#14 - Fake Apology Videos | Kahaya & Preston | Oruga Studios | The Oruga Podcast

#14 - Fake Apology Videos | Kahaya & Preston

[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they
look busy right like raging against another player and
he was like saying a bunch of homophobic and racist [ __ ] yeah and here and then later on his channel he had to apologize
for it which is like I it's funny it's funny to see like the high of the high
of like [ __ ] you [ __ ] your family you're a piece of garbage and then you see the
next video it's like I'm deeply sorry for what I've done I didn't mean to do any of that I'm so sorry and if I
offended you please forgive me and you're like what is going on in your
mind bro because like I'm I don't know because you can feel the inauthenticness he's
like I'm just trying to save my followers I guess I have to make a apology video for this it's like when
PewDiePie or even ninja they both said the N word do they really no no word
yeah no they didn't they did really yeah they're a gaming rage moment
yeah that's crazy
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if I were to pick space it would have started three two one
welcome back to the op actually we did some rebranding so we're really there with a podcast but that was like still
going by the Hop so um fun fact we got some Jamaican listeners now and we got some Indian
listeners and um kahaya the black man might be a little racist because he's like oh the
Indians but I'm welcome man I welcome them come to our podcast
um yeah so what would okay Chad gbt Chad gbt you're like we're
gonna wait for the podcast to talk about this so I'm like we're both in college and we and I was talking about how I'm
gonna do an English class and then in this English class I'm gonna have to write a lot of papers
I'm gonna have to write like almost like at the end of the class I have to write
like a 15 to 20 page paper and you're like just chat chat gbt bro
just AI just have that [ __ ] write it for you and
but the thing is like gbt doesn't plagiarize but it talks in
its own fashion it talks like chat gbt like I've used chat gbt a ton and every
time I use it it literally has its own fashion of way of the way it talks so how in God's name can you use it without
plagiarizing all right so here's some audio for a second oh great
Red Bull please sponsor us please no um well yes but uh so chat gbt
yeah you can use it for papers and whatnot I'll write papers in like a second right like a 10 page paper in a
second no it can't not try gbt you'd be surprised it would write a lot
of words in a second what's the max like 200 500 Words 500 500 Words four to five hundred words all you have to do is be
like two minute reads two and a half minute reads that's usually what it does you can literally tell it like to extend
is how much it right so it can be like for the next output can you put 500 words
but do it in like three responses back to back and like respond so 500 Words
and do 500 Words again and 500 Words again until you get to like 2 000. you can ask it to get multiple responses
back yeah for sure holy [ __ ] dude that's insane
I've never thought about like with doing another input yeah but you have to like tell it the in the original input
and like tell it how many words you want and then you have to tell it to respond to multiple continuous
paragraph and if you're if you haven't done any like if you haven't given prompts to
chat gbt you probably know nothing about what the [ __ ] we're talking about but basically the sense of what Chad gbt is
um it you just give a prompt you basically just ask it to give you some information
on a certain subject and sometimes they'll give you a short response but if you ask for like an article or a blog
post or something in long form it will give you a long form answer and you can
also ask it like okay do I want do I want bullet point facts do I want a
long form essay do I want a python code right they can do more does it do coding
a lot of coding like really I even had it doing like more or like the name murder with like
the dashes and the slashes yeah I do I can do that crap too really crazy but
yeah if you want to write a paper fit I think you could all I have to tell you is write this at a fifth grade level
write this at a 12th grade level right at college level right
but for the plagiarizing fact there is something called chat gbt zero
which is like a program some kid in Waterloo and candle
some kid in Canada that goes to University which I believe is called Waterloo Waterloo okay
my cousin goes to college in Canada and he told me he met that kid that made
Chachi BT zero and you're just a nerd but uh what that program can do it's
either one of two things you can just determine whether or not this was written like an
article was written by chat gbt I think that's probably what it is but I do know
there's something out there that exists where you can literally see the prompts
entered in the chat gbt that would get their response oh so it's
almost like back engineering a a response from chat gbt basically yeah
okay so like if I see an explanation of the atmosphere it
would be like okay what what prompt gave this response right okay that's
fascinating and so you're saying that that's going to be the new thing and teachers
take your paper and give it the chat gbt zero and then we'll say here's some
prompts that results into this answer but what happens if I what happens if I wrote it
and chat EBT didn't like oh man no because it's original
it's yours there's no way that I mean statistic statistically speaking there's no way chat gbt can write an article
exactly like yours dude can I just say that's we're getting to these like one
percent conversations meaning that like when I was using Chachi BT for college
all right I did do it a few times I'm not gonna lie and the thing is when I would put them through plagiarizer tests
online they would always say like it's a certain percentage that you can't
get around like there's a certain percentage of plagiarism you can't get around like explaining the the uh do the
the dog or like saying like saying acronyms or saying um
definitions like a definition exactly so you can't get around that [ __ ] so it
will give you a certain percentage of plagiarism and when I would give my chat gbt
like responses to the plagiarizer it couldn't tell if it was plagiarized or
not I couldn't tell if I was if I was a human or a computer right and so it would just say yes this is non-plagiarized and yeah if they're not
implementing chat gbt zero I believe there's no way yeah for sure but if your teachers are smart
enough to know what tragic bt0 is then you're kind of screwed
I'm really hoping my teachers are not that smart yeah um the crazy thing that I've been
thinking about recently is like what if some goon in the military or someone has
classified information anywhere even like the president of North Korea or whatever the dictator of North Korea
I should say are using chat gbt and they're putting in like these crazy prompts and giving up sensitive secret
information and then you can look through chat gbt zero and be like what
was the original prompt for this crazy message that was made and it's like
an assignment that was given to someone with a secretive information and you can
access that secret information through chat gbt because someone was being lazy and trying to cut Corners right that'd
be crazy and the whole data mining the fact that like Chad gbt now has my email
and they now have hundreds of prompts I gave chat gbt so it knows what subjects
I'm interested in and there was a topics I'm interested in it knows a lot about me already I mean like and Google knows
