#16 - Galactic Federation | Nolan & Preston

#16 - Galactic Federation | Nolan & Preston

[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they
look busy right so listeners eventually you will see the
Galactic Federation you must join us as we embark on space
that's it that's it bro we are going to be controlled and we're gonna have to pay taxes to the Galactic Federation you
wait we'll pay we'll pay taxes to the state we'll pay taxes to the government we'll
pay taxes to Earth and then we'll pay taxes to the Galaxy where will it end
we'll never know your tax dollars are going for good use
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be produced by saipuda check him out at saifudabeats.com
Jesus welcome back to the aruga podcast um my YouTube is now Auto playing so I
just saw a crash car and that was a bit rough um yeah Jesus I don't know I have a clip
though of just glass and just glassing
I've never been moose something before
yes have you ever seen a moose go down that quick holy cow oh holy cow is right that is
this is why we came up here we've been sleeping along this big huge Meadow big
Long Tall medal we've been slipping along here just glassing just glassing glass and all of a sudden literally I
didn't even have I didn't even put my head net on I'm like oh we're just glassing these big huge Meadows let's just keep going let's glass let's glass
let's glass a glass I'm like holy smokes I got a moose I got a moose and I'm like
oh man it's a bull it's a bull I'm like no it's a cow or you're the cow right there
that was unbelievable uh that's a clip from lamb H
um your mom's house um super like 371 the episode a little far
back I was like it doesn't matter what year but yeah big fan of ymh and now it's just a funny bit just glassing just
glassing and uh I think that's like a um a country singer of some sort Luke
Bryan I speculate but I'm not positive on it but yeah what a weird thing he's a
hunter if you couldn't tell he moose hunting moose hunting I wonder what state we got a pool we got no we got a
cat another classification he's like really hyped up over you know he didn't
ask its pronouns he should have done that first but he was bow hunting so I guess he has some
skill but yeah kind of taking down a moose with a bell that does take some
balls though inaccuracy in some discipline and practice and
I don't I have never shot a bow well I guess I've shot a bow before but I was
trash at it and uh yeah it's not something that like I'm really into bow hunting but uh it's
interesting it does seem like a more of a challenge than just using a rifle so rifle like I mean yeah you have to have
some like you know accuracy you gotta have a clean shot like right underneath
yeah and you're pulling back like 80 pounds or 75 and you're like I don't
know that seems like something it does it does sound like something
cool to get into the archery it's a good discipline I'm sure like a
good past time like you know like we just played pool before this and like that's a past time or you could just
like I don't know go outside get your bow shoot at Target for 30 people golf
some people hunt some people golf yeah yeah some people like to ride their
bikes on the roads not the sidewalks they don't they don't trust the
sidewalks no fun no it's actually illegal for somebody to ride their bike on the sidewalk I say illegal I don't
you know it's just like uh you can get ticketed for that it's supposed to be
like that bikes are for the road supposedly that's why when people are on
the sidewalk with bikes I do get a little crazy I don't like you're not crazy
I just get a little aggravated because it's like dude I'm walking on the sidewalk now I gotta get over for you
like on the left [ __ ] [ __ ] unless you're living in Loveland Loveland yeah yeah for its bike
Capital bike that's a cool Trail though walking on the it is like a paved road but it is
like a cool just little uh like a trail you know I
was about to say hiking trail it's not really a trail it's you're walking on a paved Road a paved Road that's nicer
than most roads roads like specifically that remote like not motorcycle but
bicycle just bicycles yeah yeah but when you go to Loveland you'll
still find people who drive or who ride their bikes on the road and you're like dude there's a trail for you why are you
why are you making me yeah slow down um but yeah
I do love riding bikes though let me just clarify like I love bikes dude
um oh my gosh I guess like a kid would ride bikes every day so fun around the neighborhood yeah
actually like I miss that like being older having a bike and just constantly like going from A to Z on a bike it was
always really nice yeah always having different places to go to mm-hmm
no uh No Agenda No Agenda you just like the sun's up well it's around the corner
yeah and pretty freeing to be youthful
oh my gosh I don't know if I can I don't know if I can stop myself from not talking about it I found
um My Doppelganger but not you know physical doppelganger the Evangelical yeah doppelganger yeah yeah the
religious version of me his name is Preston shuttleworth
shuttles shuttle's worth yeah and he his
podcast was it's a rival to ours at this point can't have two Preston Holly or two
Preston's no God no especially when I have a religious agenda and he also has
religious agenda and you know what I need to tell you how God works
how stupid is that this is how God works
so that was just a snippet obviously you don't know what I'm talking about but it's I was listening to Preston
Shuttlesworth audio podcast and he's a 21 year old Minister he declared himself
as and he's our age he's yeah [ __ ] our age which no noctum proclaimed
what is he administer he's a yeah he's a minister he's not a youth Minister he's a minister apparently and then he also
is the person you know what I'm just gonna read his bio for the podcast because
man this man just needs the clown um so
his bio for the Preston Shuttlesworth audio podcast is Preston shuttleworth is
a 21 year old Minister and preacher of the Gospel in this new Venture of
podcasting Preston is aiming to deliver an anointed message an anointed message
to his generation that they are equipped to conquer every challenge of life
through the power of God's word how powerful
doesn't that just make you have like Goosebumps
I feel the energy coursing through me oh God it was just so funny because like
he's just proclaiming that he knows God and he knows how to this is how God works like bro
none of us have answered that question there's been thousands of philosophers on this Earth
we've recorded and they barely understand what God is I don't even think they they just have metaphors for
what God is they can't be like this is on this wall I have
declared what I don't know I don't even know what bit I could we don't even have tablets like we don't have the same 10
