with like any I just watch it with subtitles but I
didn't watch it with like the English duing yeah I watched the dub version I
don't like dub it's horrible yeah it's actually takes all the gr away and po
like polish shows and all them other countries like Swedish or whatever wherever Netflix is going to make these
films and weird ass episodes mhm but some of them dubbed they just ass
they're so bad cuz the translations just don't make any sense no and then it ends
up taking the English speaker like five more seconds per dialogue to say the
whole sentence and the like Sweedish chick is just saying like two words right and then like that's when it just
throws you off too much and for how much for how much passion and steam you lose
with dubbing you just lose all of it you lose all of my interest and you lose all
of the passion out of seeing the person mouthing what's not being said and
you're just like what the [ __ ] dude come on like it's it's that's why I couldn't
get through squid games because it's it was just too painful really too painful yeah and also
the character in the first 15 minutes about him complaining to his mom I was like this is a [ __ ] [ __ ] ass like I
don't know if we've talked about it before but I definitely remember showing you but it's that uh movie about the
Japan it's like World War I and World War II okay and it's in Japan it's in
Japan and it's itman and watching that with just English captions was really
interesting cuz like right it's better just to watch it in the native language
agreed and then have close captioning mhm because at least you get to hear
what they're saying it has more emotion just how the director intended right for those actors to say
it and I feel like it goes back to like how music today music today some of the
words don't even matter what the words are but it all matters about how it sounds like you can there's just some
words that you'll say that are nonsensical if you write them down but if you like if you sing them quote
unquote it just has like it hits all the right it hits all the right notes and
you're like that makes total sense like when you have dubbed movies it just doesn't hit those notes right it just
doesn't sound correct but when you listen to the native language you're like yeah [ __ ] do I'm [ __ ] I don't
even know what the [ __ ] you're saying but I'm passionate with you because you're saying it at least passionately I
pour my heart my blood my sweat my tears to this game [Applause] [Music]
and history we in the record
books [Music]
the aruga podcast has United with the Galactic Federation with worldly symbols
and alien logos we celebrate our galaxy with new merch hope you love it and God
speed B what do you think about the production of Netflix quality shows and movies
do you think they're comparable to say like other movie companies out
there some of the shows just hit it out of ball I mean I think
a24 makes some good horror movies but it's either a hit or miss like have you
ever seen a24 I got nothing I've never heard that before yeah that's a new term for me
it's a movie studio they make just basically horror movies okay
or I don't even I bet horror movies to like if you were actually producing them
I bet they would get so stale so quickly there's very few movie studios
that are selling their things to like Hulu and Netflix mhm selling their
rights yeah you don't see many it's very it seems very picky like I wonder who
are the like higher of decision makers of that like making those choices and
decision decisions do they have to get the approval of all the actors that St in that movie to be like oh are you okay
with being on Netflix I think it's just production teams I don't because they own the rights to those people if that
makes sense like they've already they started it willingly and they signed the contract yeah mhm but we could even talk
about how Hulu or no not Hulu HBO cut all of their or at least a lot of their
animated shows and we have no idea we have no idea why they've cut so many
shows I mean like me and you were talking about that stick figure show that like has no about a mouse or a
pigeon it just was like every 5 Seconds there would be dialogue but it wasn't
really like a back and forth show mhm had no plot just really random awkward
as [ __ ] that show gone it's like literally [ __ ] like
just been obliterated from our reality and it's just like we' have like I have no idea why no idea why maybe it so
relevant that it just fell off the face of the Earth it's true but like I don't know who was it your girlfriend that
found that first yeah which is like I mean she found it somehow right I mean
so it's I don't know it's interesting like what how could HBO just like lose
rights or they're like no we don't this is bad for us actually we can't be paying these TV shows
anymore I wonder what degree you need to honestly like be making those types of
decisions I get that it's executive level and that it's probably all like on a company board or even of investors for
supportive investors also making like voting decisions mhm on these features
and [ __ ] but like I wonder if there's just one person that ultimately just makes the decision
I don't know to have a movie or a show released or cut from their
platform it it's C this raises a good point of like how do they curate the
content on Netflix and Hulu like is there like a is there teams of people
who just they almost have like matchmaking people who are like yo this makeup designer should be on the next
season of stranger things cuz they were on like Vikings or some [ __ ] like