a lot about me too but the thing is that Chad gbt understands a little more because I'm giving like intimate
responses to it to try to get the most out of it
the whole the data they're going to be a monster Corporation soon like like right now
they're like the back alley kind of Corporation soon they're gonna be really mainstream soon they're gonna dude I'm
gonna have a chat gbt app on my phone soon did you know that they were like oh we
can plan recipes for a week now and we can order we can order food from grocery
stores and have them shipped to your house what
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foreign Ty was doing plugins right and these
plugins were the idea that you can plan Uber trips you can plan vacation trips
through there and you don't have to do anything all you have to do is tell jagpt that I want to go to Salt Lake
City Utah all right and then it will plan the flights the Ubers the hotels
and the activities and you don't have to do anything besides give it a credit card that's nuts dude you know how
people how many people will do that yeah why so thousands of people would do that so the
fact that like you can have this ability to have Automation in your own life
right they're gonna be data mining like it's nobody's business
I use Chad gbt to write my resume so they know too much already right I
couldn't already put my your GPS what is it called when you have that Mark in the
the mark of the beast already got the mark the Beast you know what I mean yeah
have you ever have you ever like read that chapter of the Bible
that's the only part of the Bible I've read but like it's been a minute yeah that's the only part of the Bible you've
read Genesis too okay as well you read Genesis and exodus huh yeah it's a dude
it's important parts well the thing is the the weird things about the Bible is that it's translated multiple times
right so it's from like it's from like ancient Hebrew and then it goes to
Greek and then it goes to Latin and then it goes to English and dude
for how different Greek is to Len it's like Monumental like it's so it's so
fascinating like I only learned a little bit about the Greek language but it's very but each language has a different
way to view information and like so yeah but anyways back to the mark of
the beast they were saying that like the insert of the mark of the beast would either be on the one of your hands by
your thumb like the insert or the symbol of the mark of the beast would be like in one of your hands
and then one of them was like the forehead there might be three spots but that idea is really fascinating that
I don't know I've I'm not really a historian about it but it's pretty interesting I heard Joe Biden's trying
to know Jake he's crazy I've heard a lot of people say that
neural link is is the similar right like it is like it's close to being the mark
of the beast but it's like such a Christian thing if you like anything foreign that goes with your body is the
marker of these right right but tattoos back in the day were they really saying
that I mean why wouldn't they I don't know I don't know you know what
I do know is I saw a white guy with um the Samoan tattoos have you ever seen the Samoan
people tattoos oh like the Hawaiian Vibe everything going on I saw
a full white guy with all that [ __ ] while everybody's arms that was really funny I mean he might be a just really
light side I doubt it no this guy this dude looks so far from removed I mean like for God's sakes we're in the middle
of Cincinnati I don't think this [ __ ] I've never smelling good down here Cincinnati yeah yeah so have I
they're really cool they're really sweet it's got huge he could he was like 24
and he looked like a 40 year old adult man it's crazy he's just huge you know
how like adults are like thicker that makes sense like big bones he definitely has some huge bones yeah yeah he could
be the rock or something it's crazy oh yeah um what do you think of John Cena man John
Cena I don't know I've never seen him before
that one says all right you haven't seen him before I just find it funny how John Cena is trying to become The Rock
you think so I don't know he's like trying to make a bunch of movies and he's trying to like he's definitely trying to change his
Public Image at least I don't even yeah I mean man's got a hustle that's true that she can't be
wrestling forever yeah that's true a lot of people just
break down in the wa or the WWE there's a lot of people that just like do not
last long I see yeah I wonder how long uh Logan is it Logan Paul yeah I think it's Logan
who's a WWE wrestler now which is insanity I think he did one time I don't
know if he's actually still no he signed that's crazy he's signed by the WWE have you seen his outfit yet I have not it's
hilarious it's just funny how like to see these child YouTubers become like
big stars and like little niche groups like the Japan kid that went to Japan
yeah yeah and was [ __ ] with suicide bodies yeah yeah yeah
I mean like I understand that a lot of people like hated him for that one but
um have you heard of Ico speed or speed yeah of course of course you know he
went to Hughes High School no we didn't he did no we didn't yeah he did no he didn't he did we walked by we
walked on the same street that he's walking on every day her lives this is Logan Paul's outfit
that's crazy it looks like a fortnight character he looks like Power Rangers he
does that's really cringe and that is very cringe oh we got the Pokemon card
it doesn't really end on the Chain yeah that's disgust that's Pokemon
and here's another one too he looks like a um I don't know he just looks like a
wrestler in drag that's what he looks like to me okay he looks like that guy from Ted Ted one I've never seen Ted oh
I've never seen it man it's so this is so cringe though
yeah he does it is Pokemon because look at the the connection on the chain it's a
Pokeball I wonder if it's like a Zapdos or something I don't know I don't know looks like a trainer cards you know what
I bet he's trying to look like a Pokemon gym leader or something ah I'm trying to look like you're
probably right maybe that's what he's going for like a Japanese character
it's so disgusting okay I'm done but what were you what was your
something crazy doesn't even matter shame on me oh speed he didn't knock out
oh he's nice yeah there's no way I I have to he went to the prom I'm sure like he went to prom where he
went to high school I am speed all right and I'm gonna look up his real
name and then uh he went to Japan what's this what's this
what's his real name I have no clue I don't really watch this content I'm Speedy YouTuber
okay our show speed that's what it is I share speed okay keep talking
he went to Japan with like another screamer I just saw a clip on YouTube like a little short and he was with the
like purchase that hat the slogan Paul Logan Paul wore in the Japanese video
like the Toy Story hat okay and then
uh this other streamer like held speed 10 he's like no don't do it it's bad
blood man don't get that Toy Story hat get this one crazy dude I don't know it's just like
the fact that he saw it and then instantly Associated it with that video
it was crazy and it was in Japan it's pretty crazy that is pretty crazy yeah
this kid did not go to Hughes High School he did not get it Where'd you say he's from I'm on his huddle account
right now his huddle account do you know what huddle is no no clue huddles
um the basketball or not basketball but just the high school um
is it Sports man he might actually he might be that's what I'm telling you he played
soccer I think he played basketball
