#17 - The really good podcast | Nolan & Preston | Oruga Studios | The Oruga Podcast

#17 - The really good podcast | Nolan & Preston

[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they
look busy right it's crazy how a show with no plot
and it being awkward as the main focus can blow up
then what are you paying attention to you know what you just described that like Bobby uh podcaster the super good
very good podcast a really a really good quack yeah that's how forgetable it is I
don't even know what the [ __ ] what kind of good it is it is the very really if
you guys want to hear the most awkward conversation happen it is that Patrick Podcast because she is just absolute
awkward and she's just like asking her guests for money and that's like four of the episodes
I've listened to like she's asked Drake for money she's asked
um a little cover for it no oh I have a
charity can you donate to my chairs my kid is
sick [Music]
it's not beautiful
welcome to the op be sure to check out aruga's shop we
make shirts and hoodies that are comfortable and stylish follow at shop aruga and visit
arugastore.com that is oruga store.com
thank you be produced by saiputa check him out at saifudabeats.com
cast at this point if you haven't checked out our Galactic merch or
Galactic Federation merch you should do that just take it you need to get ahead of the game you know for you to be a
citizen of this Galactic Galaxy I am trying to catch this galaxy it's just a
calorie I just want to say it's galactic and a Galaxy at the same time but you know because they're dope like that yeah
because we make shapes that don't make sense um so yeah just check that [ __ ] out and
it's got all the aliens logos and flags on there and yeah and if you're
wondering how we know that it's a top secret top secret soon we'll
have an FBI agent knocking on our door hi how do you know that that's the
aliens flags and logos but we don't know you know we just we just think of this [ __ ] we're like we're like
we're like Long Island mediums you know we get a vision and we're like
takes us back I know thousands of years of lives I've lived
and realize that such that but do go check out the op collection or
the ariga podcast merch if you are looking at it through our store indeed indeed when there's links
everywhere if you can't find a link I'd be shocked and everything is a button on our site so if you're confused just
click one of those buttons and you'll probably be taken somewhere indeed if you're not taken to our Ruger directory
then you'll be taken to our Ruger store which is a fine place to take a gander and looks through some rabbit holes
because that website is a rabbit hole for God's sakes there's nfts there's
Prince there's merch the next Facebook so they're just gonna
sign up go go get an account and soon we'll have other podcasts under aruga
Studios it's gonna be a hectic place to be we're gonna be the next Mr Beast and
we're gonna have a warehouse of just multiple different Studios and we're gonna have our uh what what is it in
Willy Wonka we're gonna have our Oompa Loompas oh yeah they're gonna be like
where'd you guys find those people these are our YouTube minions
actually by that point we'll have robots so we'll just have those Boston Dynamic
robots like those dogs that you can kick over and then you know how they like attach machine guns to those
[ __ ] too you know scary those bosses in person because that's like seeing a
transform you remember going to Universal Studios and seeing like Optimus Prime and his little the human
in the suit dude yeah and Bumblebee and then they have some like statues of them
too yeah just like non-life-like statues that are like pretty big too and they're
so well detailed and they [ __ ] look real and yeah Universal is a cool place too
that's a really good but those Boston Dynamic uh uh like Tech dogs those are
definitely cool and they are so able to go like off terrain they come in like
yellow don't they I don't know like white yellow I've seen there's this one
can you buy one yet there's this one nft artist who specifically makes art with
like the Yellow Version of that uh Boston Dynamics uh
like their dog thing yeah okay I wish I knew the name of it because for it'll be forever just known
to me it's like a little mule it looks like something that like is meant to carry all of the soldiers
like gear and [ __ ] I don't know what you would use it for like Mother's in real
battle in like the real Battleground you know actually I can answer for you because those things are designed
for getting injured people out of the Battleground
that you put them over the little hump yeah and then they just walk you out
almost like a saddle yeah I don't really know how you would ride this dog as
you're injured like do you just crawl on top of it once it's lowered I think it starts running away what would be better
is like you know those Indian sleds that they would just like like just basically a knapsack and you're pulled
by that knapsack that would probably be I don't know actually this isn't it
sounds about the same sort of physics like you grab on for dear life for your life to be saved and then you
just like getting hit by rocks and Grandma and it's not gonna be like a Rolls-Royce
drive but it's weird how we're making like dogs out of technology or just
right whatever animal you would have and then Pete is like don't hit those those are real dogs
I don't know what other animals associated with but like it's the same shape as one I mean I guess you could be
like this guy like if I was Boston Dynamics I'd be making like a bear
there's some [ __ ] you know I would I wouldn't be making some half-sized human
like half half the size of a human okay like robot I'd be building up the size
of a bear you know sure stuff for like heavy loads well I would say that that
during the test mode you probably Size Doesn't Matter you know yeah but but like uh
um yeah I would assume that like it doesn't matter on like you could make I would assume that
Ford or Tesla has the ability to make a bit like a miniature car and they're
like these are the basic physics this is like you can easily scale this up or you can easily scale you know I mean like I
don't feel like it's that big of a drum to be like scale doesn't matter you know it was a funny jump though what the fact
that we started talking about aliens and Galactic Federation now we're talking about robot dogs yeah and how the [ __ ]
does that work because the alien and our aliens are gonna fight the robots bro
Mac Miller was right aliens versus robots bro that's the only way we're gonna win the galactic war is through
sending our dog robots into space I pour my heart in my blood my sweat my
tears to this game and [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
that's three we're in the record books [Music]
the aruga podcast has United with the Galactic Federation with worldly symbols
and alien logos we celebrate our galaxy with new merch hope you love it and
Godspeed [Music]
[Music] it's like that one white dog and Rick