that right mhm and they're like oh there's those independent documentary people we should pull them onto our on
our streaming platform oh they're on HBO already we can't have those people
then and all the like it's very curious because there's I
mean we're entering a world where there's more and more creators there's more and more documentary people there's
more and more movie um production companies I mean it's only going up and
up it's it almost seems like you just keep on and keep on submitting your work
to these companies and one day one day they'll just approve it right mhm One
Pilot they'll accept One Pilot they'll
accept doesn't make any sense like how could it's like the Head Hunter idea
like there's just these people out here looking for talent and one day they'll just find you out of some random luck
and then they'll just shoot you an email mhm we're waiting for that one day we're waiting for that which is interesting as
why doesn't Netflix have podcasts I never for to have shows
movies interactive content like right what was that the trivia trivia game
have you done the intera interactive cont I played the I don't Trivia Crack
okay yeah how was that on Netflix with Cynthia and like me and her are okay at
it cuz it's all like pop culture and [ __ ] right yeah but we both get like
decent scores it's it's interesting for it to be on Netflix cuz Netflix has
games they're entering the game Space mhm so like what more content are they
trying to release that follows this sort of pattern you know know like they're only going to expand upon these ideas
more and more down the road of games of just like yeah of all the content they're making all these platforms
YouTube could probably have games one day you know I it it still baffles me that YouTube doesn't have TV cuz Tik Tok
for people to go live on Tik Tok and then they get rewarded stickers and they
get thrown bananas on them or like hot dogs Flash up on the screen and they get
rewarded these coins or whatever and that's on Tik tok's platform right how
are these other like platforms going to follow as suit like is YouTube going to go down
the route with Badges and you like give badges to people who are streaming or
and you can tip people Chanel yeah and like yeah you can tip on YouTube but
like that's for live streaming whatever and I kind of want to expand the idea of like saying YouTube TV obviously they
have that now but what I mean is just like if me and you were creating TV
shows and just uploading it to YouTube and that's it it's amazing that doesn't
exist now it's amazing to me that like YouTube isn't making TV shows like Game
of Thrones and Naros yeah they could they have the ability to they have the capital to they
have the ability Google they're own by Google bro they can make cell phones if they can make cell phones they can make
TV shows but the thing is that not to be sh on the platform that we're associated with like YouTube a third of besides
Spotify and all that right podcast yeah Amazon shout
out [ __ ] you Amazon music um yeah it's showing some crazy stats for us though
so bless you Amazon bless you Amazon and bless you Google ultimately make the decisions I
guess in end and the sponsor corporate Monopoly world hey how it's those two
companies that really rule Our Lives is um Microsoft
Google and Amazon mhm yeah those three companies if they just fell off we would
be nonexistent as like a society oh as a society yeah we would have issues it's
funny like it's funny that I Google everything that's a that's an adjective
now or not an adjective that's a verb it's a verb now to Google so I'm doing
something which is crazy and the fact that like that turned into a verb is
insanity what does it mean just to search for just to search that's crazy just just like I'm searching right I'm
I'm Googling something Googling like that's a
thing that's a that's a that's a phrase I say and for that to be a thing I mean
that as a company that's all you want you just want to become a verb yeah like
it he facebooked me the other day right he fa timed me he dm'd me he he uh
zoomed me like he zoomed me he pinterested me on the T right literally
like Kleenex I was about to come up with some dark uh fantasy novel okay be
pinterested me on them I'm just kidding Jesus yeah yeah yeah and just like I
mean that's all you want as a corporation is to is to be able to have that kind of recognition in your
industry and for YouTube to not have they just have uh what what would
they what would you say they just have small time creating yeah they just have
people individually making content they don't have like production teams I mean
I guess like you could argue that Vice and I'm assuming like some of those history YouTube channels have like
editing teams and all that but I'm talking about like real TV I'm talking about like peaky blinders type of stuff
like real production teams yeah cuz they have the budgets to do all that it's
just crazy how they haven't pursued it like who are these creative directors who are just in meetings all day and
being lazy and not doing any cool projects for sure and I'm a I'm I'm I'm
going change like I'm going to talk about something unfortunately me and you talked about this before we got onto the
podcast but for how much of a bummer the
Oppenheimer movie was Jesus what a [ __ ] bummer that movie was you said
it was a bummer besides the main actor of course shout out to our boy shout out
to blinders yeah bro that I forget his full name but something Murphy and he is
literally a killer actor he deserves a goddamn Grant there wasn't a second of
him off the screen you were saying hm you said that he wasn't like a second