where did I show speed where did speed go to high school whenever this High School is Marion
Purcell Marion Cavaliers
I don't know I mean it's in Cincinnati well I guess it's not is it really not
I don't know I can I'm not gonna I swear dude then my the thing is though he his name
Darren walking Watkins Darren Watkins that sounds like a really popular name like that's not fair you
know I mean like there could be we could be looking up the Darren Watkins in this city on accident
he uh well he he now he's Rich right he has their money he's a famous dreamer right
sure he gave a little Nardo or no no no no Ronaldo Ronaldo yeah like
then they met they met and they and Ronaldo back I don't know anyways go ahead
I think that he went to high school at Hughes and then
left Hughes yeah and went to like you know a better school okay I don't know
how he was this but I don't know that's the thing everybody trashes that high school but it's such a
beautiful high school like it's literally the most beautiful building
in Cincinnati like it's so damn stoic it's
a beautiful building and um I don't know it's really interesting
but uh yeah speed do you watch the last
speed no yeah I mean I've seen Clips here and there where every single time I
see Clips like crazy moments but you know that's the algorithm for sure it's crazy stuff right like apparently like
set fireworks inside his house stuff like that it's pretty crazy oh he was that YouTuber really
there's a few YouTubers that do that [ __ ] where they buy a house and then they'll just do crazy [ __ ] like set
Fireworks off in there or like do foam challenges or just it's weird just [ __ ]
that you could almost die and they're like let's do it let's do it for the views the way he got his Fame is crazy
was just off the same like soccer players name incorrectly really
yeah like what was his main thing was it like YouTube was it like you can't use game he was playing fortnite in FIFA oh
really that was it yeah that was how he got famous yeah it was through streaming and twitch
yep wow and like he he's pretty wild like he's OD like crazy high energy right that's
why they call them like speed as well nickname I believe right I've heard him
apologize from so like I knew he did gaming but I
didn't know he got like popular off of that and I was watching this video of him like
basically apologizing after he was like like raging against another player and
he was like saying a bunch of homophobic and racist [ __ ] yeah and he and then later on his channel he had to apologize
for it which is like I it's funny to me it's funny to see like the high of the high of like [ __ ]
you [ __ ] your family you're a piece of garbage and then you see the next video he's like I'm deeply sorry for what I've
done I didn't mean to do any of that I'm so sorry and if I offended you please
forgive me and you're like what it's going on in your mind bro because like I'm I don't know because
you can feel the inauthenticness he's like I'm just trying to save my followers I guess I have to make a
apology video for this it's like when PewDiePie or even ninja they both said the N word did they really don't know
word yeah no they didn't they did really yeah and their Gaming's reach moment
yeah that's crazy and we've got to be ready
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I've always disliked Ninja really yeah it seems like a nerd bro it seems like a
high class nerd who thinks he's special because he can move his fingers around quickly and you're like come on bro and
dude I just remember like when he was at his height in like 2016 1718 somewhere
around there when he was just like blowing the [ __ ] up from fortnite and
you could just see the ego kind of just blow up in his brain you know like that
that must be a really traumatic experience to go from a nobody
to somebody who is known everywhere a household name like he turned into a
household name over in like six months right right which is just such a quick I
think mentally he always thought he was you know big guy
he always thought he was him he's like I'm him yeah I'm looking in the mirror every morning yeah so
I don't know it was funny to see when he was like what in the height of his Fame he was like streaming eating sushi for
lunch and then he would have like a Red Bull he had like a Red Bull sponsorship right and he would like just like
like while we're drinking he would have like three or four of those during a stream and then
just like yeah it's just like it was really interesting to like see him in that groove of like crazy I'm gonna be
really like into my sponsorships I'm gonna be into the stream 24 7.
and I just always wondered like how how do you like playing video games is fun right
that's an Indulgence like you're sitting there you're indulging on your video gaming you're enjoying yourself but like
if that's your work and you're staring at a screen for six to eight hours what
happens after that what do you do after that that's all I know about a lot of rich people what are
you guys doing in your free time right what do you watch in your free time are you watching like true crime
documentaries are you taking a walk do you have a dog like what's going on in that brain of yours because watching
your footage because when I would see right right just and just like oh I did
good on this look I got a headshot there but he got me on the next shot
imagine like kind of have a girls over and then you're like just playing your fortnite Clips like look how fast I
built this fort lame how lame is it to go to Ninja's house
because um I always thought I would like and it's just kind of a character way I
would imagine after his dream he would just be smoking meth or just dude he is
to me he was cracked out whatever he was doing he was doing speed Adderall that I
don't I'm actually just talking [ __ ] right now projecting but the thing is he
just seems so crazy he just seems so in the zone so in the zone and he I
remember that he like and once he got famous he got this like really hot
girlfriend and like it's just the his character progression
as like a public star is truly fascinating to me like he is a petri dish to me he's he's a handsome man of
course he's gonna have a a good looking woman he's got millions bro she she looks at
those racks not those rights the racks underneath his shirt you know what I'm saying no
okay yeah all right are you talking about the cooling he has in his computer [Laughter]
because like what do you talk to when you're like I guess like if you were in
the game what what's your conversation with the ladies right if you're Ninja's girlfriend what do you guys talk about
can't talk about video games that's like Jesus where she does play games though what if she's a gamer girl
that would be the best result for him because he I agree yeah he can't have
like one girl or he couldn't have a girl that's like Age games
yeah yeah yeah yeah it's interesting the whole like twitch
industry really fascinates me I hope twitch does not gonna lie really yeah I think it's kind of cancer like how that
company operates and like you have to do you know about this like
when you start out on Twitch they'll make your viewers like get
bombarded with ads and you can't like No One's Gonna Pay you have to pay to watch
people so if you already have two people that you're like subscribed to and you
want to you don't get ads on then if you want to watch like an upcoming version like a new person
who'll just like bombard your stream with their ads so once someone gets to add in there
they're not going to stay I'm just gonna leave so you're telling me that the new people who come into twitch get