commandment tablets to pull from we don't have the Arc of the Covenant at our disposal how many times we're
supposed to trust these sources right how many times were the Dead Sea Scrolls translated and re-translated from
language to language
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[Music] tell me about those where are the
Scrolls those are Dead Sea Scrolls no no they found some of them
and they were DNA tested the skin that
was that they wrote on and they were like DNA testing because they would use uh animal skin for their paper and so
what they would do is DNA test that set skin to carbon dated and then
um they can like kind of guesstimate of how long ago those Scrolls were written and
I have no idea where they found them and I have no idea where they are now but
require them one day oh wait yeah yeah we'll have them hanging up that would be
pretty baller instead of like having like a famous painting you have like I have the Dead Sea Scrolls bro yeah what
do you have honestly like what would I rather invest in at um 10 million dollar
um T-Rex and I think it was six million six million there's only six million T-rex skeleton only only six million I
think it's worth the investment though you just have chilling well it's handshake I think we should agree
when we get the first six million dollars for the Riga podcast right to a
T-Rex it's not even gonna be towards a building to house it it's just gonna go
towards the skeleton just we're not a museum or anything no we just want to have a private collection who knows we
might we might mount it sometimes about the skeleton have like uh parades
where teams of people like move it like Japanese uh dragons
I have a bunch of people just act like you're moving the legs oh God those things are so cool and how
baller is that to have a fully reconstructed skeleton of it of something that lives
60 plus million years ago and you're like that was the top predator now who's
the Predator now [ __ ] I wonder how tall they are though aren't
they like 30p no clue I guess yeah yeah somewhere around there yeah I'm no
photocopping that and we're gonna put it on the campus and we're gonna say that's our donation the original campus they
would have to they would have to give us some air time at their UC station
we're paleontologist now we donated a whole T-rex skeleton so that you guys can study it
but we're just leaving it outside dude how cool how cool and then the next
thing would be those I don't know what kind of dinosaur they're called but those
Pig looking dinosaurs that have the tail with a big weapon on the end of their
tail have those ever been recovered like they're terrible spikes I don't know I
would assume it's like a whole ass Rock I wonder how they developed that over evolutionary dinosaur version of a of a
rhino I know but he had a hole as almost Rock did you just gender
all dinosaurs are here I'm just kidding at least they're aggressive ones yeah
all the aggressive dinosaurs are guy dinosaurs all the other ones that had
to protect their young those are the mama dinosaurs oh yeah yeah for sure for
sure there were no female T-Rexes
they say they were lizards so yeah I guess so they were not mammal but yeah to evolve and having a tail that has a
rock attached to it that has spikes how many defenses do you need wait can I
just can I just blow your mind for a second dinosaurs existed while trees existed
sharks existed before trees before trees but for trees that means
before land right no because there were mushrooms that replaced trees
they were yes they were giant mushrooms they're like umbrellas yeah that would I
don't I like I remember hearing the uh well I have this book that's called
um the history of nearly everything by I'm just gonna add them bread
build build Bryson yeah
the history of nearly everything by Bill Bryson and he goes over a part of
the creation of like what we think at this current moment how did the earth
form and like what species started off and blah blah blah blah blah and yeah mushrooms before trees bro
and sharks before trees and sharks before trees which I guess makes sense because like we had water animals before
you land animals all right but like still pretty crazy that those demons have been around for so long
sharks have lived through the dinosaurs yeah right for sure is that what you
were saying oh yeah for sure
which like that's that's where I go back to my subject of we need to have homes
underwater for when the next ice age or catastrophic meteorite will be saved
like the Sharks yeah it will be at least 70 percent safer who knows
and I just I won't have any tectonic plates uh shifting that that are like
directly affecting us I think technically not because those
tectonic I don't even know and those fault lines are actually starred in the ocean So
like um you know how there's those we were taught this at such a young age but there's a plate and then there's
another plate that's going underneath of it yeah and like being swallowed into the mantle of Earth
and most of the time
I'm not actually going to be a scientist right now I actually don't give up
because you know what I I was taught that [ __ ] in like eighth grade yeah that
was a long time ago and that didn't make me a scientist back then
oh gosh just the whole Theory no it's not even the whole science of tectonic
plates shifting it's just wild and they didn't have a theory for Pangea until
like the late 1800s or really nine early 1900s which is like one super continent
yeah exactly and then they started teaching that till they're young now that's a product of us like which is
insane that there were people not long ago not long ago like our country's not that
old our country was forming what 1776 and
yeah bro the fact that like it took Galileo for us to understand that we revolve around the sun it's crazy that
wasn't long ago either but uh like that's so weird that
just a time scale of humans we really haven't been around here that long
anyway they say precursor they say that we as like our
cred are present Evolution has been around for about 50 000 years
like we haven't evolved that substantial in about 50 000 years which is crazy and
like now in I guess the last things that were like
minutely like the traits that were dwindled down
I want to say that it was probably just like us getting more and more hairless
you know um we could talk [ __ ] about uh we could
talk [ __ ] about Kanye West all day long but I was listening to a podcast where he was saying something really
clever and really smart and it's like he was saying that we're in this re relay relay race with life and we're just
handing it off to the youth 24 7 like through the evolution of humans yeah and
it's like you know during this relay race we have to do our best to teach the