off the screen right oh he was every single scene every single scene he was
in spiler alert every single scene for the first two hours those the only two hours I watched I couldn't watch the
last hour of it because it was such a [ __ ] bummer because it just they literally paint up and H is a [ __ ]
communist which is fine I don't give a [ __ ] but the thing is they're just like [ __ ] on him the whole damn movie and
they're like he's such a womanizer and he was only with two
women they say that about um Albert Einstein that he was a womanizer too
they well what's even worse is that I think you ever go down the rabbit hole about like how NASA was founded by Nazis
or like they were just Germans that moved over here from after World War II yeah that surrendered basically mhm well
it wasn't that na for a better life I guess Refuge refuge and a little bit of
getting away from war crimes yeah of course and the people who' be prosecuting them
would I'm really curious about those generations of families that's
like probably probably hidden from us you know obviously the real scientists that are
behind it the real science is are behind what well besides those the women of
NASA of course cuz would not have gotten to the Moon without that without that
one woman's help or the trio of women I guess it was like a yeah I guess it was
like a Workforce of there's like a whole Division behind calculating the
trajectory to the Moon yeah but I remember seeing that image on one of the previous podcasts with the books St up
to the same height as her isn't that crazy yeah yeah it's pretty n it was all
of her work or something you know it was like all of her math I'm starting to
think that was the whole groups yeah but she just wanted to pose next to it to
show off like how small she was and how much volume work it was yeah I don't
think it was just hers but I could be wrong I'm not really positive that's an
iconic photo though really iconic right
yeah looking for [Music]
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[Music] streetwear I mean it's like it's truly impressive and it's crazy how we're
really not taught that we really weren't taught that yeah okay N I got to talk I
got to talk about this 911 was really I mean what was it 5 days ago it is 9:16 filming this
and okay let me ask you this you know we and let me build you a foundation for
this question because me and you were both born in America not to have a pun
intended Foundation sorry you
know so we were both born in America okay but for how much how much a couple
months before 911 yeah how much propaganda have you been fed over your
lifetime about 911 it's been a overflooding of too
much like you don't know who started it in the end mhm cuz you got too many
people telling you different things right we could never assume that George W bush do
anything yeah people can't always go with their own version in the end
yeah it it's kind of like it was kind of the
foundation of how much propag American propaganda I've been fed I feel like
like there's I mean like as an American I mean I guess we could be taught the
American Revolution there's the Civil War there's World War II I mean if it's already
Mighty 20 years back and then the Vietnam War was muddy you can't really
see if it was a good or bad War like morally and obviously World War II wasn't so I feel like the
wars back in back like the years just
aren't good okay yeah it's well like
yeah the lines of Truth are definitely blurred just for how much I mean like
you said there's been not much time between us or the present moment
and and 9/11 but for how much mystery you can really dig into during 911 I
mean like the the fire truck going the opposite direction yeah you can really
muddy up the waters and that was only 20 years back yes dude the idea of
misinformation throughout the centuries or even from the start of the US
right and the anti-war movement movement during the Vietnam era I mean you could
talk about that all day long about how about how the anti-war movements
were peaceful but then there was government infiltration to make sure that they
turned violent so they could start policing those peaceful protests because
the protest turned violent and I think same thing with um what did those black
lives matter protests during 2020 how most some of them were peaceful but then
they turned violent and you never could figure out why they turned violent to this day I still think there was
government infiltration of trying to make sure that those peaceful protesters were
instigated were instigated and they just had government agents just in sight
violence so the police could move in and disrupt the protests it was it was such
a Trippy time like remember those bricks just coming out of nowhere where are
these [ __ ] pallets of bricks coming from it's not like and they always would
say construction Crews would leave those behind and you like get the [ __ ] out of here construction Crews don't do that
because they know how to keep their products behind closed doors they're not going to have the liability of losing a
pallet of bricks you don't know how I don't know how much bricks cost but
they're not cheap I'm assuming and for just pallets of bricks going that was
such like a random occurrence though it's almost like they were just magically there magically there
magically there you know what it was overnight almost dude it yes and I my
favorite thing and this sounds really like but it was such an interesting
experience to for during in the middle of a pandemic I'm locked in my house and
I'm looking at a I was literally looking at Snapchat maps and seeing where the