monetized and over monetized that's what you're saying that is monetization
[Music] um it's like YouTube you have to hit a
certain goal but they're still gonna put the ads in there and they're still gonna like interesting make your stream suck
basically because just to just to give you guys some like background information or YouTube
is a monetized the aruga Studio's page isn't monetized so we don't have any ads
on any of our YouTube videos but you're saying that like they'll put ads anyways
on Twitch right and you still don't get paid for it right and it's like they don't give you the regular like one 15
second ad they're giving you like the pirated movies yeah website where it's like
four ads or even like six ads back to back you gotta watch all of them then
you get like what 20 minutes no skip again no skits yeah yeah that's like the you know that's the
thing that's the death on radio that seems like the death to radio because
radio hasn't understood that the internet exists yeah and that these
radio shows like any radio show you go to is just so many ads and then you get
a few songs here and there or maybe it's a talk show but that talk show still has a couple ads leaked into the
conversation and that's like everything like that is just kind of
ridiculous to me like have you ever gone into your car or your parents car and they listen to some [ __ ] like radio
station like my parents listen to XM radio XM Radio is literally aids to me
because it's like you can't pick the song you can't pick anything about it it's just a random station that has
random songs on it like obviously you can get like 90s on nine and 80s on eight
and you can listen to 80 songs that's great but like the fact that like this kind of kind of still a few ads here and
there and there's like a talk show guy I'd be like hey that was a wild song from you know from Michael Jackson in
1987 and here's another one from you know I don't I don't know any songs but
just like my point is like it's so painful to listen to now like do your parents listen to that [ __ ] no not
really they're usually put in like a good CD or something from music to go online but when I get in
their car and I don't have like my phone set up or whatever and I'm just like in a rush or I just don't want to spend the
time hooking up my phone to their Bluetooth on their car or something I turn on the radio it's like sure for
some sound and man like there's some there's been some
times where I turn on the radio I'm driving for like 20 minutes the whole drive it's just Street ads Chase and
then like you have to like skip around channels and then they're playing like what Katy
Perry or something stupid that I just don't listen to and like I would rather listen to ads and listen to this artist
right and then it's like all right I guess I'm gonna go to the rap channel so wait for them to get off their ad break
and it just never happens or even if it does happen it's just a crappy song I
don't like and then after that song's over five more ads
back to back it's like bro I just wasted we just wasted my drive my enjoyment of
this ride I I remember like my anger
level and my annoyance level my tolerance level of just like everyone to
go like I just remember being angrier when I would listen to a song and I was like what the [ __ ] did you guys put this
on for did you like who's who is this song for and now that I have Spotify and
I can pick any song I want and like you know I have premium and that [ __ ] is
I can just tell like my happiness level has like gone so far to the opposite
direction like I couldn't even imagine listening to ads anymore I couldn't imagine listening to a song I didn't
pick Fair it is like it's such a revolution dude and for me to like podcasts too like if I want to listen to
a talk show I'll throw a podcast on and there's ads I can skip like I can just hit that
little like oh you know 15 seconds 15 seconds 15 seconds there boom now we're in the the actual conversation and man
like ads have really been like just the death of me wanting to consume anything
like I can't remember the last time I watched actual Television right and like the fact that like they would play
like I do how many Jingles do you have in your head I can name one right now
McCluskey Chevrolet lower places lower range like that [ __ ] is
yeah dude I haven't watched TV in a while but like you know that 1-800 what
289 that wait safe is it safe flight or oh
what is that Empire today are you talking about that one crap like that yeah yeah or
um uh what is his I don't it doesn't seem like replace yeah life repair yeah
yeah yeah dude I don't even want to give those [ __ ] people shout outs [ __ ] that because they literally have
brainwashed me with all of those stupid [ __ ] Jingles like those stupid
[ __ ] Jingles have stuck in my head and they look they're good let me tell you they've stuck in my head for a
reason but the fact that I have so many in my head I'm just like kind of completely turned me off to television
do you know the Home Depot
there's a podcast I listened to that has kind of like before the ads that they
would get would be like underwear Brands and like just like really obscure
um companies would go to this podcast for ads and now this podcast has [ __ ]
Home Depot and you're like what Home Depot bro like the podcast I listen to
is not like uh e for everyone like it is like really grungy and really not the
typical audience I would think he was at Home Depot but the thing is like of course people shop at Home Depot how do
you not chop a hook deep that's true yeah but the fact that their ads or that
this podcast could have Home Depot is crazy dude it's [ __ ] unbelievable
like I couldn't imagine this podcast having Subway commercials you know like
just like [ __ ] like that after Jared I think anything flies
that's horrible that's horrible
um but it's just fascinating like we're kind of seeing the turns of the tide of like how television is really for like
50 on up and like everybody who's like kind of like 38 and younger is kind of turning
towards the internet and it's really fast like who's got cable anymore right
who's got the cables those companies are losing so much money because no one wants to buy cable well I guess since
none of the younger people can buy houses and have their Cable in there maybe they aren't losing money just yet
oh yeah but dude just like for how many streaming services there are like if I won Sports
I can get ESPN plus if I want if I want to watch some TV shows I get like
peacock or Netflix or Hulu or HBO I think I just named [ __ ] all of them and
the fact that I don't need a [ __ ] box the fact I don't need a cable it's so
stupid to me that those companies aren't online already why would I need a like a technician to
come into my house and put a [ __ ] TV and you know I mean like it just makes so ridiculous and like
the Internet is just so much better it's so much better dude speaking of
ESPN I think it's crazy that you can't watch the Super Bowl unless you have ESPN I think that's nuts what are you
talking about ESPN no no the Super Bowl is nationally broadcasted I watched the
Super Bowl every year off of an antenna no I just catch an antenna to my TV yeah
of course what about football in general oh that like bootleg wobbly guy you can't watch football
without ESPN that's true right no not true not true not true how would you watch football
without using ESPN is really College it's all about their contracts I see it's all about their contracts and their
current contract that they have with the NFL is [ __ ] so they get Monday Night Football that's right I think it's Monday or