and Morty in the mech suit it's like his name is Fluffy or something fluffy yeah
Morty you were always the best Cheers fluffy it might be snowball that's like
one of them but it's that white dog in the back seat it could be snowball too I don't really remember anymore it's been
one of them crusty white dog names yeah he would piss inside and Jerry would go ahead and like snuff the dog into the
piss and he was like that's why I don't like Jerry Jerry's getting [Music] um gosh what a good episode that was a
great episode and like I have an unpopular opinion though do you think I
think shoulder opposites is better than Rick and Morty production wise
it can I say this gave them a big budget first instead of adult swim or whoever
was financing I think it's Comedy Central right I thought it might become I don't know I don't know either dude I
really remember them being on Adult Swim for the longest though God you know how cool would be to animate one of those shows though dude adults from probably
hosts like any type of [ __ ] show I bet if we put a pilot together 14
minutes exactly 14 minutes we would be on one of those late night 3 A.M episode
things that'd be so fun that would be so cool oh that would be
so cool yeah this is one of the cooler companies out there to collaborate with
instead of like MTV or some [ __ ] I'd be like I'm choosing Adult Swim MTV VH1
imagine just any of those [ __ ] shows came up to us and they're like we'll give you a check for 10K right 20K I
feel like if you said anything racy MTV would be like this isn't okay you know I mean I feel like they're a little more
Hands-On and during the production than Comedy Central yeah everything flies
everything what was the other one you said Comedy Central and what else Adult Swim Adult Swim yeah but that's mostly
like [Music] that mostly has to do with like
animation what the [ __ ] was that noise was that my cat no it went Ruby it had to be
sorry listeners we just heard something like crash in my apartment but we're just gonna assume that it was my cat
[ __ ] around somewhere else but okay with your who's
better solar opposites or uh Rick and Morty and I'll say Rick and Morty is
consistently entertainment but the solar opposites it has some great
moments like some so spectacular that it's unbelievable and even though like
both shows have like have a really fast pace in their plot I feel like the solar
opposites plot is a lot easier to stick to or like understand
yes and it's a little more straightforward because with Rick and Morty you're like dude there's so much
external stuff going on you know I mean like there there's multiple different versions of themselves there's
Multiverse and Morty takes over the world like three or four times on
accident like there's just a lot that's going on but in solar opposites it's like
more situational and they really build on the story they really build on the
story right when those uh young two aliens I forget yumulak and what's the
other one foreign
those are such two different names anyways um so these two alien kids in uh
solar opposites uh start uh shooting people with these with these like
minimizer guns or like shrinking guns yeah the shrink rays and then they take
these like miniature like hamster-sized people into a giant uh aquarium like a
it's like an ant wall an ant wall that's like and you just see everything from
the outside and you can peer in on them and the funniest parts do you remember when the pupa is always like peering in
because it's like I'm gonna have to re-watch that show that's so funny though like when the pupa just stares at
the tiny people and he said blank faced yeah uh it is that is such a great show it is
like because they really like play with the idea what would humans do in a vacuum what would humans do in their in
this isolated Kingdom of that does pose so many questions and scenarios right that other
TV shows just don't have the ability to like they don't have the freedom you know yeah they don't have like yeah the
creative freedom to be able to express those kind of funny ideas right and
that's what makes them like out of the box because they pose situations where people create like dystopias like the
people in the wall that were like ant-sized they literally at first the first season they create a dystopia and
it was just in our elect yeah they had to find someone to elect and then that person ended up getting like
assassinated or whatever okay and then the person who's like the most powerful was the one in charge yeah or like the
the most strong I think it was like markets and they were like deep markets and they were like selling what was
their big thing was it like penicillin what was the big thing they were like really hiding a particular meta listen
for one of their citizens inside the wall and um
there I just it was like some medicine and they're like you have to pay high price for this and it was just like such
a dystopia that like a few hundred people created in this little ant pill
it's very fascinating and then on the next season they were like we turned
into a Utopia you know everybody has enough and like it was just really fascinating yeah and but even with the
the Utopia there was still a little [ __ ] that was the funniest part about
it um yeah dude what a good show but I will
say some parts during solar opposites is super slow super [ __ ] slow and that's why it's
like um man I don't know like Rick and Morty is amazing but then some but it never slows
down you know I mean it keeps the same Pace throughout most of the episode right but
then solar opposites it's like a little slow key a little slow then you're like then it goes through a scene and you're
like that was the best scene I've ever seen in about a decade out of any
Animation Show for real there was one part where a mini person who was you
know shrink raid got outside and then she was pregnant too so like she was
like running from birds that were trying to pick her off like a like oh I remember that and then she got into a
Pez dispenser so she could hide but the thing is that Pez dispenser was getting
clicked off by something and she was giving birth as she was in the Pez
dispenser getting sent up the like up the dispensing part I don't know sorry I
don't have many descriptive words for this situation because that's one of the craziest crazy you should watch that
you're like actually that like so concerned about this miniature
and size person that's giving birth thing encapsulated stress in that
episode it's so good that hadn't been a hurricane right
cast dude I'm just here because she's not around here you're the craziest noises my cat must just be on one right
now I think it's because I didn't give her um catnip and usually that's like her sedative
it's a thing that settles her she's just like pure happiness pure Julian just
wants to like lay around but um nah she's a little crazy right now
yeah dude it would be so fun to create a show to create a pilot I mean you'll
probably have to create we would probably have to create four or five Pilots until a show