hot spots were and then clicking a hot spot and seeing a riot like what and
like Walgreens on fire and luden right and I dude like was there even a like I
remember there was a moment where um
gosh I feel like me and you were living in an apartment when there was another Riot too right was there a Cincinnati
Riot going on what was that for do you remember what the Cincinnati Riot was for I think it was just timing I don't
know what it was I don't know what it was for it might have been the black lives matter riots but like I remember
some some blocks being even in New in Newport Kentucky some blocks were
destroyed like there was a couple uh like um restaurant fronts that were like
smashed in and they fixed them real quick I mean like this area recovered
from the riots really quickly but I don't know it was that was such a
fascinating time such a fascinating time and everybody was heeded about that op
about like you know the the lines were of Republican
and Democrat were so clear and the sand because it was like do you support Trump
well then you [ __ ] hate the [ __ ] riots then don't you and it's like oh you know what's uh interesting
though it's like living through all that we were more focused on internal United
States because there's been no real wars going on outside of the US for real
besides like the Iraq War and Afghanistan and Desert Storm and all that yeah but that was just to get almost
quote unquote [Laughter] payback in the talian yeah but that's
just but as life goes on man that's Bush's fault for going into all that it
still seems like a political gain for the military industrial complex yeah I
mean like to have something Brewing right all the time I mean like it to
this day it still doesn't make sense to me why a little a little terrorist group
would want the entire United States against them it's the same thing as it's
the colonies versus Britain it's literally just like they don't want the power over them anymore which makes
sense and I get that that's fine they want their independence well they have it in Afghanistan right but
but the thing is it's like it doesn't make sense to me like why they wouldn't want to consolidate their efforts for
power in their own State their own Homeland yes right they're like you know what let's go let's go for out of
town instead of established order here in the Homeland right right cuz if
you're going to settle anything it should be where you're living at first of like why would you hop on a plane and
just be like let's [ __ ] up this other country and start an active War just because you
know for sure it literally like there's no thinking process in it really no like
and the only way the American people would have been okay with spending a lot of their tax dollars going overseas
to control this little patch of land that no you know the average American
can't pinpoint on a map it's the same thought process as Ukraine
and Russia it's like they shouldn't be having a conflict over land right now or whatever it is even
resources they should be having their own disputes but with at least Ukraine you can be like like a cold war argument
it's like we're going against communism but with the Afghanistan war it's like we're going against like people from
there yeah we're not doing anything over there that is beneficial yeah and it go
always goes back to humanitarian you know we're trying to free the the women there we're trying to
free the the we're trying to have
democracy yeah that's why I think our generation is really focused on homeland
politics instead of outer world like we're really focused on the United
States growing up as like 20y olds 30y olds because there just hasn't been any
outside conflicts really not ones that have changed our dayto day like the
World War II changed everybody's dayto day I would assume yeah in terms of
resources and everyone had to almost chip in and have to like butt in and help right buying war bonds and
having what were they calling those when you only had a a certain amount of food
that you could buy they were rations rationing yeah and rations for gasoline
too there was gasoline shortages Milkman right Milkman yeah yeah it's fascinating
and it's the nuclear family life bro yes that would be Citra if you just
to have lived in that day and age I know everything's white pick a fence and everything
right got the you got the radio table thing and it's
like I don't even know what it's called the first time you ever hear of a nuclear bomb is it's dropped on a
city Jesus imag that would Shock Me for 20
years straight like they dropped a whole ass bomb on a place what was it like June something I don't remember but like
I really forget when the what was the first bomb dropped God to ask that question I don't
know but Wars are dumb we should not be partaking it yes this conversation is
just to highlight how stupid war is we're literally one [ __ ] beehive and
we're bombing other sides of the Beehive it's crazy it's so crazy and it's not
even over honey it's over the holes the H the the holes in the Beehive yeah yeah
what frequencies were you saying over there Jesus like I and obviously we're
oversimplifying life but like
there was the um I've been trying to like educate myself about world politics
recently and there was the G20 in uh India I feel like where like um um a lot
of countries come to meet and just talk about the world of politics mhm and
[Music] um I don't know where I'm trying to get with this but it it that'd be weird to
be one nation modern like monitoring another nation's activities that are