Thursday so where would I watch football um like on other channels with clicking
in town yeah Channel 17. I think it's like ABC or CBS or one of those
nationally broadcasted we can only get this city no no no no so like I have extra antennas I can literally give you
an egg I can I give you an antenna all right okay go ahead but but the thing is
like you just have to calibrate it put in the right place in your house for it to like you get maximum
reach and we can only get local channels so our
local football games so if you want to watch like the 49ers San Francisco 49ers
you would have to go like to NFL or you'd have to like you'd have to do something to be able to get those kind
of uh games but the local Bengals game oh yeah all you have to do is to just
get an antenna that's crazy yeah it's um I think something happened around like 2008 to 2012 somewhere around that
range when um there was a ruling that all NFL games
should be broadcasted locally so we get them for free yeah thank God thank God
but most of the time I just bootlegm because it's better I thought they were monopolizing on like newsfield was super
monopolizing that's crazy no ESPN really only has like they're more ESPN's really
just a Contracting broadcasting place so they like they they will go to these
sporting events and you know like um major corporations and then get a
contract with them so like there's a lot of college like SEC SEC games or I don't really know I'm
actually gonna start talking out of my ass but that's usually how it's run I see yeah why are you about to go into
the end like are you about to start watching no NFL games like what no uh so
are you even in Project nah okay for school project I was making
we're designing a business Mr Myers class
type of business type deal and my business I created was called VR
Delta I worked your four other kids kids young adults okay and we were
trying to make a VR headset that would have would be able to just put it on have
your TV on there that's basically it okay so a VR
viewing ability to watch games live right with your friends too like sure
it's kind of like a I don't know how to explain that it was
like a little connection can I just say though go ahead we so we were in the same class the entrepreneurship class
and I'm not gonna lie my team just kicked her team's ass
you and your team do you remember what my do you remember what my my product
was yeah what was it it was a little sound beat yeah you would jerk on oh
yeah yeah and you come hits the ceiling yeah [Laughter]
it was just gonna be like this uh this like music sound booth yeah so
you could like record music and it'd be crystal clear right or at least with sound dampening it couldn't be sound
cancellation but if you sound dampening and we had the Sharks come in and
they're all like up in the idea man they were dick riding my group though
I shouldn't had zero energy he had no energy in this whole like presentation
and he was like rolling his eyes and everything and he seemed super unmotivated and they're like you sir you
have a passion for this don't you I was like what what
it was crazy because okay so we so my team was like
so my team had to give a speech in front of these quote-unquote sharks meaning like
um economists almost and I remember like before our before our speech before our
class I literally was like prepping my my partners and I was like you need to do
this you need to do this like please wrap it all together finally did I really seem like emotional like
um your body language was given like I don't want to be here right now it's not the worst moment in my life yeah and
they were really like oh yeah you you sir are a musician the way you were talking literally and he didn't respond
like science is like the perfect answer it was like he kind of went with it and they're like oh yeah we know everything
about you it was so dumb yeah and I'm I remember
um but I remember your group going up and that was Halloween yeah we were not
ready there were so many characters in your in your group like there was a lot of Personality going on and you're like
what is this train wreck I'm witnessing right now it is really fun
and that girl dude I didn't even get the highest grade in the class but for the group I don't know what group got the
best I don't know either there was like six groups in our class and dude I don't
know who got that because all of like even my group wasn't that great so it's like who got the best grade and I could
never figure it out I didn't even get the I can get good grades in that class like
as for the effort I put in I didn't get a single 100 on any of my assignments
really yeah damn like I was going crazy in that class dude that teacher loved me
though and that was such a benefit dude I because I was just talking mad [ __ ] to him every day but like I was just like I
don't know like before because you would you would come in late I always came in late yeah you would come in late to that
class every day and I would always like be the first one to enter into that classroom and I'll talk to the teacher
like you know he's a human being and he was just I don't know he it was great it
was great to have some I know it's brown nosing I wish that he uh would give
people the crazy dessert okay you're just salty from that gym class
I'm so salty I hate College you know what
you know guy why don't you just become a professional podcaster like me
[ __ ] if you guys get this podcast to a million trillion not just a
million likes I'll quit school yep bro the okay how about this let's make let's
make it more reasonable no but I'm making a reasonable I'm not trying to quit school
that's crazy that's funny um yeah dude I so
I I got nothing after that I don't know have you put your housing the housing market you
ever plan on buying a house Cincinnati or some crap I just won't pay cash I don't pay cash for my home like if I how
in the world why are you doing that withdraw the money from your bank account and be like here's cash you're
just gonna have Oh by cash you don't need physical cash yeah I don't mean physical cash it's like having all your
own it would have to be a drug lord to have physical if I had a hundred grand in cash you would be like hey man
why is your bedroom filled with cash yeah
but I would like yeah I would want to pay for my first home in cash and that's
not like I'm just like terrified of balloons and I'm terrified of like being owned by a bank and where like it just really feels
like the whole debt Market is like it's a market and you are the commodity and
we're trying to juice money out of you so we can tie you down and hold you down to pay us and it's just I don't know man
like I'm just not really interested in it I feel like um it sucks like if I had to get a loan I would want to pay
either like a really good down payment or pay like an okay down payment and
have like a reserve amount of cash just to like what if I don't what if I get
fired from my job right and I I want to be able to have like almost a year of
being able to pay off my my mortgage right and it's just like those kind of
those ideas of just like I don't want to sign myself I don't want to [ __ ] my over myself by
signing myself into a contract with a bank and yeah yeah but it seems Hokey Pokey for
me to have 80 to 100 000 in cash right now that's for sure I do not have
that kind of money but the idea of having that seems really nice or at least having the like the options
so like I think I'll rent for a long time I think I'll rent until like my late 20s until I have that [ __ ] figured
out [Music]
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I definitely want to get a house by the new year yeah you want to get a [ __ ] trailer I I would not be opposed to it