children this you know the way the best way to think and um and I don't know I just feel like
it kind of ties into like how we really haven't been around that long like the dinosaurs were around for
millions of years but like bro we haven't been around for for very long not even like oh we don't have a whole
period named after us yet even we have like micro periods where we're like we
were talking before about like the Renaissance and The Classical period in the bronze era yeah like those are ages
I guess of humans but we haven't gone to like the Jurassic kind of thing you know where they grew
[ __ ] millions of years together
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uh man I [ __ ] hate allergies you have allergies yeah
and random [ __ ] that gets in my eye don't ever get don't ever grow your hair
out okay everyone not not to promote the skinhead movement but I just hate long
hair I'm not a fan of neo-nazism come on I'm just saying oh dude no hair I'm
gonna go without a conspiracy Rabbit Hole so YouTube I was like really getting into pyramids and like just the
craziness of YouTube videos about the pyramids and there was one where they
were saying that the military found a pyramid in Antarctica
and it was underground and they said that
they were harvesting the energy off of this pyramid
and they're like it's the gradient it's the greatest radioactive like it's the greatest power
source on Earth that we can do this and it was just so interesting how deep
people really care about the idea of pyramids and um yeah have you seen the conspiracies
about pyramids in Antarctica I've seen almost every conspiracy theory
about Antarctica really like the laser one you like the laser one yeah the green laser shooting out from like the
South Pole whatever dude I like how it ties into
um Hollow air Theory and how they like it's a tunnel to the middle of the Earth there's really just
stairs and you go to the center Earth and there's this Lush like I don't know it's so interesting
that there's like an ice shelf and that it hasn't melted yet or just was able to
keep a place preserved like a whole lake or something oh oh yeah what what was
that lake called I don't know but it was almost like a reservoir underground volatile
and it was being protected by the ice right so it was a um it was a lake
underneath it it was a lake underneath an ice sheet and this ice sheet was about two miles thick
I think I'm recalling that right it might even be a mile thick let's go crazy and
um they were drilling to it and then they were trying to take samples of the water and they discovered that like that
Lake was completely preserved for going in there
totally alien and foreign to like how our bacteria is nothing that we know can
grow at that temperature you know I argue with you on that fact
though because I think that pressure creates heat and no pressure creatine
and the amount of pressure of a whole ice sheet
on you like the water will become super compact but I think also that creates
friction which that creates heat so I think that Lake actually wouldn't have that like why would the
water be non-frozen you know what I mean yeah if it's so
cold and the land is so cool you know I don't know I don't know if that's a guy getting it from the Sun
so I guess it's all heat from the ground
yeah this might not be a good example but have you seen in the um
gosh the Marianas Trench how there's these heat pockets in the Mariana's
Trench of volcanic valves there's a bunch of heat there obviously
and that's like you know that's from lava and blah blah blah but there's this bacteria that lives off of the volcanic
valves and like there's no there's there's no biologics there's no
biologics like in the cold water but in the warm water it's like there's a
little there's some browse of more life um also sorry for being a scientist
Jesus um I think the whole like the fact that
there's volcanic plumes underneath water just like constantly
like it's hotter than the I don't know what but it's forming land
and Islands the tallest mountain on earth is actually underwater
really yeah bro is it named [ __ ] hope they named it for sure
if they didn't name it so I'm sure it's got a millionaire military term yeah um but
uh tallest Mountain
in the ocean
also in this episode of the aruga podcast our poll is going to
be a great question it's going to be what rapper should we start beef with yeah what rapper should
we start beef with all right so um before we get into that topic is that
such a fun topic we were [ __ ] throwing names around like it was hacky
um so what's the tallest mountain on Earth and the
um why don't you pronounce this one [Music] the this one
Mona K the Mona K is twice the size of
Everest how is that possible though because it's underwater it's got more air to breathe
it is really double it's double Everest bro bad
isn't that crazy yeah there's no there's another thing that would like
make it distinct underneath water would it can I say something even crazier though the land we're standing on now
compared to what the ocean would be in comparison is already taller than Everest they only
count Everest's height from the Basin of the mountain they're not counting all the way
exactly that's why the tallest mountain on Earth or the tallest mountain on
Earth being under water once once it peers out of the water it's not the
tallest mountain anymore you know what it is an island it is an island
isn't that just [ __ ] it's what if the island has the tallest
mountains that's just a phallic symbol
I don't know bro I don't know but uh going back to beef
bro yeah who would we start beef with as
the aruga podcast work we're slicing throats out here I'm just
that's so aggressive we're taking names if anyone knows someone uh we that you
personally hate as a rapper as an influencer we'll start talking [ __ ] about him bro you were saying that
you're like yeah I want to start beef with cardi B and then that means offset
as well but even though I don't want to be having it directly correlated to offset I do not like cardi B
but offset's music is nice that's good I like it too he's he's a
good rapper I'll never [ __ ] on offset or his ability to pick women but
having beef with the Migos and but then you're like wow I don't think we can really have beef with all the Amigos
takeoff is cool yeah cueva's all right
siding with the dead that's so sad oh God
yeah but I do like uh I do like starting beef with just random ass I mean it's
people that though that don't get it regularly like
beef oh my God what are you talking about I mean everybody there is a
laundry list of people who don't like cardi B I mean I'm of course she only made that list longer after the [ __ ] song
yeah which I am not saying like I don't give a [ __ ] like I'm glad they made it it's