was like yeah we can roll with this we'll give you a budget of actually don't even understand how much budgeting
would be for an animation show but because even something like smile have
you seen uh is it smiling for or happy friends happy friend what the hell is
that show called was that it's like Happy Tree Friends is that what you're talking about it
I forgot the goddamn show but it was like a yellow and a pink guy
MIP her pin okay Peppa and Charlie Peppa the
Pig his name is like Charlie okay and uh pimp okay and they were yellow and pink eye
and it was just like the same sort of Comedy Style
as I guess Rick and Morty and solar opposites just like dark comedy for sure
but I think it was on Adult Swim okay and it was a it was a pretty good show
yeah but she she is definitely on one oh my
God she's trying to be dominant she's trying to look down upon us she's like
barely like five inches higher than that so she's on my couch right now but the thing is she's really
close to a countertop that has a huge knife on it and I'm really terrified for
her to like go on to that countertop I don't know man I like I'm actually
like with our last minute conversation I've been looking over there and debating if I should go get like get
that good like kitchen cooking knife and just get it but I don't know man
I don't think she's the type to just swipe it dude that's the thing I don't
just that situation yeah I don't need that situation I don't need yeah anyways
um yeah she's so delish look at her
so I keep [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't know the glare that you get from cats is
always hilarious but yeah it's confident looking yeah it's so full of emotion oh yeah and I
don't think I can decide like oh cats are better than dogs like I like dogs too they're like there's just cats are
just better showing their expressions yeah that's they got a lot of personality that's for damn sure dude oh
my gosh they're just yeah the dogs they just sneeze and cough and like with cats
they like do weird ass different types of sneezes weird as different hairballs
that are like getting coughed up do you know when she meows like really like
loud you've heard that before right which is so crazy because it's always so like
[ __ ] 4 AM or some [ __ ] like that and like is that her hunger pains
I think I think speculation but that um she moves the uh
she moves the glitter into a place where it doesn't actually capture her piss
anymore and I think a little bit of piss gets on her our Paws and then she starts
meowing because she is upset about it she's upset about
everything that's my theory it's not a solid Theory
because I haven't really tested it yet but yeah yeah I wonder what would happen though
if you were just to record that like three second meow that they do and then just play it back to them at a random
time oh that would be perfect you know how ready and prepared I would have to
be though in that moment yeah I would have to have my phone to the litter box yeah I don't have to
be decently close and then I would have to have the whereabouts of like where's my record record where's the camera you
know I mean like I wonder even if I have an app on there that would just be recording audio
yeah there's one there is one yeah interesting the FBI's already got it downloaded I just have to activate it
voice recording stuff yeah that's true or voice memos I don't
even know what they're called on the app
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[Music] what kind of concept would you be
interested in on an animated show would you want to do like basic
basic stuff like like home body home body would be like expensive I have so
many pilots in my head already I think homebody mixed with like I know you hate this show but like I get
you can like I get the Vibes of like Shameless in my head okay
animated Shameless show interesting but with like
crazy ass characters like mythical or some [ __ ] and they
have to fit archetypes that's the best part it's like to have fun with the archetypes yeah I would go
the mood of just making uh animated Shameless show and just have very
different characters that are all like arguing with each other but they like fit in at the end of the day would you
want like modern time Future Past you know hasn't been done
this past yeah pasta is always like almost never done never done Future's been done
Futurama animated peaky Blinder show would be dope yeah it would be so
interesting they need to do more with peaky blinders I feel like that show was just left on
like a you know like the end of inception that's how
where they're in the mountains now where the thing is just it stays spinning that's how peaky blinders is like there
should be more to it okay like they're they're that cinematic a numbers like
I'm surprised they haven't made any movies it almost of like um
like gangster shows yeah basically I mean that that would assume that goes in there there's no good gangster show
besides that one there's no I don't I would argue there's no gangster shows that are animated
like that I don't know even like a Sopranos type of vibe too like yeah just
a mobster give me a mobster animated show and I would I would [ __ ] with it why does it have to be comedy
that's the interesting thought like why do they have to be comedy shows like you would say I would say solar opposites is
in the realm of Comedy right so it was Rick and Morty too
but let's say it's in a realm of Comedy I think it's comedy and then very like
specific relatable things that they added in that comedy that makes it like it makes it
either it goes over your head or you're like it fits you so well that you're
like laughing throughout the whole show because it's like yeah that's me there are some parts where like Rick will be
talking or like drinks or something like a stream of Consciousness just for how well they nailed Rick and
like that kind of like it's almost like a gambling attic like that's kind of like the representation I get from them
of just like an absolute addict of like uh what is Adrenaline Junkies you know
that's what he's that's what he like fits the archetype in my mind yeah and
um yeah it's really interesting I like I would always be really interested in how
what's their process of making a show like that like do you make
just like scenarios and then you run through those scenarios and then you have then you figure out the ending of
the show like I know the story The storyboard rooms I bet are so dense with like how re-ending
this episode how are we ending this season right because you know you would have to think so far ahead you know how
crazy like we can get with just making no cards and papers and like there's
still a stack of papers of aruga [ __ ] where it's just like and I should fill a
white board eraser or like a you know what I mean like a whole whiteboard oh
yeah it we could we could pile papers across this entire wall I feel like
there's enough and which is goes to the thought like what do they do do they do
that as well do they just have like whole white boards where they're like drawing out like almost like character
