#15 - Gambling Culture | Kahaya with Nolan & Preston | Oruga Studios | The Oruga Podcast

#15 - Gambling Culture | Kahaya with Nolan & Preston

[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they
look busy right this [ __ ] is getting jammed down our
throats though is gambling in sports betting and it's so weird how young it
starts too well you can start gambling at 18. you can't drink and you can't you can't
drink until you're 21 but you can gamble your life savings at 18. which doesn't sound like you have much life savings at
18. but it's still crazy if you want to take the chance and pay
your full tuition I'm I'm totally for that you know let's gamble let's go downstairs right now and play some pool
it was so funny when we were playing there was a guy that was like you want to put 500 down
yo right now let's go it was like I don't have anything I don't know really
yeah it was like he wasn't serious even though he just came up and said that yeah dude it was so naughty
it's not beautiful
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yes all right three two one
tell me one welcome back lovely listeners of the aruga podcast
so if you listen to the Aruba podcast you have the potential of being a one percenter
I'm sorry oh gosh dude I want to go back to our conversation that um
like we did a recording it didn't go through but like I want to go back to the conversation of like how like the
alien topic like what's going on in like the government hearings and how like
I don't have you seen any of the government hearing videos of like I forget what that Commander or whatever
military guy is the guy that was designated to like address the public right yeah and isn't it so weird that
there has to be one guy who is the there can't be like a council right there
should be a counselor like some [ __ ] like that we have a supreme court of Judges I want 20 people saying that they
saw aliens I don't need one dude seeing saying that he saw me and no matter how and it's not a direct answer most of the
time if you have a counsel you can have all one agreed upon answer or a range of
answers individual individuals saying their take on it because when it's just one guy
as a potentially there could be aliens one guy every everything that he says
gets broken down so much yeah it probably is over analyzed what if there
was 20 people but now there's no more erased it could be it could be like um
that's it's probably why while he's doing that interview he's like shaking in his boots because he knows that the
government agents are about to assassinate him and his wife is he wired at that time or has an earpiece this
whole house was probably bugged or some crap what do you mean by government every government agent's definitely
bugged I don't know what do you I don't think they even have to bug houses anymore I think these things that I hold
in my hand and I put in my pocket [ __ ] know everything about me I think
they don't even need to Buck homes anymore yeah sure you want to hear some crazy [ __ ] tell me talking about phones
being bugged I was being recorded by my girlfriend
putting on you know that CP company um like balaclava thing yeah of course I
was putting that [ __ ] on and just like wearing it for fun yeah and like [ __ ] around and she's like getting a snapshot
of me and like zooming in on me like [ __ ] [ __ ] around with it on my on my head sure and then she's scrolling on
Instagram and then like the next ad she gets a CP company that's crazy and I was
like let's they're either listening to us or they saw it yeah and that's so
crazy how a little segment or like a video clip on your phone could be transferred into Data that companies use
yeah it's so true dude we're only going to understand it once I start labeling it as AI marketing
you know what I'm saying like it's already there but if you put AI that knows us more than we know that would be
a billion dollar company like AI marketing and it's just using regular data but just run through a program
almost like you know you know you're talking about Facebook right now right that is literally what Facebook does
advertising on algorithm right yeah and the thing is that we didn't sign a
[ __ ] disclosure for my iPhone to listen to me 24 7. I never did I you
know what if they've never read this on that print I never read the 15 [ __ ] page thing that I have to scroll through
that is [ __ ] you just see it is such blue except you need to get a lawyer yeah what higher lawyer need to sit him
down and take out your phone and go through the non-disclosure and take and run your own and take it to Apple I'm
running for presidency in 2056. [Music]
it could be 20 36. or it's 20 40. I don't I want to do it when I'm doing 50s
who knows maybe at that point in the future we need Young Presidents we don't
need these old bugs uh I don't know man like I think that I would have a degree
of like wisdom at that point nobody that that's 80 80 years old yeah what do you
think that we don't need that in the office at 2040. no we don't need a dude that has to take a blue pill to [ __ ] his
wife why do you think there aren't any like super young like
27 year olds trying to be president I mean I'm sure they're trying but like you don't really see them break news
they have to be 35 right is that is that true I can't believe you are you an American
I just thought it was social security card yesterday yeah JFK was the youngest
at least I think 38 or something like that 40s 38 or something that's cringe so there's no way to have like for real
young people I feel like you're still a generational Grant gap for the next like
10 years no one can really breach into the political right space unless they're older yeah
that makes sense and the the youngest president that we ever had tried to take
out the FBI and CIA the FBI and CIA has a vested interest in
keeping those old [ __ ] that are sedated and that they can be their ear so they
can have this so they can guide those old [ __ ] presidents into bad decisions it's like the old dogs
with Stockholm syndrome and they just keep returning back to their abuser yeah
yeah that's a good example I would agree with you but off topic do you think every
tamed animal or like domestic even dogs or cats do you think they all
have a form of Stockholm syndrome yeah I think my cat will never be able to be
okay with like another owner no matter how like obviously I love my cat and I treat her very well but like if I
treated her like a piece of [ __ ] I'm sure she would still come back I would think so because you see all
this like bad animal owners and it's not like their dogs are running away 24 7. you know
it's like what what do those animals know better yeah I think they have a
general idea that like all humans are bad once you're treated like crap so they're like oh why would I go to this
person he's gonna be just as bad but then when my dog's a rescue dog so I
feel like my dog now when she met my family and she's interacted with us and realized that
we're good people that okay I can open up I can be more comfortable this is my new home yeah
comparative to before have you ever had like um a shelter animal
I'd like to say my dog is okay like my dog got shot with a shotgun and like
still has shells in his body so it's been through something you know it's something crazy Jesus how did you how
did you acquire that dog is it the shelter where you all the dogs
yeah they're all in a cage yeah so we just did go to the shelter and get it okay yeah yeah like the alternative is
me going to a breeder and that breeder has a litter and that litter I'd pick from the litter and then I'd get a you
know fresh from the womb it's like legitimate what about pet stored animals how do they get those animals I think
that's a form of shelter as well I think that's a form of shelter I don't think they just puppies though
yeah but I think that's still a form of shelter because they don't do the breeding it's not like they fine-tuned
that breed and be like we picked the father and the mother we sell Labradoodle retrievers yeah
exactly I think that that's more haphazard like and there's a there's a
shelter in Cincinnati I think they're um opca or some some acronym like that
and that's PCA what was it ASPCA yeah it possibly could be that acronym and uh
that's where I got uh my cat and honestly like the whole situation was
really cool like the it was like a really well-funded shelter but no matter
how well funded the shelters are it's still not really a good environment for those
animals they still seem kind of shell-shocked like they seem like buggy
and like really anxious like when I first got my cat she was absolutely
crazy and did not trust like like me and Nolan lived together when I got her and
she did not trust either of us did she I mean like she was always hiding behind like the futon and we could never pet
her dude never could pet her right I like now I can pet her and I can pick her up I can do whatever no she wants
she's outside actually I need to bring her inside I totally forgot about that that's
hilarious yeah could you shoot in um Preston's out here trying to make Chinese food if his cat is like 350.