dude wait I can't say a trailer you're kind of showing me I would like a modular home I'd like a modular home or
like a pre-made home [ __ ] modular homes that's crazy [ __ ] them dude okay all
right when are you gonna yeah when are you gonna house shop because I want to go with you to house shop you know I
I've been house shopping online but until I have like a good down payment which would just be me and Ashley my
girlfriend having like a good seven thousand dollars like I have seven Grand she has seven Grand so collectively
between 13 14 Grand that'd be my down payment and my the max I probably pay
for houses like 100k to maybe 150k that's like my price range for a house
so in November I'm definitely going to be seen and looking for houses in the Cincinnati area
but for now you guys just online I've been looking finding decent houses my
range right now is like an hour away from the University of Cincinnati that's
a Max I want to drive an hour to school why do you want to do an hour it's just a bigger Market there's just
more houses in the larger area cheaper too for the for the quality I should probably say like in that range like
that whole range of the hour drive like I'll do a 10 minute drive but not might
not be houses in a 10 minute drive radius you know what I'm saying you almost won the 275 Loop you almost want to like
like that 275 Loop there's like this comes of a sweet spot and like I have a like my the home I grew up in was about
10 minutes outside of the 275 Loop and it was perfect because it was so close
to Cincinnati and you can still get to the highway and still get like real like
yeah okay in and out quickly mm-hmm yeah I agree and you're still like kind of connected everywhere like I just it's it
really sucks to be out in the boonies and you're not by a highway to get anywhere and you have to do like I know
I don't need 30 minutes just to get on the highway yes dude like I know some I have some family
that's like that and to drive to their house they're like dude what happens if you break down
you know like you're just sure if you're in the boonies like the actual Boonies yeah you're screwed right let's see
because it'll be like an hour before a tow truck could ever get to you and you're like
um yeah good dude come on oh when you were
house searching you sent me this um Mansion of a house or old church that
church dude I my dream home would have been in that church that church that was
like redone and it had like the main floor was like all the
pews and the altar were taken out and it was like the living room and kind of
like casual area where the pews would have been and the kitchen was where the altar was and then where the organ or
like the overhead um Terrace or view how do I say that I guess like
Terrace isn't the right word but like they I don't know I don't know what it was
but there was like an upstairs the wall type thing sure loft is a way better word I think that is the words I was
looking for so if you like you can go upstairs and then there was like a pool table and like couches and like for
God's sakes you know I'm in the pool so yeah that's because I beat him once I kicked her ass twice
yeah okay but dude like to have like a nice pool table to have and then that
had [ __ ] [ __ ] so much room it was crazy so much because you
remember my last apartment right and how big it was right dude that's why when I saw it I immediately thought it was like
this is definitely enough brain space for Preston you can I tell you the whole
idea of brain space and having like open like here I feel claustrophobic at this
like you know like I just moved here to my new apartment and it's like so much smaller than my last one and I really
have this like sad belief that if taller ceilings more thoughts right
the more open space more thoughts I don't know what it is but it's like the
bigger the home the better your thoughts that's how I've always looked at it and
like honestly like if I could get rid of all my furniture and just sit on the ground I would that's great just to have
like everything just to have more space and more thoughts I don't know it's like it's
just how I think oh Chris and you still already have like looking like you got like 10 foot
ceilings here probably yeah yeah last one was probably like 20
to 30 feet style hash Department was [ __ ] tall was it yeah it was so tall like
so like my last apartment must have been 15 foot ceilings yeah it must have been because it's 20. yeah because this is
this is 10 feet I guess and I feel claustrophobic and 10 feet right I'm a
church that church is probably like [ __ ] 40 50. yeah oh I could have some big thoughts there sure imagine like
trying to replace the light bulbs in that place or something crazy you're like trying to work on that roof you're
gonna need like a whole machine just a big elevator or a big uh a big ladder
your big ladder uncomfortable going up yeah of course of course have you never gone
I mean not on a ladder but I have gone up like that high in a machine yeah oh
the scissors yeah yeah scissors yeah is that what they call them I think that I
don't know remember but yeah just those those lifts yeah yeah
um dude even changing my the light bulbs in my last apartment was [ __ ] task I
never even did it because I didn't have and I didn't have a ladder that was that big and you need those a-shaped ladders
you need those A-frames because I couldn't lean the ladder against anything because it's just the light
bulbs in the middle of the in the room so it's like yeah but oh dude that church I'm telling
you I will like perfect scenario let me paint the perfect scenario
a hundred thousand for a [ __ ] church that's like big Steeples nice and large
church that's like probably built in the 1850s or somewhere around there and just
got it re like renovated and then just keep all the same Furniture I have I
wouldn't need any new furniture I would just buy like a pool table and buy
kitchen ship oh dude art yeah I think on
I I think I'm actually at this point in my life where if I'm not buying like real real like nice pieces of art I
think I'll just make make all my heart soon sure because like it I know like the art I have in here is not like
[ __ ] amazing but it's like it's just cheaper to do it this way
and you know what audience I'm white Kai is black wow and when he came into my
apartment he was like this is what a white person does they hang their
picture frames on the walls did you know why people hang their [ __ ] on the wall it's like dude what I just have nice
stuff and I put it on the wall and you're calling me a [ __ ] white person you're the racist
yeah no dude I have not been in the black
person's house black a colored let me be more of a colored person
and seeing like pieces of art like on the walls
organized or just like more than one piece besides a family picture okay or
Decor in general okay maybe it's just because I don't know why let's just put it this way I'm cultured
you're not wow I'm just kidding wow I'm just kidding but what's your point so
you're saying that like every every black person's home that you've walked into it doesn't happen the way I do it
they're saying it's like the the white woman way to put [ __ ] on the walls
I don't know what you mean by that I just see like I see like family pictures in the living room sometimes not even
hung up like on the wall I think I've only been to like one person's house that is African and seeing like their
African Decor right in their house okay usually it's just nothing bare walls I have white people