maps and like who's in the families of who like you almost have to create a
whole entire like character list who the relatives are what's their voices you're
making an inside universe that you're not a part of but you can be a part of
creatively like through creating those characters but like imagine you only get
like say 40 of your design approved and they end up going and rolling with that
character throughout the whole season and you're like well I wanted them to have like this kind of
like freckles or some [ __ ] right and this kind of hair yeah and now I have to
animate them this whole season in this kind of way yeah could you imagine this type of soda like Saudi animators
and they're like well only some of my design got into the show I guess that's why Pilots you really can only have
about four or five characters right and then everything else is add-ins
no because you you could throw [ __ ] 15 different characters
to kill them all wrap it all and restart yeah yeah you probably want four or five
and that's it for main characters maybe four at Max yeah you know have you ever
seen The First Family Guy episode no
the animation is so bad that it's like
it's kind of of South Park Essence but it's not I mean it's not even that like
it's just like thrown together almost it is trash it is absolutely trash but the
thing is like four is easy in the season four is made by that one guy though yeah
he's a I'm not trashing that show at all exactly I'm just I'm just saying the
first season visually was oh God like dog [ __ ] but
the rest of that show after season one and two and three it looks amazing it looks spectacular
another animation now that dude's balling out oh my God he should he
deserves it he was a genius on that show yeah he was a genius dude and like that
show was so intelligent he recreated his version of The Simpsons honestly oh yeah
and he killed and for someone to twist like have their own twist on that that's
super dope oh yeah and Peter him having that like balls chin yeah it was like
such a was like just a horizontal version of what Homer Simpson had which
is just like those I don't know it's yeah maybe that's a bad take actually it was
probably a bad take but it's just interesting how like just the same kind of styles and lines like line weight
almost yes yeah I actually I I was never been by this The Simpsons
bug like I never really like take down as much by the Futurama bug when I was
young Futurama when I was like crazy good yeah I was like seven or eight that show was
it just still continues to be good oh yeah [Music]
looking for an out of this world poster or some stickers to brighten your mood check out the posters and Prince
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um at this point we haven't created the Galactic Federation ad but we will
create the Galactic Federation ad which will be fun because we don't really know at this point what the
what it will look like what it'll sound like what we'll say but it's gonna be fun we'll see how that goes obviously
space themed so for sure you'll probably be seeing some Rockets or planets or
planets or maybe a crazy scientist who knows
I feel like since the sun is kind of going down we should probably turn some lights on
look at that sticker like light hitting it just how I want it
just how I want it
oh man when we get the whole like I would say like I'm wearing headphones
right now and it's so interesting how when I wear headphones it's totally different it's totally different like
you almost have to get used to it and it feels like I'm I don't even understand but it's funny
how like uh
guests on The Joe Rogan podcast there's some of them there like I don't do
headphones I don't do that [ __ ] and it's really interesting because it's like it is like a different feeling just like
from like me and you talking and then me putting headphones on and me hearing myself as I'm talking to you if you're
like damn it is kind of strange and then you can hear everything like yeah Ultra
great and it's like that's better than my own years that's crazy what's going on here and then when we have mics and
individual mics and individual headphones and then we'll have a mixer and then having like audio shoot into
our headphones and then shoot back into the computer and so we're playing clips and then it's being recorded as well at
the same time and it's gonna be [ __ ] Insanity the whole streamline of it all
dude because at this point it's all analog like everything's being added additionally afterwards it's like holy
[ __ ] that's a pain but the day that it's all together and we have our add button
and we're like play 30 second ad play 20 second ad right and you can honestly that stuff
can even be added at the end that honestly doesn't take much time or at least like it's getting to a point where
it's not taking much time but like because going back to Joe Rogan
um big fan of Joe Rogan that's my disclaimer like I've listened to a lot
of podcasts I mean we're a podcast show you have to be you have to be aware of the number one podcast in the [ __ ]
Universe actually we don't know what the number one podcast in the universe is
well anyways anyway so he I was listening to like
episode 500 or something like that and he was talking about how originally he
would do that he would play the intro and then he would do ad reads in front of his guests live that's yeah that's
the most ass thing I've ever heard in my entire life because like you immediately killed the conversation for about five
minutes and then once you're fine you're stopping about talking
and having to talk about the person you're getting paid and then you're like okay now that I got
paid I can go I can start talking and then you're like dude now now I'm
the guest and I'm thinking about huh that's your ads Buffalo Trace you know
um like lawn mower 3000 [ __ ] pubes commercial yeah the manscaper yeah dude
it's like that will just absolutely kill the kill the conversation just because I'm thinking about it and you're like
and you can get 30 off the manscape
wait what are we just talking about religious sacraments and now we're talking about the man's could you
imagine you have a priest on or something that would be the worst thing if possible honestly I think like if you
were the host of that show you'd be like I'm really sorry but I gotta get paid somehow
you see that Mike you see the lights on we're live because of manscape
I don't know if we'll ever be sellouts but you'll know one day yeah yeah you
will know one day I don't know man that's a that's a fascinating thing because I guess you could always get
we're stuck on Independent for the moment for the moment and it's
really funny how when I was growing up a big thing was like an artist being
independent do you know what I mean oh what was that dude that um made coloring book
Diablo Chance the Rapper I remember everybody going crazy Chance the
Rapper's not signed to a label he's independent he puts all of his music on free on YouTube and SoundCloud and
SoundCloud yeah and you're like okay but at this point I'm like man