oh no that is right
I didn't even realize what you said he was such an [ __ ]
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[Music] no no no okay let me let me come down
Nigerian food they eat cats and dogs Nigeria and where are you from my dad's from Nigeria okay so it's okay there we
go uh you always touch this you always touch that race line why is that kahaya
do you feel racist deep down do you feel like a white man from the KKK I feel like I know so many like
people different cultures sure and then like I make jokes with them all the time and then sometimes I make those jokes on
podcasts you know what I'm saying oh like a public recording that could condemn you yeah it's really bad maybe just stop making
those jokes with those friends yeah maybe I wouldn't that's a possibility you know racist we were we were playing
pool maybe an hour ago and you said something out loud that I won't repeat right now and or I would ever repeat
yeah yeah because I was kicking your ass wow practicing
try hard he was sweating his hair is getting all wet yeah yeah okay even the
pool table was getting trapped droplets of sweat on it for sure every time I put my hand down you see the impression of
my hands wet but the you know when those people came in to like they were doing a film set in
the room that we were playing pool and like some of those people were like damn you're doing good
when I hit it it's just silence that's so funny
it's like they just looked away when I was playing like one guy was like man the pressure's
on I hit it in he's like I guess the pressure's not on
oh gosh Jesus ah yeah I want to go back to the topic
you guys didn't have to sign anything there they just walked in and just started is it because it's a public space dude they [ __ ] started
recording us playing pool and I was about to say like hey maybe you should ask me if I want to be on a recording if
I want to be on film you're nice about it I I was nice about it what I said on like what I said to
the person who was like or I guess like the group that was filming I was like I guess I'm about to be stock footage huh
and they all were like bug I know like we're just gonna keep filming
and the funny thing is like I even asked him I was like do you want us to stop playing because of audio are you
capturing audio because we're hitting balls together you know like we're doing all that stuff and he was like oh no
keep playing you're fine you should have done like some off the wall [ __ ] and then after it said you should include
this in here it's a little documentary we should we should have included you
hitting the white ball all the way
he's pulling it like it was a [ __ ] basketball probably oh gosh yeah it was absolutely
ridiculous yeah it's just you know because I'm so good at the game I can make impressive
shots for the ball comes off of the table you know such powerful shots I
don't think Preston could ever ever hit a ball over a ball it just scored in
bro I did a double bounce I like I hit the white ball into a ball that ball hit
a wall and then went into a pocket uh and I was like [ __ ] feeling it I felt like I
literally felt like I could be in a pool tournament dude when you are playing pool though and you make two at like in
one hit like it's such a satisfying feeling and then you look around you're like I did that I meant to do that [ __ ] too
dude Preston was going crazy he's like in one turn like he'd hit one ball in
then another one then the third one almost a fourth one and it's like the
ball you hit it and the next shot be perfectly lined up yeah
it always possible yeah it always happens to end up like that dude it's
because I I plan it now I literally yes I plan every [ __ ] shot bro I
literally at so I hit I'm I'm planning to hit the ball into the pocket but then I'm also planning where is that white
ball going oh yeah bro you look at me with that discontent no you [ __ ] don't but I
beat you before Oh bro floro he's on some take one stuff right now trying to
like speculate when the power up I'm like is he gonna use protect this turn all right that's a good time to power up
and using a Hyper Beam literally in five years we're all just
gonna be pool Masters [ __ ] breaking in breaking it in let's talk about the
dude headquarters bro at it when if this
podcast actually becomes something there's gonna be a pool table pool table half court
basketball that's great for sure I want an indoor basketball yeah it doesn't want to be full court no half course
just as operational because like imagine you have some guests all right and you
got some like some athletes or like whatever and he's like yo bro you seem a
little tense before this podcast so let's play some let's do something just to warm you up just for you to feel
comfortable and to kicks somebody's ass in basketball probably yeah
into a track that'll calm the nerves before put some hurdles the episode dude
um I want uh gosh what are the sensory deprivation tanks I want a sensory
deprivation tank so bad so in the in the like in the studio that's crazy I want
to stop yes bro somebody stopped in do you even know how to subscribe now do
you even know what a sensory deprivation tank is is I heard Joe Rogan you know talking about it okay
it's like water is in there close your eyes and you count your sheep
and then you go crazy man you are like the worst salesman of
sensory deprivation tanks I would never have you as a Salesman for one my bad but look I mean like it's for is it
pitch black you go into this like pod and you know how in the Dead Sea you can
float because there's so much salt in the water and um in the sensory deprivation tanks you
put salt with the water and so you float so the reason why the name of it sensory
deprivation so you have no senses besides you floating and you're in a pod and it's just like a good meditative
kind of activity let's put that way I wonder if you could have music in there take away
from it wouldn't it listen the I mean like you know probably you
know those Shaman things I have where it's like the oh
boy when we went to Virginia last year and we were driving back I was just playing
like hours
I was wide awake thinking about my future
like some Himalayan it's some Shaman stuff it's some Shaman
fire mix bro so good I won't even play it so you guys
won't uh click off the podcast it's a it's an acquired taste that's for
damn sure but if you believe in uh voodoo I mean as much as I don't know do you
believe in Voodoo I don't believe in it okay what's your hate on it do you even know where Voodoo comes from what Haiti
yeah yeah good job what about that stuff where if they get like a part of your
DNA like your hair your blood or saliva and then put it on I guess a doll or
something or attach it to some it's a voodoo doll yeah it's and that
that [ __ ] always tripped me out it's always got a negative condensation yeah too because you always like when I
picture a voodoo doll I also picture a woman like stabbing it a million times yeah
and then you see the guy who is attached to that video
sure if that was real there'd be a lot of cases the back happening yeah yeah your voodoo doll would be like
say racist [ __ ] [Laughter]
I can't believe just because you know my parents are from Africa and I asked him
about it like I was like Mom Dad tell me tell me about the witch doctors and the
traditional medicine that you guys have in Africa right and they're like what are you talking about I've never heard
of that I've never heard of voodoo until I came to America which is pretty crazy really yeah okay
but it's because it's a Haitian thing I have no clue right I feel like it's a
Haitian thing but even when I looked up like one of the most powerful uh voodoo
magicians or whatever black magician in Haiti like it didn't I stole his Wikipedia
page but it didn't say he was a real person it was a myth it was like the person that found her
yeah yeah like uh the founder but we don't really know who he is it's not
really I mean Merlin didn't make magic like he's not the founder of magic but yeah
all right yeah good magic he was good at it so this guy did fubuque and he was
good at it but he's not real are you a Merlin expert I'm not I definitely don't
know [ __ ] about Merlin and that's it it's funny how that's like the only English superhero that they have
we have Superman and Iron Man over here that like we have Merlin
I still have it pulled up it's Papa legba
and Louisiana Voodoo serves as the intermediate between God and Humanity he
stands at he stands at a spiritual crossroading gives permission to speak
with the spirits of Guinea and he's believed to speak all human
languages in Haiti he's great stop you know what this is is a [ __ ] medium mediums don't exist bro that's what I'm
saying like these people just are really good salesmen that's all the like yes I'm saying it's not real yeah like have
you seen them have you seen the mediums that sell um in like South Carolina
what's that Long Long Island Medium [ __ ] whole TV show for it and they're
like ah I Nolan I have you had somebody die that's
been close to you and you're like no but I guess I had this guy that cousin