to Corn that's hilarious okay what do you think about this one this wall right here then yeah like what do you call that the
animal heads and crap oh I would never see that in like a black person's house well let's chill out for a second that's
a Jackalope okay and a Jackalope is a mythical creature right okay so I forget
what they call those they call them um [ __ ] dude when it's um a stuffed animal
that's like been hunted yeah what is that called dude I I can't believe I I
know Dr Seuss did it I know yeah it doesn't matter but the only reason I
have that is just for shits and giggles like I don't have that because I'm a Hunter
okay I mean people have the talking fish on the wall when you press the button oh
it moves that's [ __ ] creepy yeah I know what you're talking about those are weird I guess the skin complexion the
people that had that in their house take a guess yeah okay all right but but okay
besides besides that jackalope
what's your take all right you have this man's
construction signs usually you'll see that in the privileged young son's room
of the White household it's such a huge dig and the thing is
like I literally have special picked and painted some of these so it's like I put in so much effort I put so much thought
into it and even the way I organize it on the wall it's not like I just like Chantilly just like oh here's this
here's that now that looks good like I literally put so much effort into and you're like this is bigotry
[ __ ] like I literally can hear you in your ear against [ __ ] okay
and then some people like he's an idiot so like I get I get both
ends of it and it's really fascinating that's hilarious man
that's hilarious so the housing market right now it's not anything I think it's pretty trash yeah it's it's just like it
it's because we're not at Rock Bottom you need to buy at Rock Bottom you know
I mean uh like well you need to buy when everything collapses I don't think it's
gonna collapse if you look at the trends like sure there's been some dips but there hasn't been like a a major
collapse in quite a while matter of fact it's like times 10 in the last 10 years right like
the best time for you to buy would have been before 2008 which is crazy yeah
like and obviously we were [ __ ] kids then literally so and but the thing is
it's it's a wave eventually it's going to go back to that no no way dude dude I I'll bet you money
this is a digital record how many people would be screwed yeah exactly that's
what you need it's just not happening but like homie what I'm saying is that like for you a
poor person to be able to buy a home that's nice and for you to be able to afford that loan for the loan to be
night like you know what I mean like for you not to get screwed over by the bank but you still get the benefit of an okay
home for like bang for the buck right like I I guess like the last time
that the housing market was I it would it would have been like before 2020 right would have been like
the best time to buy so I'm like I don't know actually definitely before covid for sure
it's funny how that's not really a conversation anymore the housing market like I really don't like I don't know
anymore truly I've been looking at it like uh like even like the middle class right
now like my parents make 200 Grand a year and they're definitely middle class or
not upper class I feel like a couple years ago it's pretty well a couple of years ago
you'd be pretty luxurious like it's crazy but now like AI developers
apparently they're getting paid almost Millions a year by big companies like Amazon and Facebook
imagine having a salary just was like 700k a year you know it's insane that is
dude I was I was hearing about how um like the A-list people the one
percenters right and like obviously me and you if we ever get into the one percent it
would be sure sheer luck right like it would be Monumental luck but
um the idea that like you know there was these um set people who were in the one
percent and over time people like Zuckerberg and Elon Musk and like
um just all those people like bills Gates thank you I always
forget his name those people have like kind of crept into the one percent now because like they've you know they've
earned their right to be in that conversation right but those AI people are going to be the next set
of like people to like kind of merge because like it was Tech right tech people that came in and like before it
was oil or housing or like some like railroad people in the 1800s were like
the one percent and now it's going to be the AI people who are going to be the one percenters and that's really
fascinating like when you just said like oh it's gonna be they're gonna get paid seven hundred thousand
nothing Brown they're gonna get paid billions I agree yeah they use
the amount of users the amount of time it took chat gbt to reach a million
users compared to like Facebook I think chadjibouti took them like a month and
it took Facebook like years ago that's so wild and like that it like makes me
go back to the idea of like okay this podcast and how it's gonna grow and like you know how slow will it be how fast
will it be and it's funny how like sometimes like
um I remember it was like a couple weeks ago we heard our first hundred listens we're like whoa that's crazy and now
we're already on our way to like 200. and it's like it's just getting quicker
and quicker and quicker and it's like really interesting how even these big corporations can kind of compound super
quickly if you're good out the gate and like that's the whole goal for most of these corporations like the AI like
the chat gbt is the be good out of the gate right to be instantly
um consumed by us and be able with you know like usability right and
I'll never do this but I mean like the day that people were like planning their
vacations planning their car repairs and planning everything through Chad gbt and
just having everything automated and just giving their credit card out it's gonna be really interesting because
obviously chat gbt is going to want like hey let's have two percent of these purchases right right like it's almost
like Apple pay too right like Apple pay like if I go to Starbucks right now and
use Apple pay to buy a coffee I don't get the expense of two percent but the
person who but Starbucks has to pay two percent to Apple because I used Apple
pay and just just little [ __ ] like that and like they're gonna get their money
somehow like PayPal PayPal just cuts just they're skimming that's what they
do they just skim a little off the top every time every purchase and that's how they just became a
billion dollar Corporation oh it's really crazy
yeah I think that uh man
if you could make an a high
like evil AI to be like chat gbt before it
was censored and just have like a super I want to say Humane approach but free
yeah like AI has more freedoms I feel like chat jbt like there's some answers
that you give it where it's like I'm sorry but due to these terms of conditions I can't answer what you're
saying right if you could make the the god AI it'd be over that'd be the next guy
that'd be the next million billion dollar AI can I can I say something to
you do it um I was hearing this like debate on can we create a god
no hold please that's crazy what if Chad gbt becomes sentient all right and they
start taking over all computers all right so then it has this internal
connection to all the devices on Earth and then it can see us
it has thousands of cameras it's omnipresent it has it can hear us it is
recording us and it has the ability to learn
exponentially because it can pull because it knows everything has this infinite amount of information to pull
from and at that point