some some of the best artists I know are signed to a label there must be a reason
why you know yeah like there's I dude yeah being being signed a Cash Money
Records you know how cool that would [ __ ] be dude you know how you know
how much of a baller you would feel like if you were assigned to Cash Money Records
and if you don't know what Cash Money Records is it's a [ __ ] record label owned by Mr Lil Wayne the best rapper
alive he literally did
oh my gosh how [ __ ] well actually maybe it's not owned by Lil Wayne I
don't know I don't know I actually don't know maybe it wasn't Man by Lil Wayne is that crazy
who do you think owns cash money uh it's either Birdman or Lil Wayne or
some [ __ ] it could be Birdman Birdman's brother I don't know if it turns out to not be
anyone who I know I would be disappointed it um uh
what the [ __ ] is going on Cash Money Record three six months ago
they're in Tennessee cash money that's closer to anything we could get
yeah that is the closest [ __ ] well there's Atlanta too Atlanta's pretty close Andy York's pretty close to us too
cash money there yeah it's Birdman
I'm pretty sure burn Man's brother runs in
either way let's get them labels yeah yeah making making uh music covers
song covers would be great I'm really trying to really trying to do that no
I'm not trying to yeah I don't even know how to explain it I
I have so much art on my computer and I have nowhere to put it so you know what
to give it to artists if you're making a song for God's sakes DM aruga and you
know we could have a conversation even email us email or email us is everywhere
owners of aruga and you know we are not in the interest of making money all
right we're just in the interest of having good art and a few shout outs here and there and helping and giving a
helping hand of course yeah yeah and just haven't used for the dope art dope
art on my computer and I don't want it to go to a [ __ ] poster on somebody's wall you know that'd be lame as [ __ ] it
would be so much cooler if it was just on spot unless an artist makes that cover blow up and then they're like now
I need to get them that's very true very true that's the only instant so it kind
of blew my mind at that moment for sure yeah you're totally right totally right
some lame [ __ ] gonna have come back
oh gosh that's so funny I'm actually glad I'm not that person who puts like imagine if I was like taping out and
covers to my wall when you start taping things to your wall you need to start you need to start
framing it that's like the upgrade in life is when you start framing [ __ ] like
there's been so many like uh things on Amazon that are framed that I've been
keeping my eye on like uh it's mostly been movie posters but like
Breaking Bad like a TV poster for Breaking Bad yeah that'd be dope
just like any cool pop culture art yeah framed
it's definitely an essential for a modern home like uh
like uh what is it Pulp Fiction one of those Converse of John Travolta and
um God can I really it's that actress no no
no no I'm talking about Samuel I'm gonna talk about when Samuel Jackson and uh
generic ass cover yeah you well it is pretty generic they don't really have good covers for that movie
but what a great movie dude I want to get like a bunch of 80s and 90s movie
posters but there's this one like Amazon Seller that sells them and he like puts in like
six different circles underneath the the full picture like the color palette I
thought I thought that was pretty cool that's really cool and I think they put like who features in it and all that
like directed by and starring that's cool but yeah I've definitely been
keeping my eye on framed artwork and we even have some on our shop as well for
sure actually I don't know if we we don't have any framed artwork anymore Duality no we don't take that off took
that off man it is a one of one so sorry for anyone I forgot about that that
piece of art that's so funny so for you fake fans who weren't around the Early
times we didn't even have Fine Art I mean look at these street signs around yeah those are Priceless look at the end
of teas if you want a good Gander of what we have at the studio
uh do you even have that one ad we could just flash that oh yeah show them all
the nfts but enough about us more about you guys what's going on with you guys
oh nothing that's cool no we really do need some artists though
to hit us up dude yeah and we need some artists to be like yo I need like a good
album cover for this and this and maybe I'll send you an audio file for your merchandise if any artists need
merchandise oh yeah we already have collabs we have Productions all right we
have designs we have clothing if you need a design done and you need a merch
store to house your stuff you know you know
you know what I'm saying yeah we're a collective out here yeah literally
look at these guys they look busy right yeah we're [ __ ] busy
Beyond busy it's quite tiring sometimes honestly having a podcast having a merch
brand and it's exhausting so please donate to our house to our
cause please I'm just kidding I'm not that pitiful
oh gosh that's funny yeah it would be so
cool to either like you know have a substantial artist come up and be like I
want some music covers or to create a animated TV show
Jesus dude because you were showing me that Hulu show
the [ __ ] was that hello HBO Max it was on HBO Max yeah and it was all like
stick figure animation and it had like some dumbass pigeon in it yeah yeah it
was a show that was an absolute mind [ __ ] all right but the thing is it was
so low quality me and you could do that no probs no problem could we meet like
me and you because the thing that made the show was just it being awkward the whole time
super and no plot there was no plot and random [ __ ] would happen yeah it's
crazy how a show with no plot and it being awkward as the main focus
can blow up then what are you paying attention to you know what you just described that
like Bobby uh podcaster a super good very good
podcast I really a really good quack yeah that's how forgetable it is I don't
even know what the [ __ ] what kind of good it is it is the very really if you
guys want to hear the most awkward conversation happen it is that true podcast because she is just absolute
awkward and she's just like asking her guests for money and that's like four of the episodes
I've listened to like she's asked Drake for money she's asked
um a little cover for it no oh I have a
charity can you donate to my chairs my kid is
sick every every subscriber for this every
subscriber that watches this I'm donating one or something something
she just straight up asking them for money straight up she was asking more Cuban I maybe it's a joke maybe it's a
bit but let me tell you it doesn't feel like a better funny bit because the reality is that's the reality for a lot
of people and you know what's funny about that is like these rich guys who
have a a muscle twitch immediate response to when someone asks them money like it's not a question that
they haven't had like to experience before these people get ass money 24 7.