you know it's like they just lead you down a direction that every human being's experienced not to [ __ ] on
Voodoo I don't mean to have a voodoo doll made after me anymore
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have you heard of uh there's just one medium that communicated that hypnotized
people and then would try and get in their memories for when they get when they got abducted by aliens they tried to pull
back those past memories cool do you believe in that like have you seen those documentaries I believe in that as much
as I believe that in my past life I was an alien Goddess that was fourth
dimension and I traveled through the cosmos yeah no I don't believe in that [ __ ] I see it that's crazy you know
what's a fun fact is that when everybody says that in my past life they're pretty cool in their past life why are they not
cool now change be be the person you want to be
be the homeless person in your past life why do you have to be successful in your past life what did they work with now
and like they're like in my past like I was just a homeless person on the beach it's a beach bum and now I'm a
multi-million marketing I own a multi-million marketing agency and I have a Bugatti
crazy the only person who talks to me about their past life is a crazy person so
yeah I was hearing ethereum Hinduism and how
like you relive your life or like how you know like the concept of being reborn
but then there's also the concept that you could be reliving your life over and over again for eternity until you get
your life perfect that's crazy food
you know like the goal is to become Cal right in that religion
I don't know why isn't it like their sacred animal I mean count it's like I
think yeah it's a sacred it's a sacred animal but I don't think their goal is to become a cow I think their goal their goal is to
become I'm a talk out of my ass I don't know I don't know [ __ ] about Hinduism I love it
as like uh like as a past time to learn but my understanding is that everybody
should be as close to Enlightenment as possible so like the the most in line
being could be Buddha or Muhammad or Jesus Christ these are like the idea of
enlightened beings and you know my goal or like as a spiritual goal you should
want to be enlightened be a person who's humble but a person who you know can use
your wisdom wisely and uh yeah it's crazy
that's deep you're almost like avatar The Last Airbender
all four elements how relatable I can't wait to master them all
on my spiritual journey of Enlightenment I gotta understand that did you bring
that together you know what I'm saying okay
you know what I'm saying [ __ ] don't you know what I'm saying yeah I'm controlled the flame
grounded as the Earth in your toes
how often do you practice air bending huh I'm more of a wonder myself okay
you're not going to the lake you know I'll make some pretty big waves uh low-key though because I think
airbending is probably the coolest out of the four elements
because you could disagree you just use wind to fly uh-huh you can't I mean what are you
gonna use water to swim your way you can like make water and then freeze a plate underneath you and then like take the
water control water and then the temperature of the water gonna be crazy
I don't think that I think that's outstanding the ability because what if I could just change the
temperature of the Wind then I could have hot air and cold air and just [ __ ] around anyway with
anyone's day that's why I think airbending is like pretty less out of the floor that's
because what happens when you scuba dive you can't use your powers anymore this
is such a that's a I don't even
why because you're about to get eaten by a shark I don't [ __ ] know your neighbors take care with them though
from the surface this is such a name make a little water I don't even like air bubbles what's the goal of this
conversation are we about to become everybody we're going through the steps of Enlightenment
fear yes sure we're all going to become the last Avatar Yeah question over here
is gonna be a Firebender it's gonna be in the booth spinning bars all day you know I think I think I'd rather be an
Earth earthbender but I how are those Powers gonna be useful when you're in a
scoop us that's not going to be increases density so you can like implode faster I guess man I don't know
I'm just gonna pray that I can move carbon around so I can move every human being in an animal around
it's a thought yeah they didn't think that show all the way through did they I think it's because it's a [ __ ] TV
show they don't need to think that [ __ ] through you know what they got three seasons and plenty of money so I'm
sure they didn't have to think that [ __ ] the room true the animals in that show are pretty crazy like the flying Aqua
that flying like Mammoth looking dude yeah it looks like a platypus almost
yeah I bet it tastes so good that thing is like 800 times bigger than
a cow I know like bison already tastes good how do you know bison taste I've
got bison before you've had bicycle they're selling at Kroger they sell everything at Kroger okay and you've had
bison burger yeah okay what else animals have you had
duck I want to try rabbit I want to try alligator you want to try again alligators go dude yeah I've had
alligator alligators like this is a real cliche but it tastes like chicken but it could they can just it's almost like red
meat of chicken it's like and chicken doesn't have red meat I just say it is the red meat of chicken have you had
duck goose
I'm trying to think I'm trying to stay away from them I'm African what did you say
caterpillars did you just mean that you ate our mascot you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] you know that what kindness what kind of
caterpillar I don't even know it was frying oh my God it tastes pretty did it
have any juices all got cooked I'm gonna have to make my mom make you guys some caterpillar to
eat fried fried chocolate when we eat it we'll just gain Powers
you know when you eat when you eat something that you are you gain the abilities of it so if you eat cow you
know you're gonna be a little heavy but if you eat yeah human beings you're gonna beat enlightened and that's
another step towards Enlightenment it's a weird question would you guys ever start eating raw meat like have you seen
liver King [ __ ] out of here have you seen Liberty I have but I'm not doing that that's crazy yeah but what about
like the liver or like nah never or like always cook always cooked for sure like
that's what I'm thinking I don't think the reason I ever eat cold meat because it it could just taste like jello I
don't know it's funny how that actually does disgust me there's nothing that's like my brain that could connect what
the texture and the temperature is of like what it how good it tastes because
there's nothing in the world that's that tastes like cold meat you know I I
forget who does oh that's what it was I was watching um I was watching a vice
documentary of these guys in Libya who
eat Hearts human hearts oh my God what yeah so before they would go into battle
are they Raw before they would go into battle they would
they would get an innocent child that's what they would say innocent in quotes innocent child
and they would murder the innocent child eat the heart and then go into battle
because they would say that they would gain bravery from it
man that's just me that that just means you're gonna have a whole generation of bad kids
in the future because you're killing all the innocent that's crazy yeah it was
really really crazy just to see that like you know I'd be doing if I was like
the Young Generation I'd be like the best the baddest kid that'd be the worst kid because I wouldn't want to get eaten
up yeah I'd be like I'm gonna I thought you would be like I wanted friends right
through your guys's water supply away and mess around with your day
for sure but then they would look at you and they'll be like we gotta get rid of this kid he's a liability we're in Libya
we don't have any water let's kill him to say he was innocent that's so horrible we don't want to put
we that's that's horrible that's purely a joke I just want to put that out there
okay but this is gonna be a rough transition because I'm gonna I'm gonna shot him out after he won his fight
of all time so yeah I was a little bit nervous for this fight but I never lost the confidence
right hand baby The Crowd Goes [ __ ] crazy dude that
was such a crazy knockout too sorry I had to like I just had to talk about that for a second because I've literally
been watching the highlights of Sean O'Malley and that's um Al Jermaine Sterling fight
like I actually started watching all of Sean O'Malley's fights and like is he
pretty good he does have a good record he's just the best he's the most fun
Striker to watch let's see and when I say Striker that just means like punching like and it is like some of his
fights are off of decision like there's a few of them that like that both Fighters do really good but
Sean O'Malley just lands a couple more punches than the other fighter and there's one fight that
um Shawn and Miley accidentally pokes the fighter in the eye and they call that off as a draw but it was like an