kind of a funny funny bit but it's like Ben Shapiro being like she's
yeah degrading all women and yeah yeah
I don't know how I feel about that Ben Shapiro's too stuck up dude he's got to stick up his ass that's what makes me
irk about uh that Preston shuttle's worth is that he reminds me of Ben
Shapiro yes like very much reminds me of Ben Shapiro I could see it do you
remember how you know it's funny when you're in the Catholic
church and you look at Ben Shapiro as like a person of good yeah which is
really funny and like his ideologies yeah you're like hey some of these are
kind of making sense yeah and then you just grow up you're like what is this man baby talking about bro
he's an interesting one I have like listen I've listened to a lot of podcasts of him and he does have some
great points about like how he should restructure Society to the positive and
blah blah blah blah he's got some great points yeah but then he's also got a lot of he gets hurt about the wrong things
sometimes hey I just yeah I don't really know I'm not
gonna talk I don't know he's an interesting character you can't say
he's an Untouchable because like there's so many things that you can make fun of him about he does talk really fast right
there's that there's that he's a smart guy though I don't know
I'm actually gonna go positive because you know he's not the person I'm gonna start B flip because he would have a
very long and extensive rant about these guys at a Ruger podcast
he would talk faster than my mind can perceive yeah he would be one that would
be like you know what you might have some good points Ben Shapiro oh God
yeah you know when we go on the topic of starting beef with celebrities obviously
we have no stones to throw in a glass house but it's fun to think about it
it's because we're not affiliated with anyone yet yeah we're just trying to get some clown you know what I'm saying this is a business transaction and we need
some hate to get some love it's all a formulation
[Music] it's just a one one big old business
deal and when we start beef with that person we'll actually DM them and make sure that they know that we're on their
side we're on the same side here
and if they don't take that DM we're gonna go straight to the house
it starts playing what the censored
and we're gonna start to end just kidding but yeah it's dude it's so
interesting that like once you start becoming like a really famous influencer
I wonder if Ben Shapiro is starting to think man maybe I need bodyguards
you know hmm it's getting weird man I'm just trying to have people send me the news
commentary though because he's mostly making stories about everyday news he's
probably more popular than Fox News I want to say so you know viewership wise right right Fox probably gets I
don't know 10 15 000 views a day that's yeah that seems pretty reasonable
I don't know 30k on a good day hey yeah let's see like their YouTube channel is
popping in their cable channel you know exactly their YouTube channel is like way off the charts great like I remember
my grandfather um name dropping there
what watch Fox News cable but then also watch Fox YouTube as well and he was
double dipping that was really interesting oh gosh
what news channel did your family like lean towards because my family was all Fox bro oh it was definitely Fox but
there's always like some weird you know like the cable TV and it has like MSN or
some weird news channel on it yeah and they got like sun what's that one with Good Morning America
ABC I think it was mostly that channel being like um I liked ABC I'm not gonna lie
that was my choice actually yeah of news um yeah my family would always choose Fox but I was like I like ABC and if Fox
is too like hatred base yeah but they're so obviously Republican ABC is like
see if we're liberal or not they don't always like Trend that line
they always kind of lean liberal just a little bit on the reporting but you their ideology is really buried deep you
really have to read between the lines to understanding there's very few Centrist
news stations yeah they're like trusted and I'm not saying ABC News is Centrist
at all they are not I'm I should go for a fact it's the ones that are portraying
that they're for everyone right yeah Good Morning America imagine that that's
you know that's a ballsy ballsy name for a noose I think they were just the first
ones to trademark it that's why brilliant though yeah dude if we could have Good Morning America I would
you know dude I was thinking about the subject of that means the uh acronym is
GMA yeah well you must be known as grandma dude
Grandma's America bro I don't know I um gosh she knocked me off my
I had no idea where I was going with that about Fox News yeah dude ABC ABC was
great though I used to love watching ABC like Good Morning America whichever one had that Thanksgiving Day Parade that
was the channel to go to yeah screw all the other news stations is ABC the same one with David Muir yeah
of course that's of course ABC is the goat I don't care then they had um before David mura was
um damn Barbara Walters yeah I think that
thing goes Barbara Walters and I did I was a big fan of her and then and then
David Muir would sit in for her when Barbara Walters would do an interview out of
broadcasting room I don't really know I don't know the details but um yeah let's watch that forever and
then 2020 too I'm pretty sure you remember that murder show it was like after uh yeah it was
like I know what you're talking about yeah my grandma used to watch that that was always it was always the
husband or wife I don't know every episode dude anyone
would be the husband in the jail or the wife in the jail let's not be sexist and
the um detective male would always be
like oh she slipped a little too many pills yes in his water what happened to your spouse and then I'll be like ah and
dude they would always break down the first interview and it's always funny watching the police uh like
interrogative tape when they're in the room and they they're either not saying anything
or they're like giving out their whole life story and crying they're like oh I did do it right why did I do it in both
situations you know by the body language they're guilty yeah man the body language
between you can't have like if they're if they weren't a killer they would just be acting normal yeah those don't
exactly there's no in between have sincere like where is my wife yeah why
am I talking to you I need to be out in the search teams you know what I mean yeah and but instead it's those two
versions of the either the stone cold killer which is like talking to their spouse like it's an object yeah I don't
know when it left no they're already kind of like it's in a baggage thing
right now that's what they think in the back of their head for sure yeah but then