close to your activities do you know what I mean I don't so like say your Navy
Fleet in that ocean is patrolling and you always have to like remain Vigilant
of other nations did you know did you know China has a bigger naval fleet than us now
that's interesting but they're Marines probably are not as cool as our Marines
I don't know about that one but I'm brainwashed at this point with that
advertisement get I'm apparently built for the Marines
because I get a Spotify ad every time for the United States Marine Corps it
sounds like a [ __ ] Home Depot ad one step away from making me sign up
for a credit card um I'm trying to look up if a North
Korea has a bigger naval
fleet oh no they don't um I was hearing something that
like wow okay dude this is crazy North Korea is just a little bit
of just 10 ships below Us in naval fleets our ships are huge
though that's true that's true so here let's just put all their resources into
their military if they had the they couldn't feed their entire force for a
month straight if they were to keep attacking and they could and they can't even keep the lights on yeah let just
but though they can't even keep the lights on that's crazy anyways um China has the largest
naval fleet with 730 military vessels and then Russia's got 598
vessels I bet a third of those are ice locked like locked into ice why cuz
they're either submarines or like OTS type of [ __ ] okay okay bet they're all on like
the upper the North Pole ice locked is a funny thing I mean like Poss North Pole
or South Pole north for that's hilarious how you just said that South Pole is
Antarctica right yeah yeah yeah the North Pole is just uh uh ice cap right just an ice cap it's
like Siberia and all that where I don't know if it's that low or high I don't
even think there's there's no there's no solid land of North Pole there's just ice yeah that's why we can travel like I
guess that's why we have to travel over ice there's so many places in Russia where it's icy and cold I feel like all
those ships are almost not built for it they're just not Built For
War you say that but you know they ain't ready you ain't you're not like a high
doing the ROTC I'll following his footsteps right
right I forget the ridiculous thing that they have to do it's like 30 push-ups in
a minute and R Run 2 miles two miles and do 10 pull-ups
something ridiculous like 10 minutes no no no no just run two miles just finish
two miles or maybe you have to do a 3K or I mean a 5k which is 3.1 miles which
is nothing it's nothing yeah that would probably take me like 20
minutes or if you did 20 minutes you'd be my record record for
5Ks if it's 3 miles yeah 3.1 usually if you're running I don't know actually
you're right my my best time I remember getting my best time in cross country
and it was like 19 minutes and I was like yes let's go but then after the uh
after the race they're like actually we cut a little bit of the 5K so wasn't
actually my best time which uh yeah the military dude
at least what K is telling me the RC programs hilarious at least for their
requirements he's getting that discipline yeah getting that discipline
man dude that Mexican food knocked me on my ass though dude the Mexican food was
delicious wasn't it it was so good whenever any Mexican food comes with a
side of sauce you drizzle it oh yeah don't don't ever waste it don't
overdo it oh yeah don't overdo it don't ever waste it yeah yeah and that was the
first time I never got carded for asking for a beer and let me tell you I don't
look old so that was wild that was wild to
not get carded that's impressive I know I think that that that is the first time in my life I like was just like yeah
Modell that's a major you know ru's too fluffy man I know I know she's
L softer than a blanket you know it's all the years of grooming her it's all the years of
grooming her she's still the nicest cat in the world I think I think as a mascot we could make her like a
good she got aggressive she don't like when you say
that yeah she's good I'm not being the
mascot look entitled I know so entitled
it's crazy she can really take up any amount of space and make it hers oh yeah
it's like she has the exact opposite effect of Stockholm syndrome she just
like or not I don't even know how to say this she is just in a days every day she
has no awareness of her of her surroundings she thinks she's the owner she thinks she's the [ __ ] God she
thinks she's a God she stands over me when I wake up like [ __ ] what are you
doing sleeping she acts like she owns the place she's at a point
where if I walk by and she's laying on the ground she'll look up at me while
she's laying at the ground and like move around me you don't need to like she has no need to get up she has no like
there's like no anxiety when I walk around her anymore she could literally be falling asleep on
the ground and she won't wake up if I walk around her she does not get two shits it's crazy she just has no cares
in the world yeah she is the chillest yeah yeah this goes back to noan you
don't need a you don't need a dog bro a dog is like a child yeah and we were talking about you getting a you adopting
a dog and oh my God that would be your grandmother adopting a dog I know
right I don't want to be leaving it anywhere for more than like 20
hours yeah and I could leave my cat for 3 days as long as I give her enough food and water she won't even notice I was
gone she'll just be taking a nap I'm sure I mean you know obviously I'm talking like flamboyantly she you know
she'll be I don't know she'll be okay I could probably leave her for a week with enough food and she'll be fine cats are