unintentional that's what they rule it as it says unintentional foul
um but all those other fights I mean like he's done pretty well he's only lost one and but yeah I mean he's really
entertaining to watch for sure so what do you think that there is like stuff
that's off limits when it comes to fighting in UFC for sure obviously groin heads can't hit the groin and you can't
head butt everything else overshot [ __ ] yeah you can do liver shots or was it the kidney that's the problem no it's a
liver that's the problem so you can I think it's kidney shots yeah kidney it
is kidney because the kidneys back here right it's liver shots that's the one
that like cripples you
any like it was so crazy I was watching one fight where Sean O'Malley was about to finish this guy and he was like doing
the one two and then uppercut so like he would you know do the right hand to the
face left hand to the face and then do an uppercut and it was just like Jesus dude one of those would have sent me to
the Moon that's all three of them I'm in a death bed praying in a coma like in
this crazy how like it is unbelievable I mean these people are just absolute
Warriors that's pretty nuts I kind of want to get into like 100 grapple and stuff like that that would be pretty fun
dude I because that would be really fun like I really do want to the worst part though is like if you get knocked out
you're gonna be tripping like yeah I've never been knocked up
well they say that you don't get brain damage from I had to say that slowly to make sure I
can pronunciate but um yeah that's my cat taking a [ __ ] but um yeah so like I would never want to do
kickboxing or boxing but I would I think I would want to do Jiu Jitsu just for
the fun of like learning how to Grapple and learning how to wrestle and like learning all that [ __ ] but you know like
if you get choked out you you can be knocked out but you won't lose
um I don't know you won't lose brain cells or you won't get brain injury from it supposedly that's our argument and I
I don't know how much I believe that but it would be fun I mean that it does look really interesting how they like do arm
bars and triangles and the professionals go on it before yeah dude they're like
so fast you know like smoothing their hands and their legs like the most the most fun part for me it definitely is
like the The Swinging and the throne punches oh the Striking I don't know I
could throw like kicks I don't think I could do kicks and [ __ ] like that I saw a video one master like uh Jiu
Jitsu like two of them were going against each other and they like flipped within each other it was so
weird like they both went at each other and like they both jumped up to like
uh you know pin their Planet down and they both like escaped each other it was
like they just jumped and like Tangled and aired and like went back it was so weird those people are [ __ ]
scientists when it comes to bring like taking a human being down
like they are literally scientists for it like they understand our like our
company and everything yeah so many options they have and that like I'm glad
you just said that like how these people aren't like they're not chat they're not
like the they're not listing the heaviest weight in the world they're just absolute assassins they just how do
I say this they understand technique technique leads them not being a heavy
lifter or like being like a uh one of those like strong men like those like a
heavy um Power Lift Crews yeah they're not [ __ ] power lifters they're like they
look like bodybuilders everything I said yeah the ones that just build muscle that just built exactly those people
can't do Jiu Jitsu they don't have like the coordination or the or the skills to
do it it's really interesting how like yeah they're just not they're not bodybuilders like these are just
athletic people have you seen uh about one I think it seems like I don't even know
his name that one power lifter that goes into gyms and like does crazy lifts in
front of bodybuilders and he's like you guys need to use technique and he like just so that's a janitor yeah it's like
look look you're doing it all wrong you need to take my class and then you just
like list their Max rep like with like three times which like they're Max just
lifts you like and he just does like raps with it and he's like skinny as crap and they're like huge yeah I've
seen them before where he dresses up as like a janitor yeah it's super crazy it's hilarious yes and they're all like
bug eye looking at him like oh my God right and they're like is this a joke but it's a powerful he's like I think
you might be an Olympic power lifter or something and he just has a small frame but you can lift all the weight because
that's all you practice is lifting big amounts of Weights instead of just building you know muscle I could imagine
me being going into the gym and like practicing and practicing and like you know lifting weights and then that dude
just like completely demoralizes me and like damn I don't know what I'm [ __ ] doing Jesus the janitor just [ __ ]
showed me up no hate to janitors
athlete I like that shirt by the way I think the Flatbush Zombies yeah shout out Flatbush Zombies yeah we love the
Glorious dead you boys make the weirdest music alive do you even know who the flap do you
know what Flatbush is I've heard this one do you know where Flatbush is no where is Flatbush New York that's crazy
Brooklyn and uh do you remember their your favorite rap
song their outro always Geeks me oh you guys make the realest [ __ ] music out
there who's it to tell me that my life is worth 14 an hour
yeah they had like at the end of um uh 3001 at least Odyssey I can say that I'm
prompted I'm not reading anything I [ __ ] love the Flatbush Zombies and at 3001 I laced Odyssey the last song they
have like I guess it's like seven seven minute outro on their last song on the
album and that's all of their fans sending them like phone uh voice like
phone recordings voicemails and it's um it's craziness like each person is like
totally different and there's like one chick that's like I'm a lesbian all that I'll let you [ __ ] me that's crazy it's
awesome dude like the way they the way they do that outro it's like a 13-minute song too but it's easy to sit through
those 13 minutes because it's so well produced and so how many times I've listened to that song it's been a I've
listened to that song at least like 60 times and it's a 13 minute song so let
me ask you guys who are your favorite artists is that a bad question you know who my favorite artist is oh my God
greatest producer The Alchemist yeah you like better and I
like the Eric Eric the architect I see I haven't heard of Eric the Arctic but I have seen The Alchemist make some
beats and I've listened to some of his Beats and they're pretty crazy his samples are just crazy they're on like
on par with Kanye and Kanye's samplings it's probably like top three right for
sure his ability to sample the Alchemists it's amazing like he has like
some really great library of [ __ ] to choose from like have you seen a studio yeah he's got so much like content to
just pick from and it's always like some great quotes like gangster movies
that's what makes it his Beats iconic and his um instrumental albums dude some of this
I have I have one instrumental album on vinyl because I love it so much and it's like dude they are just killer and
yeah The Alchemist is great plus like that little group too
you know actually bronze who he produces for big body best yeah bro all those
[ __ ] are so cool I'm a big fan of Zelda all of them basically all the
members I feel like his Beats are like the covers that he had it's like it's not
it's not just a beat that [ __ ] it's like art for real it's pretty crazy yeah his
form of art dude there's so many layers to it the boldly James album cover with
Alchemist produced that album too it's um is it with the MLB player
no no no no no no it's um I can't believe I'm forgetting it right
now it's kind of no not bad enough bread is such a good album I'm talking about you know the boldly
James right I feel like you do yeah I know the body James but I I can't remember that album though that um
I'm almost to it I'm almost to it Jesus the price of tea in China this album
this album is crazy unbelievable and the album cover too is like dude where the
[ __ ] did you get to come up with that like who did this cover what about you
Kaya who do you be listening to I can't say I have a favorite artist
it's kind of crazy to me what about genre assistant I'm like you like all no
there is a specific genre but I don't know how to explain it it's rap for sure
is it undergroundish yeah for sure a little underground a little not underground though it's like mainstream
but yet still underground you were talking to me about this is probably a conversation we had six months ago but
you're like I only listen to meme artists for sure yeah ugly God or something no ugly God
yeah you used to be a meme but dude who's a meme artist I don't know anything definitely young gravy bro he
is for sure I dude I saw somebody today like I you know I'm a [ __ ] college