it's not a new question so to see more Cubans and Drake's response to how they
like Mark Cuban is that how they address Bobby asked Mark Cuban yeah Bobby asked
Mark Cuban can I borrow your plane and he's like no
just like why did you smile during that he was like do you want me to frown you
can't so sad and Jenny and then she was like why and he's like it's expensive it's
really expensive and that was and then afterwards like
she's like okay I know she's so vague and open and not not direct at all very
indirect super indirect super indirect and then with Drake Ruby is more entertaining as a character
she can hold a better conversation exactly like that's way see look at that she can
hold a way better conversation and we've got to be ready [Music]
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on all aruga merch free shipping for orders over fifty dollars is available
as well thank you it was interesting Bobby actually I felt
like pre-planned her she like wrote on her hand what she
wanted to like questions she had and it was like it was so funny because one
part was um oh my God this is one of my jokes would be like oh I can't see this question I
sweated too much uh when I'm asking them I'm weirdly dude literally it's that
would be a funny bit but if she wasn't even like doing any of that could you imagine having pre-planned questions I
mean I understand like there'd be things in my mind I would want to talk about but it's like dude why do you need to
like have a strict unless your whole day is like you know you have a a plan around that
day okay like oh I'm podcasting with this celebrity today my work day is
focused around that around that celebrity yeah and then you just are like well what
kind of questions should we start thinking of oh God I like at that point I just like truly just want to like read
the room read how much can you know about someone before you meet them you know or like how much do you really want
to know about them unless you get that first impression you know because they could just walk out in 10 minutes 20
minutes and you don't have any of your questions answered you know right because you could start with like some really shitty questions to ask them like
exactly one or a very rough start what is um what was that uh stranger things
main actress and Drake controversy you remember that
when she was like 15 or 16 years old yeah Millie Bobby Brown yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah so yeah I remember that there if I wouldn't or they they were friends and I
don't even know how old that chick is she they were friends before they were that before she hit 18. right and you're
like I'm friends with Drake or at least messaging back and forth which is do my that's that's dangerous Drake was
playing a scary game he was playing he was a stranger thing [Laughter]
of course purple and if you wanted to make Drake uncomfortable you would ask that
question no why why are you like Millie Bobby Brown would be like yo what's up with 11. I didn't know exactly you know
what I'm talking about so like the six is cool but you know what's even cooler 11.
how to piss Draco one-on-one and be like you know who I thought really is good at
Beef push d [Music] yeah and they'd be like yeah dude that's
how you get Drake delete your broadcast in five seconds first five minutes he went but that's the thing like
unfortunately this got like Drake only has two types of podcasts
one where the main host sucks they're his dick off literally throughout the
whole podcast it's such an unbearable thing or the interviewer because it's either an interview or a podcast that
they're like that most celebrities or artists are on you know sure and they're
getting interviewed and the interviewer is just sucking up to them yeah that's why that's why I would want to see Drake
on The Joe Rogan show dude I want to see it so bad I hope it happens one day yeah
because the thing is like to where it's an almost unfiltered conversation and
not someone where there's like a blanket in front of it because you're scared of that person's wealth or like their
status you know yeah Joe Rogan wouldn't be intimidated by Drake No he wouldn't you know if he's just if he's smoking
joints with goddamn Elon Musk he's not gonna have a filter with you you know dude no not at all and he had a podcast
recent Joe Rogan had a podcast recently with post Malone it was great they did four hours
and like pretty crazy yeah and it was honestly very interesting and post Malone was talking about how you know
all those drug allegations were false but man I don't believe him still
those alone used to be one of my favorites bro yeah and then like
he was hungry 2015 16.7 if I went to a couple of his
concerts or something I'd probably still be like a really strong fan but the I
just haven't been in his music lately and it's so popular now and
after that song that he had in the Spider-Man animated in a movie oh dude
yeah after that platinum or whatever yeah with uh Swae Lee yeah yeah like
that trying to get some weed in California I hate that song so much it's because
I have family members that are so so basic that play that song and then
like yeah yeah oh and it's like trying to was it trying to get my peaches from
Georgia that's Justin Bieber no no that is just something that is you're
talking about goddamn peaches no dude I'm not I promise you it's Swae Lee
that's they're talking about sunflower and then you're talking about Justin Bieber's song which is completely different
because weed from California yeah Justin Bieber song Maybe swaley
pulled it off I don't know I know sunflower you are talking I am talking about sunflower yeah the sunflower or
something it goes a little different this song
I hate the song I can't even believe I'm playing it right now [Music]
God I hate this song I already hate that I'm playing it [Music]
not this one [Music]
Jesus this is so horrible I'm sorry Justin Bieber yeah no
I'm sorry listeners I would cleanse the palette with a
different song but I'm not going to but you know who I do like Wiz Khalifa
cushion OJ man nothing's better than that Apple there's a lot of great albums but man that's a that's a pearl that is
a diamond I do want to cop watching movies with the sound off 10th anniversary
um that is definitely a cup because there's not one snack in Dallas too there's not one I already have that one
it's it's okay weird but watching movies it's way better no it's not dude it has to be
yeah I won't because there's not a skippable song on that album
SDS what is that song somebody do something yeah that's probably the only one
but you know how like I'm an avid Mac Miller listener you like for me because
like um bird call is that what it is that's a great song bird calls gray I
think that's what it's called I don't remember but um yeah it's just got so many good songs in that album but
macadelic I really like that like one through eight uh look lucky ass [ __ ]
vitamins yeah uh America aliens fighting
robots we talked about that before and that's that's one of the hands hands down one of Mac
Miller's best songs oh gosh because like I remember not liking that song in the beginning just because it has such an
unorthodox layout of the song but as I like grew with that song you're like
Jesus dude this might be the best constructed song I've ever listened to
like they just absolutely murder the concept and when
um Mac Miller and that guy's name um sir durot now yeah Sir Michael Sir