just like that they know how to ration dogs would eat the bowl the first 30
minutes right but I will say though Ruby will gain a few lbs a few yeah she's
she's still on the heavier side well she's slimming down
maybe I don't know she's always been consistent with looking like that she
was just so skinny when I first got her yeah she was like a just SK pouncing
around and then they get that weight on them extra three yeah extra three extra
five it's like the it's the what do I want to say the shelter
weight they got shelter weight which is real rail thin and then once they get home they're like yep I'm in a marriage
I'm like filled up I'm filling up yeah yeah what is it it's like they say
that like when you get married um you and your spouse should gain weight and if you guys don't gain weight together
usually it's not a happy marriage is that because you're just
supposed to be eating it all the time no it's just the fact that like um it's more Comfort together yeah just more
Comfort less need for I don't even know I I'm sure makes
sense though like as soon as you're married you should probably not you should but it's probably normal it's
normal to gain a few pounds yeah it's normal for you and your spouse to gain
weight instead of like get all jacked and ripped and going to the gym every day and you're like ah like usually it's
a little bit opposite yeah that's why they're like um that's why when a
married couple and then they the like the either the wife or the husband starts getting a little more jacked and
they start going to the gym a little more and they're like hm are you
cheating I can't tell you how many uh Date Line in 2020 episodes I've watched
of one of the spouses getting passing away dying yeah and then the other
spouse that lived was also gaining or like um going to the gym every day
getting real obsessive getting real obsessive about how they about Fitness they tend to be lot of cliches
like that so many of them the B is running low that's sad
keep going though that is an interesting topic though weit weight loss Journeys
or Fitness Journeys after your spouse passes away I'm talking about when the
when they kill their spouse you're talking about day line yeah yeah that is true that is is that
is a it's a cliche isn't it yeah such a
cliche they always suspect the the the spouse that's the first person they ask
this this spouse huh you've been working out recently huh you you got a little side piece
[Music] huh low key the our studio what have
like probably a weight set or something oh dude yeah yeah that's worth the
investment right you know you remember our last high school well I say last the
high school we went to had a little did you ever go to the gym in there yeah where it has like a little
Loft that was cool having a loft would be cool and then having like you know be
even better you'd have to like crawl a net or rock climb to get up there to
Second Story I think that' be a lot cooler that would be badass actually like you have to work out to get up here
that would be bad ass you have to climb God either the net or the Rocks right to
get to the the better gear man I'm I'm telling you I that that
room that gym room at that high school where they have the little Loft let's imagine that room so you have the little
climb thing to get up to the loft where you work out but then that main floor being the basketball SL tennis
court yeah that would free up so much space free of so much space and they got that's what I would have done if I had
the budget to do everything I would have had a mini Court mhm that was just
one-sided and all you need is a a little bit of spray paint to do the to do the
floor and have and then have you know the basketball net and even the a couple
benches the like mats are not that expensive either for like 12x 12 for the walls well yeah
the walls and the floors like the you know the squishy mat that you would
normally feel in a gym yes those are the compression are not that expensive not
at all not at all and even the machines there I don't know 200 a pop maybe maybe
300 a pop for those machines they probably got bundle bundle price especially as a school for sure for sure
but yeah if we're known as like a Educational Institute or something [ __ ] like that or a resource
resource center we could have interns that we don't pay yeah come here for the spring
semester right do you want do you want experience at a
field what does this it's my I so I turned off my ice machine in my bridge
but it still makes weird squeaky I thought it was like a I don't know what so it stopped right like it's still
going it's still crackling now it's stopped yeah yeah all right we're better now we're better we're back um dude
besides a gym okay like let's imagine that part all right and but then I think
we just have the minds of interior designers and we just express it on graphic te's and
[ __ ] we just don't have the res we don't have the
outlets to put our ideas into motion I was listening to Tom zura and a theovon
podcast okay and they were just talking about how they had no ability to interior design and I couldn't relate
less yeah because I always wanted to be almost like an architecture growing up I
was always playing Sims or Minecraft or just Building Homes MH doing all that
random creative [ __ ] and at a young age I I had the ability to see a lot of homes I
don't know why but I was just always brought to open houses just to check them out just to check out new houses
it's almost like idea boards as a child you're just always having access and freedom to just look and roam mhm and
see crazy ass Homes either through Google or just in person going to Crazy