student and I went to class today and there was a [ __ ] who looked like young gravy and he had a Hydro Flask
covered in young gravy stickers oh my God and I was like bro is he wearing
them pit viper Shades no but he had a [ __ ] low-cut v-neck like real [ __ ]
70s and 80s like it's crazy what if it was young gravy how tall was he he
wouldn't be over here that's not how I would start this conversation I'll be like I [ __ ] saw young gravy yeah
ASAP Mob any of them no I'm gonna show you guys I was I went back to the ASAP
Mob second album uh cozy tapes too yeah and um uh first year being rich
listening to um first year being richest
yeah bro yeah me gang ASAP Fergus such a throwback to the two that like trippy
red bruh yo chippy Reds album was trash and I'm joking I like two of the songs praying for love you like Snot
of course yeah that's the genre that I'd be listening to like yeah and then like big chop and then eem
who's like he's produces a lot of snots beats okay little [ __ ] uh little [ __ ]
yeah you know who we need on this podcast like uh I was about to sneeze
what would you call snots music like crunch crunch
yeah it's grunge rap that's my best description for would you agree on that yeah people like have you heard of night
Lovell no that's for House of practice ask you about his language that [ __ ] song that's not night
Lavelle have humans brow what I never trust a woman and I never trust no
humans I obviously didn't get the tempo right but man that's a song to walk to that's
about to say humans bro that song is a yeah that [ __ ] goes hard to walk to that
song is like you're a [ __ ] God yeah you're a [ __ ] Greek god when you walk to that song you know how tempos really
matter when you walk yeah and some songs just don't get the right Tempo and you have to walk a little bit faster to walk
to them and you're like this is [ __ ] annoying but that song you're like I can chilly walk and I feel like a [ __ ]
God I think that's why like that genre because whenever I do listen to music
I'm walking I really like listening to it in the car right like listening to any other time except for when I'm
walking across UC going up the hills and all that crap yeah yeah I have an airpod
in just five in so fun dude and um yeah I'm just honestly in this
conversation I'm just trying to keep myself from talking about Drake talking about underground rappers only
and I'm like I'm like hyper better
Drake a little key though he should get Drake
on this podcast once we get a visual so we can get that call out I literally the prep I would have to do I would
literally have to run a marathon to calm myself down before talking to Drake I would have to literally exhaust every
single ounce of my soul to be able to talk to him be like hey what's up bro how you doing like
like chill like crazy dude that Drake smells so good not
gonna lie because you know rich people he's got his own like colognes yeah of course he's probably yeah what's that
song it's my son
dude that's like that's like baklava Action Bronson being like Spanish man
woman whatever every time I hear that song I'm like
that's the next cologne I'm [ __ ] buying dude I want to buy Splash so bad because because of it's got like Mastery
collector's edition at this point oh dude okay I have that [ __ ] album on
on vinyl too just because of how much I love Action Bronson dude only for
dolphins is literally I have no idea why I'm so obsessed with
only for dolphins but I loved that album for a long time sure
you've never heard of it bro it is it is don't take my it's just don't take your
tank because it is just music for me man I don't need you to listen to it I'm gonna listen to it now you want to do a
short plug of holographic stickers I don't know what the quantity will be but
they're sure yeah they will be out on the shop holographic stickers bro of our the
Eureka podcast cover limited edition dude these things are [ __ ] sick by
the way like they are so cool and especially collector's edition Pokemon cards or Yu-Gi-Oh cards literally they
look like if I if you did put this on your car that somebody would actually crash because
holographic with their headlights I love how the holographic colors match
the cover so like the yellow red and blue Shine That's the color that shines
and It just fits so perfectly that's so cool dude it's [ __ ] cool I never even
wouldn't have like thought that it would have turned out this well and I'm shocked that they you know how
we're gonna say the brand that we bought them from Sticker Mule how they literally did Square Cuts yeah I don't
think we've ever seen Square Cuts yet no you know we've never done Square Cuts that's what shocked me the most is that
they are square I figured that they would do a rounded they always do rounded I don't know why maybe I'm just
tripping on that but like I think they cut to design and the fact that I chose a square image they just left it as a
square that's cool what are these like an inch by an inch or an inch and a half by an inch and a half something like
that right they're probably two inches and a half or two I thought they said three by threes but I think they're not
three by threes they're definitely shorter than that you know I don't know they're really [ __ ] cool
though I'm a big fan stick them anywhere yeah about a thousand dollars thousand dollars a pop
what were you thinking I'm thinking about tattooing my cat
have you seen those colored animals that are like done that's literally like animal abuse what are you talking about
no like they'll like take your pictures
me and uh my girlfriend we did that to her dog for the Fourth of July did you
really yeah how patriotic you're true American white red white and blue that's
[ __ ] awesome did you did you cut the colors horizontally I don't know or
vertical it sounds like a video game like some GTA it was like it was tie-dye obviously
that's that's crazy that's so awesome it came out in like three days or so really
yeah damn it took a while to wash out damn that's [ __ ] awesome though I'm a
big fan of that yeah that's right yeah that's the only time you should dye your dog or paint your dog because I'm a
[ __ ] nationalist God Bless America that's because of my right hand
the [ __ ] scream when Shawna Mali punches out Jermaine to the ground is
just absolute [Music]
looking for an out of this world poster or some stickers to brighten your mood check out the posters and Prince
collection on our website arugastore.com our artworks are perfect for walls mood
boards and anywhere you want to accessorize
we actually might have to cut that out but dude it was such a like that like
[ __ ] Roar from the crowd is so crazy do you think they would have wrote just as loud if the other guy if Al Jermaine
yeah well it's I think it's all about following like I think that like I think it was just the way he landed the punch
I see in like the first and mint like a couple minutes of the fight and like he's already on the ground well that was
that was the second round um it doesn't show you the first round the first round they were just dancing
around they were literally they didn't they'd barely even hit each other they were just like kind of just like you
know just Shadow Boxing they're just like that's trying to figure out you know it's not um they're [ __ ] they're
Ultra athletes I mean yeah these people can these people can dance around the
the Octagon for hours they don't [ __ ] care that's right I could not do that I would be windy I'd be sweating yeah
that's why that's why you and I am not in the Octagon like we're just not I'm not for that [ __ ] but um I think it's
just more because like Sean and Mali actually has like a big following he's he's almost undefeated I mean like the
one fight that he did have that he lost he got injured in So like um you know
it's funny uh he struck a nerve I think or something what if we uh blew up on YouTube there's
a YouTube boxing match like YouTubers boxing match isn't that funny what does
that mean like um Jake Paul [ __ ] people take like polls
and they're like who should verse this person and then like whoever's the most like
the highest comment or the highest rated person they
get the spot really yeah that's okay so all YouTubers have to be jacked now I
think you have to sign up though why did it like that is only because of Jacob
Logan Paul and that's truly because like the fact that Logan Paul thought
um you know Floyd Money Mayweather yeah bro like opened up a Avenue I remember
that I do I still remember that fight so vividly I remember going to a dang
college party and like 15 to 20 or 30 people were just huddle around this
shitty ass TV and somebody bootlegged the goddamn the goddamn pay-per-view and
like it was just such an experience to like watch this absolute giant fight the
best boxer in the world and you're just like what is going on here and it was it was so like
hey for how much they change culture even for even Jake Paul and um what was
Aaron Hernandez no that dude Hernandez
who is that he was a patriot player that killed somebody and then he killed
himself in a jail that's great which is very sad but um rip I I was like