Michael yeah yeah so Michael Rocks yeah dude he is so him and Mac Miller have created some great songs
dude some some great songs and that's something they're underrated too like
they're not in the mainstream music world like you need to bomb Sir Michael
Rocks now and yeah but let me tell you I would want to be a fly on the wall
during that session during that like during that studio session between Sir
Michael Rocks and Mac Miller making making the Bots versus Aliens dude do
you know how many letters aliens finders are aliens fighting robots I'm sorry fans like I can't think but anyways dude
that song though yes it's so just during the production of it to just witness it
because they go back and forth on some of the verses which is super cool yeah I
always am a big fan when a song will have like frat rules with ASAP Rocky and
Big Sean that's a good one or what's that song on Rocky's mixtape Eminem does
it a lot hmm I'm trying to think of what other song because it's Rocky he does it
a lot with like other artists yeah it's a skepta I know he's done it
with skepta at least once yeah yeah yeah yeah of course I I'm not gonna look it
up but yeah there's some there's a lot of Rocky songs like that it's pretty great
talking about this music plunge everyone comment below what your favorite rap
artist is or it could be any music artist who knows yeah because I'm really into symphony recently and there's some
Banger Symphonies I have but could I give you the name of them dude those are
those Symphonies have such cryptic names I could never be like like yeah send us
your playlist yeah we don't know what you guys have they could be gems indeed
indeed or Irish listeners could be having some oh [ __ ] Irish Bops on
there yeah send me the bagpipes I'm just kidding send me the good music the
Scottish man oh don't get it right God you're right that's so true the bag
fight I'm trying to listen to these backpacks from Baghdad
uh that's a great Eminem bar it's like
wow wow wow wow I wish I could memorize that whole song
like word for word because he just has some of the craziest like not threats but like name calling in it
yes get back in the back seat you dumbs Jesus dude Eminem have some of the
craziest lines and songs say like how and how did you get away with this stuff
yeah for it to be written on paper how did you get away with it okay dude because I was thinking about um
um I don't want my own damn what song is that it's the song
that's raped by Slim Shady and his first LP too yeah no it might just be a big
one I don't know it might be I'll be two does it the one where there's Moonlight and there's a guy in the trunk
oh no Stan is that what are you talking about uh it's the same album though
yeah it's the same album anyways we like all the rappers like Juicy J the way I
am like Wiz Khalifa was the way I am oh that's a great one
it's a great one it's got a it's got a line in it that is really I think I have that memorized
yeah whatever you say I could screen that song in the car though and the the
horns it had because of the Dre production I don't know if it's horns particularly but it's like I don't even know yeah Dr
Dre on Eminem's Beats for some of the craziest things you will
find what a time bro what a time and that album is a producer it's an LA
producer making beats for a Detroit white rapper yeah that can oh my gosh
and he was so great at rapping you just had such a unique voice in his ability to pronunciate and his ability to word
rhyme and his ability to just put this craziest [ __ ] together I know it was so
one the fact that you can see him like piecing [ __ ] together in his head and he's just rapping on stage yeah and you
see his eyes and like they're just laser focused and yeah yeah he is a terrifying
person he is a different animal he's such a different animal I wish I had that laser focus yeah like he's just
Focus she's so intense Eminem
just got him like his eyes wide eyes wide I think he didn't want it and he
was like I'm good man I don't need this [ __ ] ever
he is because like the older he's gone like his music's declined a little I
mean let's let's see let's go even further he's his music has declined a lot as he's gotten older his old music
has aged like fine wine yeah new music has falling off of the face of the Earth
dude it's I'm just kidding I like his one new song in GTA oh yeah that's true
I forgot what that was called but the fact that he's trying to stay relevant right but that's
good at least it's so fascinating how like um how tough rappers act like they have
to be you know what I mean Drake Drake acts tough too I mean Eminem's from
Detroit dad compared to Toronto I think Eminem can act tough but I feel like it
is a front a lot of the time that's what I'm that's like most of the time you can
have a hard life I'm okay with that I'm okay with you having a little bit of attitude okay and when it when it's
deserved you should have some attitude too yeah but when you're just you can tell when it reaches in that
[ __ ] like you're just like so trying to act gangster and you're like
dude you're making millions a year you're drinking orange juice with the with the best omelets created by the
wealthiest chefs Chef made meals and you're drinking OJ in the morning and
you're still talking about you're still talking about the vacation life
you're eight years out still hasn't learned a damn thing about
nice nice stuff I haven't yeah it's it's interesting
it's interesting I don't know because I was the only
interview I've seen with Eminem where he hasn't acted super tough was in front of Mike Tyson
and that's the thing that was the only interview I was like I really like Eminem right now because he was like
respectful he was cool he didn't talk crazy gangster stuff he was just like
this is how my life is and blah blah blah blah this is how things went and like this is how the you know music
industry is and this is how touring business works and like he was
just really insightful and really honest have you ever seen that one they do it a lot I don't know if it's
like ESPN or some [ __ ] but they get like LeBron Jay-Z and like
a bunch of different athletes or some other industry of people and they get them all
in a circle and they all talk about their experience I thought it was the craziest like idea
for uh a talk show or like a I don't know what kind of thing it would be called but it's like one guy tells their
story and then the other people are like oh yeah that should happen to me too I'm
like that's so awkward just have like a round table it's like eight plus people oh God yeah eight plus it's like you're
telling your whole life story that's and you've already made it the i in those
situations in those types of interviews you want less and less people yeah I mean if you have Jay-Z you don't want
anyone else there yeah if you sh Shaquille O'Neal you don't want anyone
else in the building you just be like hey we just want to talk to you today we
just want to get your life there's too many famous people or just too many iconic people to have in one room
that you're not interviewing one of them at a time right and you know what you would have to start worrying about
there's a lot of personality in one room right now and somebody could get their
answers sponsorships right and there's a lot of feelings that could get hurt if oh he talked to him a minute longer than
I he talked to me yeah you know or my stage time was a little less than than
Jay-Z's but I'm Shakira I'm way better than Jay-Z over there yeah