there's the other ones like they're just like absolutely sobbing but totally helpless yeah you know and you're like
hmm I'm a little too sad for this you have no like you think you already you think your
spouse is already dead which is like yeah those shows are so fun if you're
still watch um this is my disclaimer though if you still watch Fox or CNN in 2023 you're
brainwashed I'm not pre-washed dude they actually have good shows like water scrolled is
actually doing really good Jesse Waters is such a great commentator he
hey look I don't think there's any relatable host on either platform that aren't
toxic they're like they're like Ken dolls they're like just
these like Wax figures that are giving you very robotic answers and you know
what happened in the Middle East today and you're like okay though the other channel I like and it is kind of a news
channel I don't know if it's Court TV but there's this one news channel where
is this guy and he was asking questions about like Donald Trump getting arrested sure he's
asking this one lawyer like hella questions and like he's just really friendly and
like the people that he has on his show are just like non-biased very like fact
based and uh yeah it's the people that are opinion based like us you gotta stay
away from other news on the news sources you're gonna have opinion based and
effect it's like setting you know news is all facts you know what's different between us and the news like Fox News
you're supposed to be factual the things we just talked about five minutes ago me and Nolan talked about [ __ ] it we we
talked about that way before the podcast and we're geeking about it then you know but the thing is those producers on Fox
News is gonna be like you know I don't really think that we can talk about
[Music] a whole list of things that's ridiculous we can't talk about Biden looking old
and obviously that's CNN but then it's the flip side too we can't talk about Trump being in jail
Trump's God transmitis how could Zeus be in jail
like the things that aren't able to be discussed on the platform that you're on
like on CNN it's like you almost have to have a positive opinion on Joe Biden not
a negative opinion on Donald Trump and then if you're a Fox News host it's the vice versa
you know what's so I'm gonna do a side note [Music] it's so funny that I had a I had a
family or like a family friend I showed them the podcast and I was like you know
like yeah do this thing everywhere blah blah whatever and they came back to me and talked and I
was like I didn't know you were right wing [Laughter]
I'm like what and then he's like I didn't know you were right wing I was like how long did you listen to the
pocket 30 seconds I guess first first time they didn't even get through the highlight
damn like you're judging me some what what are you saying to me I'm I'm right what
that terminology is too funny dude it's like it's so ridiculous because like
both parties are [ __ ] stupid why do we have two picks this go this
makes me go back to my original thought it said it's so ridiculous that we have
two picks for political parties but I can go to McDonald's and there's 14 15
different options on the menu what's up with that huh Are we more advanced at McDonald's than we are for the [ __ ]
political system we have we have less options for political ideas than we do
at a fast food restaurants Keynes has more options than presidential
listeners if you don't know what Keynes is it's a chicken restaurant
and Fries there's nothing I just described their whole menu but they have
at least five options that's more to pick from than we get for
president how do we have less options for presidents than chicken orders
there's three million 300 million people in America and we have two geriatrics to
pick from in 2020. excuse me that's so Insanity it's just because they've been
around longer Preston they've got them ex they've got that experience on us yeah yeah
sure they got that experience on them they don't even know what state they live in yeah half of them are
getting like what do you think two or three uh publicly noticed
what is it sexual harassment um like paparazzi photos a week you know
with Donald Trump I'm I'm sure he's probably paid like 10 million dollars to sign us a lot of people
yeah you think that you know that fist pumper doesn't do anything
you just described the perfect that's like the perfect gift from Trump dude
when he's like shaking his hands like he's jerking off imaginary dicks he's just like yeah dude
that dude tried so hard to be on the on the Mount Rushmore though you know what I mean I'm so for that I okay I know
that makes me sound right we already got a mug shot I mean let's just put it in stone dude you know how like if Biden
was trying to do that I'd be like that's [ __ ] Insanity don't know he's not a good but the thing is Trump is
we had no war during that presidency we are currently in Ukraine in a money pit
and I'm sure that the Biden Administration is getting paid and Backwater of how much money they donate
to Ukraine and if we pull out the same thing will happen that happens in Vietnam or Korea we're embarrassed where
we just had we didn't have enough resources to throw at a endless and stupid War right yeah the same thing's
gonna happen where our budget's gonna run out and you know what the you know what the Vets are gonna say you know how
in Vietnam at the end of Vietnam they're like we didn't lose the war we left the
war that's gonna be the propaganda with with uh Ukraine yeah Jesus we're just
leaving it yeah we're not even attached to it dude after I think I
think when I really started tuning out of the Ukraine war is when we donated a
ton of I think equipment to Ukraine but the thing is they let that sit in the
warehouse and then Russia figured out that that warehouse existed and they bombed that warehouse and like
Millions upon millions of dollars of equipment just went down the drain and it's like hmm
hmm how sloppy are you guys getting out there like is it yeah for their for their info to be that
shaky yeah come on you're running a war it can't be that
that's about to say it can't be that difficult I'm sure it's difficult as [ __ ] but the thing is like these things
play out as like on the world scale like you know that
Ukraine if there's no way that they're gonna win that back in my mind I don't know that's it's
Rubble it's not even green land anymore I'm sure I don't know actually I'm not a Ukraine expert or a military expert
that's my disclaimer sorry but it's interesting it's interesting to think about at this point it's like
they're messing the land up more than the soldiers you know it's like they are
destroying more to do with the land and bridges and Railways than like actually