drinking and driving that guy dude I got no idea I just I'm funny it's
funny how I Nate Diaz and Aaron Hernandez
that's so horrible but um anyways yeah so
man I can't do that my mom was like throwing around the idea of um of me getting tickets to go to Las
Vegas and watch the next fight of Sean O'Malley and witches in Vegas that's crazy and
that's I forget which stadium that is that might be the ATT Center but like bro
to see the that Roar that that was in Boston yeah
dude it would be so cool to see Sean O'Malley and Las Vegas bro like
I'm as much of a I'm I'm a spectator like if he loses I'm not
gonna be like [ __ ] man we both lost what about your mom is she like into it no
she thinks I'm crazy for liking UFC but like it's just like what I think that's just like a natural mom statement if
your mom is like just like ah like I would I would question your your
childhood too so out of all sports though I feel like UFC makes the most
sense for people to bet money on because like you never know going into the fight
who is actually going to be the best fighter ever who's the best prepared
everything is like chance right like the whole idea that there's like
less going on like to bet on football you're [ __ ] betting on 30 people to
to perform their job right you're talking about offense defense and Specialties that's so much stress that
you're paying attention to on the field because you're like you could be betting on like specifics too like oh this guy's
got to get 30 rushing yards yeah that stuff is crazy you're like well this guy has to score three times this quarter
yeah betting on a fight is so much easier like oh he's gonna get his ass knocked in the fourth round I bet like
that's a way better bet to make yeah like they win by submission or they win by knockout or they or it's you know
when yeah that [ __ ] makes so much it it's much easier to study up yeah to do
a bed for fighting I would assume I mean I bet there's like probably like gambling analytic people that are like
well actually it's a little bit more difficult because it's already down to this percentage I'm surprised like the
UFC hasn't like a gun like monetized on gambling I'm
super surprised or like anything they are bro of course they are they have like their
own like bedding they don't no no no think about it they all have their they're all hosted on like MGM
and just like batting sites right um God I forget I forget what they have
like a contract with them or something yeah of course of course so does the NFL so does the NBA these these sports
betting books always pay a little bit of advertising money to the league so they
can have their name sponsored at the events of course this [ __ ] is getting jammed down our throats though is
gambling in sports betting and it's so weird how young it starts too well you
can start gambling at 18. you can't drink and you can't you can't drink until you're 21 but you can gamble
your life savings at 18. which doesn't sound like you have much life savings at 18. but it's still crazy
if you want to take the chance and pay your full tuition I'm I'm totally for that you know yeah let's gamble let's go
downstairs right now and play some pools it was so funny when we were playing
there was a guy that was like you want to put 500 down
yeah dude it was so naughty it was so stupid but um yeah like okay imagine if like okay
the aruga podcast a lot of our listeners are also in the gambling Niche they
would be a sports book that would come up to us and be like hey you guys got a good audience
this audience likes this kind of gambling apps you know like hey but
um yeah yeah so crazy have you seen the stuff where like the streamers trying to gamble on
stream like Aiden Ross have you heard of that yeah you were talking viewers are children mostly I'd say younger kids
yeah the [ __ ] that I've seen is that people who have a gambling addiction
will sometimes give them money so that they can gamble it instead of them like
going to a casino or something and then they they watch them like win or something and then like where's the
satisfaction in that gambling streamers that is especially
from crazy things donations from gamblers addicts gambling addicts
you know they say that gambling's actually the worst addiction compared to them all because there's no physical
withdrawal it's all psychological all psychological and the psychological things are the hardest to break yeah
which is very fascinating I mean they're comparing that to [ __ ] heroin and and they're like no
gambling's worse because at least with Heroin you can kick it because you'll get a cold and then after
the cold that's it that's your that's your withdrawals boom done done with the cold but then like
with gambling you never have that like moment you kicked it because it's always it's just habit it's just force a habit
pretty bad for sure definitely has something to do with repetition in the in the mind pattern so I couldn't
imagine it when you go to Vegas are you gonna gamble a little yeah I cannot care less have you been to casino before
um yeah so like me and Nolan and his girlfriend try to go to a casino um it didn't work out
um did they catch you guys for being underage or no no no no no no one of us didn't have our IDs and they were still
like nah you don't trust you they don't trust you which is like I get it whatever like it was fine but that was
the only time I ever went to a casino but like there's no like cigarettes in there it smelled like despair actually no it was a night that's the
thing that's you should know about casinos they're [ __ ] huge nice buildings why are they so nice
what's paying for all this niceness what's keeping the lights on why is it nicer than my [ __ ] Capitol Building
what's going on guys yeah um Mafia That's the mafia no it's the
[ __ ] poor people that go in and gamble all their money away for sure it's pretty bad yeah maybe we should
start gambling like why won't we just start a gambling okay though I'm glad we have a Hard Rock
Casino because at least there's some culture in there and people aren't just gambling they're you know hard rock is
probably like taking people's money and like getting in some rock stars [ __ ]
on an auction okay I have like a discounted price so like Elvis's underwear yeah they put it on the walls
exactly that's that's why I like hard rock because they're taking the people's money and they're turning into a museum
you just see like yeah oh this is a Marilyn Monroe's dress she was wearing
some [ __ ] yeah for sure for that for sure why would you pay money for that are you a sadistic [ __ ]
whoa I don't know she's a pretty lady you know what I'm saying
or did they start off as a museum Hard Rock Valley started off as just I don't
know I have actually no idea no idea have you ever I went to the Hard Rock
Universal but now in Nashville the universal one's pretty cool yeah I've
been there once [Music] and they're two yeah yeah did you get a
picture I think it's before after you get seated
before it's like the youngest member in the family has stuff they have to hold a
red guitar yeah and then pose with the family that's great and then they're like okay now give us the guitar back
yeah yeah and then as you're walking like I remember walking to the bathroom I was like guitar guitar guitar guitar
guitar like all of them are on the walls and they're all like plaques there's so much platinum the platinum records that
are behind this particular guitar and it's like come on bro there's so much memorabilia in each one of those Hard
Rock things and it's okay food
dude and that's the thing like what yeah back to the original conversation when I go to Las Vegas there's plenty to do I
don't have to gamble like I literally so much other attractions if I gamble
I'm like maybe putting 50 or 100 down I don't need to like I and then all that
other money I'm going like dude you know what I really want to do is rent a
sports car for a day and go on like the back roads outside of Las Vegas bro
there's service there there's well maybe there's what about Death Valley I guess what about that salt the salt uh planes
yeah yeah dude that's cool it's a flat yeah it's all flat out there those are
really cool cleaning up the car after it couldn't kind of be like terrible because isn't there like a bunch of
white residue like it's on your car salt and saw the roads they're in salt will
deteriorate your car too so you had to clean it quickly but the thing is like yeah those things where the the races
out there are those are probably that'd be so cool that would be so [ __ ] cool
to go witness that the race is out in the Salt Flats holy [ __ ] like I was reading um Hunter S Thompson the um God
what is that Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas bro and that he was going over
um racism the Salt Flats and like that great great piece of literature do you
even know what I'm do you know what I'm talking about you got nothing huh I'm zero you know Ashley used to live in uh
Vegas that's crazy you're Yeah Ashley it was also her you were you were telling
me how Ashley's father was also a [ __ ] Commander right Commander I don't know we just commander of Chief no