and obviously I'm like projecting on these people might be able to deal with
these situations and I'm sure they can but it's just like that's an inefficient way if you can get all of them if you
can get them into a room why would you get all of them into a room at one time that seems so ridiculous
trying to think of what it was called were you talking to me how Kanye put
Travis Scott and like Meek Mill all in
like that's called uninterrupted and it wrapped what a bad name for that too
this is just kidding maybe it's a good name who knows
yeah let me show you maybe that's not even it Jesus it's already nine o'clock
but yeah it's literally like a round table and they don't even have a table it's just chairs oh that's the worst
it's a round group of chairs yeah and a bunch of people iconic people sit in
them and they just tell their story and I thought it was like very
low budget it just feels low budget if you're having all these rich ass [ __ ]
in a room to speak about their lives why don't you have like a little bit more like production quality
and for you to hear everyone's story all right and let's say you only have an hour that means you're only hearing 10
15 minutes on one person dude you'll never learn anything out of
10 or 15 minutes you won't learn jack [ __ ] after that you know what I mean
like 10 or 15 minutes you might learn some things but you won't learn
like the big picture and it's like when Elon did this Joe working podcasts where
it was like three to four hours and you're just hearing a stream of consciousness of a brilliant person just
spewing out everything in their brain you really get to learn how their brain operates he's in the first 15 minutes
you don't really get the the patterns of how they think like 15 minutes could be
one revolution of thoughts you know what I mean and then you're going through another revolution of thoughts and then you're going through
again again and again and you're just like Jay Jay [ __ ] intelligent but like when
you only get 15 minutes of somebody you really could get a bad like it's almost like a little snapshot
like another good first impression yeah some of the time it's not even the first impression for sure because some people
when they start podcast they're just like kind of tense and they just don't know how to talk for a couple minutes
and then after a while they're like oh yeah you know this is happening and they start to loosen up and they start to
like you know be better of a conversational person what if you're 15 minutes and you [ __ ] suck those first
15 minutes and then by the end of it you're finally starting to like get the groove of it and you're like I only got
a couple minutes left and I could you know what's so funny is
the anticipation imagine if you're the person last to speak
and they're yeah and you're waiting for your turn dude you know and you're
thinking about what you're gonna say and you're like damn Jay-Z just said some fire [ __ ] I guess I gotta change up my
speech I guess I gotta change up and have on how I'm gonna speak oh he he got issues with with his job and Industry
maybe I should talk about my problems and my job industry issues just like that [ __ ] just ends up extending your
time 10 minutes and you're like [ __ ] I didn't talk about my family like [ __ ] my wife is gonna be mad when
she sees this [ __ ] I like talking about my job and my money I didn't talk about
my family we're love I just talk about money less yeah like for sure
that'd be the worst dude yeah oh God that's so inefficient it's so beneficial
because if I wanted to hear Jay-Z speak I want to hear him for three hours I which sounds so crazy but like that's
that's what a good podcast is man is if a long form figuring out how you think and figuring
out how you speak and how like what's going on and what's your life story and how it's so compelling because I
remember I was talking to you recently about how I listened to the Kanye and
Joe Rogan podcast and just like how crazy
that conversation was because Kanye was just off the wall with all these ideas
and their ideas his ideas were pretty solid what he was saying wasn't
nonsense like it was pretty reasonable that maybe people should start producing
all of their own food whoa maybe not like 80 percent of their
food 100 of their food yeah you know like being able to
being able to have enough produce to last through the winter being able to have enough
um just everything he's probably a doomsday prepper like Loki oh I'm sure
that's probably why he's got that tank I bet all all of those types of characters
are doomsday preppers too I bet Jay-Z's a little bit but like how prepared can
you get when you have the budget that I got right but if I was if I was rolling
in almost a couple billion dollars I would buy a deep bunker for sure I'm
sure if everyone had a good ass budget though they would doomsday prep to some extent you know people already buy [ __ ]
in bulk 10 years ago I was looking at this home quote unquote for sale and it
was up in New York and it was a ex-government missile
um launch pass like silo or Launchpad well like Silo but in the ground
underground styling yes and it had a missile launch tube and then it had a
living quarters inside of it as well and it also had a growing station for
hydroponic plants as well and it was 10 million dollars 10 years ago Jesus
and you yeah but dude if you had if you had a few bees
you have no issue with buying a 10 million dollar yeah bunker oh yeah that
that makes total sense but because let's go back to GTA let's be nerds for a [ __ ] second you know when you have a
bunker and you just go up to like a little platform that's what that one looked like they literally showed the land that you had
it was like it was one of those yes it just the only thing you see is like a
little Shack that's like a 10 by 10 and then you go into that and then you go
into the stairwell that goes all the way down into the ground and then you hit the living quarters and overstation
looking over the missile silo damn so cool dude so cool and look
I'm not pro-military and pro missiles and pro nukes I'm just saying
I'm just I'm just saying that it's it was just a
cool design yeah I could imagine just like renovating that type of [ __ ] though and just like
doing whatever the [ __ ] you want with it if you had that budget you know how baller it is to look at
like being on your land maybe it's like 40 or 50 acres
and you drive up to just a little Shack and you're like huh
what's that and you go into it you're like man these are a lot of stairs and
it's like it's all metal stairs that Echoes all the way and then you like you go down 500 feet
and then you finally hit the door that you gotta like unlock and maybe put your finger scans in or maybe you gotta hit
it a couple times again through the door and then you're there gosh that'd be so
cool Doomsday Preppers yeah yeah oh yeah
um okay well this has been fun and
I don't know man check out the Galactic Federation merch
designs I don't know Amazon shirts hoodies we might even have stickers
indeed indeed and don't forget about the aruga podcast holographic stickers for
sure and you know what let's go to say this too thank you for listening for God's sakes thank you so much
[Music] do you want to collect a free nft
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[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they
look busy right

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