targeting like they're trying to Target civilian priorities compared to like
I guess what would they be called Rangers or whatever the [ __ ] well whatever their
soldiers are called I don't know but I'm gonna retract back to the original thought which is
during Trump's Administration that [ __ ] didn't happen and maybe that might be the role of the dice and what era we
were in and that we were just at this natural point where America was at this
pristine point where we didn't have a [ __ ] War but I don't know man it does write the
good questions let's put them on my Rushmore why not bro no we're not
writing checks off every week to Ukraine yeah dude thanks bud we could have put
all the presidents on Mount Rushmore with the money that we spent at Ukraine yeah we could have had all 40 all 46
I guess 45. God it is 40. yeah no 46 yeah it's 46. Biden's the 46th because
you know Mr Trumper was 45 but you got to take an effect that some of them had
repeating terms but I don't even know how many years some of them served you know
I mean that's very true 46 presidents in between now and 1776. that's pretty wild
oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
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check it out I know my facts man I know my 45th
president and I bow down to him I'm my Altar and I have a color palette of his
orange skin all over my walls and I'm just kidding man I am not right-winger
he's he's also a media personality so we look up to him in that sort of way
well he went from businessman to Media personality to American president
what not to Aspire to all right we're not trying to live like this guy
then you must be trying to not be successful sure I I find it
interesting though that like I wonder how when we grow old what will our society view him as
because like Trump was such a polarizing character in our time in history and
like I wonder how it will be looked upon like it's almost like like FDR you know like we're
finally at the age where we can look at FDR as a historical standpoint there's no emotional attachment to the current
time and so it's like we can look at those characters there's a couple presidents that just
aren't aren't like memorable but yeah with with the fact that Trump
he he just like I don't know what he did but he [ __ ] around so much and just
did so much [ __ ] in those four years that I think it
could last like a good 20 or 40 Years of his like impact on culture there's
emotional impact yeah is it sound like it's we're not talking about facts on the board but we're talking about like
how dude during 2016 or 2015 the election
between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump it was either you were uh and you didn't
even win by popular vote right he went he won by electoral which
it's an interesting system the Electoral it's an interesting system there's pros
and cons to it for sure and that electoral College thing was created a long time
ago but man we would have been in so much trouble the Hillary because she she
is such a corrupt figure you know how many people she killed
I don't even trust her husband bro dude when she laughed about I forget what it
was and him being the what if he was the first man
what is it called huh oh the first couple to be both president
I guess that would also be the case but like he would be the first man sir
no I wouldn't be sir you know how they call him first lady it would be Madam president and then first
first sir what would it be called first man first lady first first ombre I don't
know yeah they got the First Lady which it's funny how they can't even say
first woman they're like nah she's a lady bro we don't want to give her that much but yeah what would they be calling Bill
Clinton if Hillary was the president I don't I don't think they had a plan for it that's wrong you'd be the first man
of the White House yeah yeah but it's interesting like back in
those times like we couldn't vote at them at that point so it really didn't matter what our opinion was but I just
remember how polarizing the idea of like even at our age so when we kind of vote people were still like oh well I would
vote for blah blah blah right it was either you were a
like a feminist or you were for building a wall those
were the only two years for Border Protection or the first woman ever to be
a president and the thing is and those were two ideas that weren't cool like in
either one of their heads you know Hillary Clinton wasn't thinking oh I
could be the first woman president she was thinking about other [ __ ] like taking over the world yeah she's like McDonald's can I drop he wasn't thinking
about building walls he was like how can I make this plugin place like my penthouse right yeah I'm
not looking at the White House how can I make all of America like my penthouse
it is interesting though that they force the president to live at the White House why why do I have to it's like college
bro why do I gotta go to the door like you know why why do I gotta stay on base
that seems I would be low-key I'd be if I was President Air Force One everywhere
bro I wouldn't be taking a car or motorcade happy ages well I guess you'd
have to take a motorcade out for sure after the jet for sure after the jet ride but
my plane bills and Jet bills would be horrendous you know those um
Secret Service Guys Don't Wear Ties well they do but they wear clip-on ties so
they can't get choked out by their by their wraparound tie what isn't that weird but it's always
portrayed in the movies that they're getting choked out by ties that aren't yeah so that [ __ ] does not happen
because they all got clipped and they all got clip-on you'd have to take that clip on how'd you find that out the
podcast I I forget what podcast I couldn't be able to tell you my source of where that
was but I think it was I think it was that such like uh this is not a good source it's something that can't be
known to the public I actually apologize I do remember right it was a Duncan Trussell Joe Rogan podcast and let me
tell you listeners if you've ever had a not good source those are one because
um like I I deeply love The Joe Rogan and Duncan Trussell
um podcasts but they're just like woof they go so deep so quickly
um I aspire to that that's for sure you explore a whole range of topics oh
whatever Joe Rogan went down on trestles involved I'm channeling Duncan Trussell when I talk about
um hollower Theory oh my God that [ __ ] is so well educated on
Hollywood Theory and all the theories that go with all this I mean I think Hall of moon Theory makes more sense
than hollow Earth theory because the fact that when we landed on the moon and
it did that like sound the bell sound all right and there was a subtle hum
dude there's a whole movie about the moon