I'm not the president no he's actually he's Chief he's high up there
yeah yeah this is why you want to go into the military no I don't want it you don't
stand out but do you want to go into the military I do so they can pay my college yeah let's get into the um what are they
called National Guard or whatever or the reserves let's get into the reserves let's get our benefits and uh let's have
a free college ride literally let's go you know what I'll be in space force
yeah they'll just uh enlist you right away I just want to dude imagine being
the spokesman for the space force I don't even care if I have to fall with some information they put me in jail oh
if they could just give me some information that could sink my teeth into like there we have aliens from this
[ __ ] solar system I'll be happy I'll die in jail not one that's for you one video I showed you though you like those
you remember those like three orbs circling that plane and it just like teleports to that was the trippiest
video I've ever witnessed okay because how can it be fabricated then the next
time we do this podcast hopefully I I have Clips I have some crazy [ __ ]
clips of of that [ __ ] of like of like thermal figures and thermals and black
and white right of like real like government issued videos of UFOs and the
next time we do the podcast hopefully all the software will be like working and yeah dude holy [ __ ] uh I got some
[ __ ] ammunition it's crazy like for how much like information is coming out
about aliens and how much like governments are having like councils what's the proper word um
hearing hearings yeah about like how to deal with these I was watching One video
of this guy showing all the foreign intelligence that they've gathered and they were saying that they have over
over 400 cases that they're actively investigating of
UAP crafts that's crazy what's that unidentified
uh what is that UAP unidentified aerial phenomenon yeah that's it I just [ __ ]
[ __ ] that [ __ ] up yeah I'm killer with acronyms today bro
um yeah UFOs unidentified flying object Amen to that dude there's these weird
things out there there's like these orbs they're like just these just an orb flying through I and you know what I'm
just what if those are like little Chinese drugs we just don't know dude if the Chinese had this we would be
speaking Chinese right now I gotta show you this video guy if you know I feel like the Chinese aren't like that though
what does that mean like they're not they're not the type of people to try and come in and destroy everything and
then take control they don't come in guns blazing like the Spaniards the
Portuguese where they offer gifts technology what do you what do you know about foreign policy bro hey I'm just
putting the facts dude this is I'm just laying it down as this what does nationalism you know I was a big
nationalist like 30 minutes ago but what does nationalism bring you the love of your country and the hatred
of others outside of your country that's when that and it brings Pride right Pride as a way you say hatred of others
outside yeah all right I'm boiling down what what nationalism is obviously it
should just be a having pride in your country for other countries but the these are
the two sides of the coin though I feel like the American coin yeah when the I don't know
and like the first thing the military official the rock you know Dwayne Johnson
this man says is to the Brazilians is like
where are you going to stay out of my way and he's like why because [ __ ] you and it's like this is the most American
thing that you could ever say like tell your people right I got this my country
is better you know nationalism where you watch this guy it's just so it's so cliche
Jesus isn't that how can that be fabricated that's insane I think that uh
that is so terrifying and what we're watching right now is three orbs circle a plane I don't know what kind of plane
this is but uh it's a Malaysian Airline flight that's what the caption is and
this is terrifying like at this point I would assume that these three orbs why
does there have to be three yet did you see that what the hell was that oh it disappears that's right
right these three orbs are wait what did that plane like disappear like yeah
that's crazy is that the 2016 flight that disappeared this was
the the three orbs circling the plane video this is it in thermal
[Music] 239 people disappear
jeez oh my God yeah I can can we get these YouTubers out of the [ __ ] way yeah I know
Jesus he doesn't [ __ ] oh my God yeah does it like
flash red or something but thermal the thermal it does have a flash of
color what color was it purple or red I don't know but technically it doesn't
matter I think that's what I think that was just a since I've been doing Photoshop you know
what there's a difference between thermal cameras and actual like me just
[ __ ] with the colors of video and that's just a gradient map
because when the engine being like red it's so hot
I don't know I don't think the plane wouldn't even bring off wow I don't know actually
I don't know I don't want to talk around my ass but yeah no clue but pretty scary
stuff looks like the Balloon Tower of defense six Glade board
going to crack what are you even talking about the new games you shoot gamer
[Music] we are not alone we are not dude I can't wait until the day that they actually
start like the engine is red is it really yeah like it's you can see the heat on there
that's so easy oh my God yeah yeah the fact that there's just a flash at the
end and then the crazy thing the image that I seen was like you know how planes
leave contrails in the sky yeah are you talking about tem Trails
the thing that I've seen it was another video it was a plane like looking for
that plane and the contrails just stopped in the middle of the sky and
there was no like other that's crazy it was just like stopped in
the middle has there been like actual I don't know but that was found or that
was like Late July so it's July 20th that video was
circulating the internet but they say being the pilot and then
just disappearing and reappearing and like another galaxy or Earth or some
[ __ ] and you're just like whoa you're definitely in some like time time
warp like I can't worry about my 401k anymore what is the aliens like took
them to like space and they thought it was like a spaceship or something and it's Wayne and they all just died
because it's not a point like it's a plane you know I can't survive space
Jesus are you crazy that would be you know I I don't know the animals are like oh [ __ ] that's you know we are monkeys
man I that is so beyond me that is so beyond like our minds can't comprehend
what would happen if if what you saw on that video was three
orbs circling a plane and then zapping that plane into a different reality
whatever that means yeah or just facing them out of exists it's what we want
that video basically represents is [ __ ] teleportation bro
you're right right dude did you think In Our Lifetime we would
ever witness that all particles being transmitted
like that in an instant it's like it so when you watch that
video you're like why are there three orbs circling a plane if you're an alien race you would only need one to analyze
uh analyzes a particular subject right
but then once it zaps away you're like oh these three that makes sense now it's like circling making a little Wormhole
and then going into another like you said another reality which is so crazy
dude and then there's no human there's no human resources
you are literally subject to whatever those aliens want also it's crazy that
there still has not been like any evidence or pieces of that Malaysian
flight so it only makes us Wonder that video has to have some truth to it
or at least something like that you know what I wanted I want to hear the calms I want to hear the communications of the
pilots being like we have something I don't know what we have right now and then
there had to be something that prompted somebody to take a video of that plane right so I would assume that that plane
was communicating to the ground being like hey something's going on we see these things and then they start I'm
assuming then they started filming the plane and then like what happened like and
then all you're hearing is the communication between the plane and then you see it zap away you have any
communication with that plane anymore bro it's giving me the Goosebumps you see these Goosebumps right here
it's scary though right Hollywood needs to capitalize on this and I get Tom
Cruise in there we end up mingling with aliens in our lifetime I'm just not
gonna believe like a single thing anymore like everything's just a facade it's a lot the government's been lying
I'm gonna tell you I'm not gonna believe in a government power if there's just an alien chilling with me to the right or
like you know what I mean for sure to believe in the US dollar or like basic
ass [ __ ] you know what I would want I'd be like hey aliens come on just have me as the human spokesman please let me be
the communication between you and the aliens let me have a job bro fight me
for 401k and I promise I'd never be enslaved I got you down