monuments that's why I wanted to replicate it on to Minecraft cuz I just
seen crazy monuments and houses it's like let me make my own and there's
nothing but different styles of architecture you can go any like
literally everyone's got a different way to build a home everybody's
like it's amazing how many different styles there are but were you about to
say something about gyms oh besides the gym after after we designed the aruga
studios gym what would be Rex Center Rex center right um rigor re Center what is
that orc let's
let's let's wish it into orc let's wish it into reality right yeah that's funny
join orc yeah for us to have an acronym of uh ho it' be home of or no home aruga
incorporated or home house of aruga House of no that' be ho I guess that's
ho still House of aruga Entertainment entertainment yes okay after the gym is
done and after the orc is done what
next Jake Paul entrance robot but Real Steel version where it's a real real
robot not a a person as the mascot oh okay we just start our
own Real Steel [ __ ] movie we just have like a
boxing thing going on constantly so like let's imagine we're doing this podcast 10 years and then you just see robot
boxers behind us goom we're going to be the sports casters for robot boxers they're not
going to be like you ever see those robot fights this is just like this is
just like drone racing we about drone racing but it's robot fights and they got like they got spinning things and
flamethrowers on them right no they had not just spinning things like they have
saws they have saws on their robots saw right and they have frame flamethrowers
that got spikes on the edges I'm surprised that like some Rockham sck
robots haven't came out like that that are just Mech where they're made out of
like plates of metal and not inexpense like inexpensive recycled Parts you know I
think the only reason we haven't done that yet is because still as humans we're so obsessed with human Sports yeah
do you know what I mean like we're still obsessed not satisfying yeah when you see a metal
plate fly off or something right we're just not that compared to like some dude's tooth get like flying through the
crowd this dude just nailed uppercut or something mhm like I I'm not going to
lie to you I was watching UFC fights last night and I was like still in my I
was just I'm so unevolved that I'm still like [ __ ] that guy just got B like I'm
I'm still into it so like for us for us as like a human
civilization to be into having Mech suits and having these
robots just go full at each other I think I need to be a little more involved in or involved a little more
evolved yeah for that that's too too advanced too advanced for our culture
too advanced for me for sure it's too ahead of our time yeah we would need to be like the only fighting robots we have
look like the Dust Bunny captur robots I think we'll have wars of
robots they called roombas they all look like roombas did you know that there was
a case of Roomba spying on people and that they were collecting data when
Roomba were were connected to the Wi-Fi what like NSA yeah dude so they
were they back engineered some of these roombas that were from China I don't know and they found out that if the
device was connected to the Wi-Fi then they would somehow hijack the WiFi
and just collect massive amounts of data of the interior home it would be and the
same thing about the radar system they could convert the radar system that Maneuvers the robots and have
it listen that was yeah you got to listen to that audio that was somebody
driving by but anyways what I'm saying is that they can convert the radar system on those Roomba to convert to
listening devices what and it it wasn't like a traditional microphone but it would
be like a radar microphone which is it's still does the same stuff damn crazy
dude hit your roombo with a baseball bat right now because it's communism and we got to save ourselves from communist
you're listening to this podcast through your R I'm just kidding is that even
possible can you Bluetooth sink kill it kill it smash me Smash
me imagine people just have like Amazon Alexa or just like a Google home Nest
thing or whatever and we're just speaking through It smash it and we got
to be [Music]
ready visit aruga store.com today and enter the discount code op15 for 15% off
your order on all aruga merch free shipping for orders over $50 is
available as well thank you this was not an official statement
released by riger Studios all statements made here not
officially we are backed by China um if you have any questions or
comments just hit our email at owners of aruga gmail.com if you want to interact with
us you know we're just human beings so we what 20 episodes deep this is episode
19 folks 19 we're almost there crossing the threshold of the numbers imagine
well I don't know if Episode 20 will have the new mics but that would be a fun one if we do I know we just have a
Evolution every 10 episodes like we're evolving as Pokemon literally Because by the episode like nine or 10 we got those
uh commercials down and we have all our intros down and yeah by episode 20 we'll
have new mics and by episode 30 or 40 we'll have all new cameras just more and
more yeah we look like we have our [ __ ] together that's what it's supposed to look
like we're trying to convey we're trying to convey that we're
professionals we do this executively right so thank you so much for listening
you fellow arug the good podcast somehow somebody's
always looking the other way now look at these guys they look busy

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