um like crashing into Earth but it's just but at that moment if it did crash on Earth it'd just be a thin piece of
paper well the whole undertone of the movie is that the moon was an alien
satellite um okay so it was like I guess hollowed
out but it was like mostly a machine okay okay that would be a what a good
Ploy by the way to watch us just to have a giant eyeball in the sky
yeah that dude and then it never rotates and
it's known to us as a natural satellite right and natural satellite exactly not
something like Elon Musk creating a satellite of the sun with his Tesla but
a natural satellite the whole movie though I forgot what it
was called it was like called uh yeah moonfall oh Jesus
groundbreaking right literally that's not what you did moonfall and it was about how aliens
trapped a star that was close to Earth and then that was their that was their
moon base is that the moon was just a dwarf star that got like encapsulated
with this machine and then they were just harnessing it's a dwarf star I know
we I know we always go tinfold hat with this [ __ ] with the aliens but I would in
Apollo or Theory or Hollow Moon Theory isn't the
conspiracy that's correct then I would even I would go and say there's
definitely alien bases on the back of the Moon because if you wanted to watch us like a
little like an ant hill just go on the other side bro they can't see us and the moon
never rotates the the Dark Side of the Moon never sees Earth so what a good
place to set up camp or even go in the oceans we never explore the oceans
that's why I want ocean real estate I want to see the UFO go through
it's a nice thought though like it is an interesting thought just to like
be in a world where we actually are being watched and it's not you know who's watching us as an Uncle Sam it's
like true it's like the animals right and we're not getting tapped I I really
well we're getting tapped right now but yeah but I I really don't like the idea like
it makes no sense to me why aliens wouldn't be here and I know that seems
ridiculous but the idea that like we as human beings in epicenter of just different culture that they would not
otherwise have access to you know and just like as an ex like uh observing
experiment like two and like how many other hubs are out there are out there
that are like similar and have City city-like structures or some [ __ ]
you know Hive like cities yeah yeah we are bees but just on a massive scale
mm-hmm and we've harmed well we haven't harnessed this Earth but we've we've I
don't know trying to suck a dry medicine we're on the path too we're getting all the
fossil fuels out with the with the rigs and all that yeah and then
the next intelligent the index intelligent species that takes over
Earth after we die from a asteroid that's gonna be like huh this like these
fossil fuels from humans are pretty good actually imagine our bones being used to
fuel some mother like [ __ ] UFO yeah that'd be cool because that's how
dinosaurs are living through uh through us right now for sure you know if you're driving right now take a prayer for that
dinosaur that died it's being used in your engine yeah dude you didn't you don't deserve that Soul put that car in
park down the on the highway I don't give a [ __ ] you're just murdering
dinosaurs for willy-nilly yeah how many are in that mixture too of all the
gasoline and oil that are in that barrel and then shipped to the gas station or
in that big ass tanker that fuels the gas station are you talking about the semis how much
gasoline would be in the cinema I'm not even saying that I'm saying how many different
dinosaurs are in that mix hundreds of you thousands say say you were a
dinosaur and then your liquid liquefied right and then now you're just in this
big old bucket pure carbon with everyone else yeah just burning that carbon man and
that you're just used for a vehicle and that's the thing I don't think it's that crazy to think that after if we
[ __ ] up as the human race it'll be a shame I like living I would like my
children to live my great-grandchildren to live I would like a prosperous human race that would be cool but
there's always that small inkling chance that I asteroid's gonna hit the sun's
gonna [ __ ] cook uh having solar flares yeah we go back to the Bronze Age
because we're stupid in the com in our phones think for us
we're dude if our phones all delete and we go back to 1990s what happens I think
we would revert so far back I think I think you think the habits are too far gone in
human brains I think we're so attached to just reaching in our pockets for something
maybe not yet because I think we're at this point we'll give it another 10
years I can put my phone down and something physically won't happen to me like I don't have a physical addiction
right technically with cell phones you have a psychological addiction
but um yeah well actually only a billion
people are on the internet there's seven billion people on earth yeah one of the things at Google that I
was learning in their course is that
uh they're trying to make the next
I guess generation or wave of like they're basically trying to make
uh this is um they're gonna sound weird make it more accessible for the next
billion users so like in terms of buttons language
translating like internet accessibility having
offline accessibility to Google they're trying to like Market
every new project for the next billion users not the people that are already experienced in technology it's the
people that have never picked up a phone or a tablet before in third world countries and should
that's who they're now making products and services for and me and you were born close to the
turn of the century Return of the right turn the century turn of the Millennium millennium
really 2001 doesn't matter I don't want to get my birthday anyways we're old
but the thing is we got to see the development of Google you know like I
remember how archaic Google used to be and I remember how simple used to be and
I remember how how much it's came from because today I can go on Google and
have Google bar and I can look up the aruga podcast and AI tells me what the original podcast is which is [ __ ]
insanity and the thing is like we've been able to see this like build up and
there's so much use to knowing what the internet is right now and like
to see the internet of the past as well these people who are just now touching the internet
whoa how far are you behind that's like that's like getting neuralink a hundred
years later than you should [Laughter]
um it's going to be interesting like that that's gonna be one of our evolutions
dude they have the to have my cell phone in in my spinal cord seems a bit
ridiculous I know I wonder how many years we are off from uh
a full narrowly not like transition but like I guess 10 acceptance like