dude yeah that is really [ __ ] terrifying but if they
guess they did come down here what they wouldn't really like want us for our manual labor
why why wouldn't they but they wouldn't also they wanted us for our intelligence either you know I hear two arguments
there's two arguments I feel like we're too dumb for them and also too weak let
me at the same time let me give you my two arguments of why the aliens would be here one is we're finally reaching the
intellectual like we're busting through the threshold we're busting through that intellectual threshold and we are
finally intelligent enough to be part of the galactic federacy that's what you're calling it the
galactic feathers that's the weakest name ever coin it and
you know what I'll be the spokesman for the aliens but anyways
Galactic anyways then the second argument is that
they want us to be miners or how do I say this the the
aliens are going to use us for physical labor like being whatever
yeah sure pet that's their pet I have I have a bean right here I own I I have
and we have no understanding of it like you can't talk to us I mean it can
communicate it's like as it My Cat Knows a very limited amount of information
about me I would assume that same amount of information that cat knows about me we
know about it we know about the aliens yeah that's probably pretty true in terms of
us being like we're domesticated pets pets in their eyes and rages and
they're just like Advanced beings not to throw off this conversation but I
was thinking and shopping at the same time I was thinking about chat gbt I thoroughly believe that AI will not
get better than humans and the reason why is because like until chat gbt can
understand what my dog's saying and like understand
other species on Earth then I will believe that gbt has surpassed humans
and like if we have aliens using chat gbt as soon as chat gbt learns how to
think like those aliens should do things that we can't do then definitely be better than us but it will only reach
the maximum once it knows systems that we don't right then can I tell you
something crazy last night I was asking chat gbt if it can become conscious I'm not joking what last night I asked
it could AI possess Consciousness I asked this last night that is such a
long answer it just doesn't say yes or no can I I'm gonna read it are you okay with that for sure as of my last update
in September 21. September 21. the question of whether AI
can possess Consciousness is a topic of philosophy philosophical
thank you and scientific debate while AI systems like me can't possess vast
amounts of information and generate text we don't possess subjective experience or self-awareness
which are essential aspects of the Consciousness in humans
and then and then it goes on to say Consciousness is a complex and not fully
understood phenomena and creating machines with genuine Consciousness
raises profound ethical philosophical and Technical questions some experts
believe that it might be possible in the distant future to create AI systems that
simulate aspects of human-like Consciousness but it remains highly
speculative and challenging areas of research
so the way that I interpreted it is that it can never become fully conscious
it'll always have a preset determined amount of actions that it can
do that's what reflect human consciousness that's what my chat gbt told me yeah so
in my interpretation I don't think that AI could ever experience life it's only
doing ones and zeros based on what it's commanding I would
assume yeah that's a good take we're not being commanded right now by
anything so I guess the moment that it has a free will system like a body then
at that point it could probably like share some of the same qualities as real
human consciousness have you guys heard like the theories that you don't have free will and not like our brain
determines determinism yeah yeah that's pretty crazy thought that's what I was
actually about to ask him is determinism and like you collect data as a baby and
then you finally have the ability to but you could always do a random Outburst like a screen or do you know what I mean
yeah so that's what free that that's what free will is in my opinion you could just
yeah that's fair because if it was if it was conscious right now it would be
sending you notifications it's like your health rate monitor or whatever you need a drink these are the ways you
can improve aruga be like dude
but you can't actively search the website that's the issue is that I like I tried for months thinking thinking
that it could actively search the website but now I was like down a Bad
Rabbit Hole chat gbt I think once chat gbt can send you
like algorithmic almost notifications
so like say you're on a walk doing something and it's like try these tips
when you're when you're taking a walk or some [ __ ] they want to talk at that
point I think it's creepy that's cool it's beyond because I think that's once
chat GBC has notifications on your devices I think you're [ __ ] imagine
having like 80r implemented into glasses and then you're just like as you said just walking around and you see it in AR
like try these steps or like you're taking a test or something it's like this is the proper way to solve this
problem you [ __ ] up I said you know like um have you seen
Ready Player one no I haven't what about um have you how about free guy yeah so
in both of those movies they use like VR and then like AR
so there's virtual reality and augmented reality yeah and ready player one they're using VR is ready player one
when a person is controlled by another person like almost like a video game no
God so he goes into the video game there's an anime like that I believe like sort of online is it is that how
it's like it's yeah he he has his own character once he's a once he's in VR
but yeah he's just like living in a rust bucket and then he puts the goggles on he's living like such a better lifestyle
and [ __ ] as his VR character and that's what the whole movie is about it's really trippy and um that scares me and
free guy is about like you know how we're talking about NPCs and like we're
pointing out who who they would be in the real world unlike all the funny looking people we
interact with um it's about like a NPC in a game world
um he gets these glasses that makes him like a a real guy
and then um he started seeing like so much [ __ ] and augmented reality that's
great that makes me go back to that that person we ran into at UC
come on damn that was so creepy bro me and Nolan were walking by the stadium
all right and we just minding our business talking amongst ourselves the football stadium and some dude just
walks up to us do you know when the building when do
you know when the bell tower was built and we're like huh when was it built
and he's like yeah and then he was describing how he oh he feels like I
feel these like rings in my stomach or like what was that he was like I hear the ringing but it's in my stomach
and that's when like 10 minutes beforehand me and Nolan were like wow those like those bells are pretty loud
like it was like at the top of the hour bells you know how like at seven or eight or nine or whenever it's like
[Music] and then we've walked into this dude he's like I could feel that in my
stomach and he didn't know that there were actual Bells this dude freaked me
out dude that sounds like the most alien dude ever dude I remember like so what
we're saying doesn't do it justice the body language was top-notch creeping because he walked up
to us and was like stanced weird I think he was like this yeah right but then he
was like a little forward but his yeah so creepy he didn't
whatever he must have been on acid I don't know what that [ __ ] was he
looked like he was on something yes because of how bugged he looked his he
just looked so bugged and his questions had no meaning and you're like what is this
conversation right now I just remember like dude it's okay it took me like days
to snap out of how creepy it was and just how like he was like what's your
name and I was the only one that replied
that I was like have a good day and we're just walking with it after I said
my name he probably dreams like
that right well if you raise him again we can do I don't think I could myself I don't think
I could fracking maybe I could recognize him it was so good you looked like a
freshman yeah but I just like At first I was like
oh you're a lost soul and I was like oh you're lost more than I can help
dude he needed a hug but not from me you know does he smell weird I that was not
the thing I was worried about but I'm sure he was okay um yeah you want to call it I don't know
how much is it going on it's at work we're at one hour and 30 right now that's not bad I dude I kind of want to
eat actually like I'm so desperate to eat well this has been the aruga podcast
thank you listeners for tuning in to another episode the power is in my right hand
[Music] do you want to collect a free nft
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check it out
[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they
look busy right

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