acceptance use or five percent acceptance use like you already know that he's thinking
of those numbers and stats in his head you know like we need this kind of acceptance rate to be profitable or yeah
for it to go to market for sure so he's probably just waiting for everyone else to like catch up
I guess to drop their morals and whatnot you're like yeah I'll put a chip in my
head this isn't the mark of the beast come on guys this is in advance we just
want Amazon connected to your toes [Laughter] [Music]
how are you going to use PayPal with your spinal cord if you don't do it come
on and we need a little Kickback from from PayPal every time you take a [ __ ]
come on yes we need some sense back every time
I would go to a vending machine dude imagine if you have a cloud in your brain and you're like damn I
gotta pay for like Memories man I'm gonna have to delete a Whole Decade if I
don't have like he would have to have hard drives almost yeah I'm reaching my
memories with bands and um I don't know whatever company that
test that Tesla or space I don't know Elon whatever his
narrow Lake's just gonna be like we want a Monthly prescription and we need a monthly pay you're gonna have to pay us
ten dollars or twelve dollars or maybe even Thirty to extend your memories yeah
we're gonna have to cut out those decades when you were young if you if you don't want to pay 15 a month you
just see the pros and cons lists and it says extends memory use and you're like what the [ __ ] a year am I living
efficiency with the brain 30 more years of living can translate in real time I'm
like if you can translate real time now you
know how much trap like traveling would boost oh my God
if everything that you were seeing is just translated into the language that you speak or read and let me go even so
far what if we don't need language what if that's archaic
what if the things that we say and the The Sounds you hear and you're like oh
yeah okay those are those words that forms the sentence maybe that and you're like that's what the point is okay and
then you're doing that in real time maybe all that's ridiculous maybe we only did that
to communicate but then we're just going to send like files like little pngs or
jpegs over to each other's brains that's an image you know what they call that they call that uh shards and arts like
let me send you a Shard and that's like they just hand it to you yeah
Jesus that makes me uncomfortable USB out the back of your neck
and you put a virus and you're like that's like one of the main themes of
that game is just like what happens if other people start controlling
the cyberware you put in your body or just like the technology that you're using how are they gonna affect you
right because our phones are no more secure than the newest technology out
now how could they now if I get a virus on my phone I could get a virus and my
spine for sure there's no down my mind yeah and there's also based off any code
like you can make a virus and it could affect any system no matter what code
it's on right and also apple is what I have Apple's cool they
don't give me ads when I go to my home screen and I would assume that's the same thing for neuraling too maybe they won't give
me ads when I go to my home brain that's fine yeah but the but um but we
live in a society that would the comp the parent company that has neurolink or
whatever [ __ ] brand you do to plug into your spinal cord what if they start doing ads
like Spotify yeah that's what anything did you know it's kind of been sad to
decline because I remember like paying for Apple music like gift cards and then
you'd put it into your iTunes store and then you would have to buy the actual like album yeah it was like 99 Cents or
two dollars or some [ __ ] for the album and then if you didn't want to do that
you would just get it like pirated through a different website or if you
did really like that album you would just buy it on iTunes and then the thing that Spotify does now
I don't know Apple music does it but I just hate ads when you're listening to
music like for sure that should just be completely removed I don't even think
that YouTube should play ads if you're just having a whole music playlist but how are they all just gonna get money
not only streams I don't know with their little Billboard Award let me
tell you I am in the privileged Camp because I have Spotify Premium
nothing in my life will ever be any better than that Spotify prescription it
is literally you mean subscription whatever bro I can prescribed Spotify subscribed
I'm not an idiot actually but it is so fascinating how it's so much better than Netflix it's so much better than YouTube
it's well YouTube's great too like but
man to be able to listen to any song ever it's great oh my gosh you know like
for how much like Sim like really Niche Symphony songs you can find on Spotify
Jesus Christ dude there are so there's so much garbage Symphonies on Spotify and
there's so much great ones too and yeah same thing with rap I mean like you can literally you can you can become
a Spotify artist for free
for free you can do that yeah as an artist file page it's not hard yeah it's
not hard I used to think that was so cool when you know we would know people and they're like oh you got a little
Spotify account that's so crazy you got four songs whoa oh but now it's like oh
I I get it now and you just sign up yeah put that throw the audio file up
there and uh yeah it's an interesting world that we live in because we don't have to
you don't have to go to a record label and be like I need my records printed and pressed and out of the
um exactly exactly
it's in there's no middleman anymore which is fascinating I mean Spotify could still be taking
some Commission and they do well like five percent I don't know they
do something damn just punch my cat in the face why don't
you he's actually an elbow I had to give her that that closing
elbow yeah yeah this has been a fun one it's been a fun
one you want to call it yeah I'm hungry so listeners eventually you will see the
Galactic Federation you must join us as we embark on space
that's it that's it bro we are going to be controlled and we're gonna have to pay taxes to the Galactic Federation you
wait we'll pay we'll pay taxes to the state we'll pay taxes to the government we'll
pay taxes to Earth and then we'll pay taxes to the Galaxy where will it end
we'll never know your tax dollars are going for good use
looking for an out of this world poster or some stickers to brighten your mood check out the posters and prints
collection on our website arugastore.com our artworks are perfect for walls mood
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[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they
look busy right

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