it would become a god right because me and you have a limitation from these eyes and ears and
senses we have a limit of this body but the thing that could potentially be
created is like a a sentient AI that has no bounds
it has no physical body to hold it 'd be crazy I think that's a God right
there bro that's God can you just imagine like it becomes sentient literally in
milliseconds it could take over like every computer on Earth do what you're just saying like be everywhere at once
this is why I don't have the internet in my apartment that's hilarious getting in like the
stock market here conversations bash become rich become everything okay take
over the news take over it everything know every just do everything that wants just imagine some things being able to
do so much at once in the first place like it's so crazy like I could imagine
uh cash earning AIS been thinking about this recently like
how could because I bet there's investing tools that though like I bet hedge funds are
working really hard right now to pay AI companies to invest for them to have
nobody and be investing but AIS and it would be the cash earning AI in this
cash earning AI will just be [ __ ] with the stock market until it just juices its last scent right and it's
gonna be like how could me and you and like how could I go on to the stock
market and earn as much as one of these AIS yeah you know what I mean like why wouldn't I put my money into these hedge
funds that are just absolutely calibrated to the millisecond
of when they should sell them by and the thing is I can't do that I don't have enough time in the [ __ ] day to
do that but this thing's whole agenda is to the millisecond we're gonna have
decisions like that we're gonna do these binary decisions of when I should buy and sell based off the market and I bet
they want so much have you seen the [ __ ] on Snapchat where
it posted a picture on a story the AI on Snapchat and AI
posted Own Story yeah there's like a corner of room I don't know if it was
like a developer working and he took a picture and put it on the AI story even
that like is worrisome because can that developer access every single conversation that someone signed at the
AI that'd be weird and then it's just like what if it was santeen for a second and it actually did take a picture and
upload it or some crazy crap like oh it doesn't even go crazier okay what if it
did it by itself exactly they had to close down Snapchat and like edit I
don't know what they did I don't know what they edited I have no clue what what did you get what if the AI was like this information
is needed for the humans but I didn't actually died a year ago crazy
[Laughter] do you think that dude died yet
I mean he's been in the news right what do you mean yeah dude he looks so [ __ ] I don't the whole idea of like
doubles existing yeah have you ever like
the fact that like we can have like Gucci Mane before we went to prison and after that one I believe
that's him or that yeah yeah I believe that's him but like I believe that's not
like a double but I believe that like if you're in the power of a presidency and your
president dies what are your options I think uh it might be in Nigeria or
Congo some elected official elected of air quotes you know what I'm saying yeah
for sure whatever he they're saying respecting that he died and they don't want to say anything
like the government didn't want to say anything to the people and he hasn't been in TV in months this was a couple
months when I learned about this but some really old guy that's been in office forever dot they suspected that
he died because he hasn't been to TV he's making crazy like statements making
crazy new rules that people were like I don't know is that really him let's see
him right let's see him or hear him say this right he just hasn't been showing up in public it's always been officials
that represent him and whatnot and they're like is he actually still alive right what's happening and the thing is
though dude is that as AI gets better they'll be able to make film of that
person and be able to like have him say and do whatever they want and just 3D
render them dude they like I'll have to see something with my real eyes
you know what I mean like in in 10 years we won't know what's real on the internet
we really won't like we'll we'll kind of think we know we kind of think we can
tell the difference but I'm getting Rick and Morty I've been starting to they've
been showing like do you remember that um LeBron James photo
yes yes he was wearing a skirt and it like went viral and I remember looking
at that photo I was like I can kind of tell this is AI I can't I can't I remember looking at I was like I can't
tell this is AI because I've I've produced almost a thousand AI photos right and
the thing is there's gonna be a day where we can't tell where it's gonna get down to the
pixel of excellence and it's like okay what what do I I won't be able to trust
my cell phone I won't be able to trust any information I think it's like 10
years from now I'm just gonna have to be able to like base everything off of what I know now
which is like really fascinating because man I don't know there's I think there
should be huge regulation for AI just because for how unsafe this conversation
is for how like we can recruit like me and you if we had the proper technology
we could say that we could have Trump be like I am now a
black man I am going to do blackface 24 7. and they would the news would run
with it like it's a real thing have you heard of uh little TJ no it's
not a little TJ it's a little Tay that one girl back in the day that was like nine years old and she was in the
maintenance yes yes yes yes yes we heard that recent news about her dying no yeah
that's sad that girl dude was really a fascinating case of like child
Fame right and how she was like she was like with a little six nine and how
and I remember that the parents were getting prosecuted with parent and
endangerment child endangerment that's what it was child endangerment and how
they need to take her off the internet and how they need to like give her a real [ __ ] life you know like stop
doing this [ __ ] and what so she died no she did not die someone hacked your
account and it's been speculated that the huge chat gbt to write like a
message and put on her account like oh we're so sorry about the loss of
Littleton her brother to me it sounds super professional what not sure but like there's no like
nothing from the police nothing no please reporter manager
nothing from but like people saw that on your story and they read that message
that was very like proper informal and they're really like influencers new
influence for like man rest in peace on that garbage okay
but if that was just using chat gbt to fool people
like even if that LeBron case as well people asked LeBron like is this you you
really were in the dress right it's crazy and someone actually came up to me
and showed me and you're like look wilte died the day before I looked into it and
then realized oh just had gbt some lie or something and that's crazy
I bet that girl's like what 14 15 now she's like yeah 14 15. dude when we were when I was in when we were both in high
school she was like nine yep or ten and witnessing her
be a little child and be like with these rappers in New York like New York
influencer kind of kind of ghetto influencers and like what
what like if if in Little Taste position I would be
scarred at this age what do you say that because of the people she was hanging out with
oh I see yeah background bad crap for sure at least like that's what I
remember I don't I don't know if my memory is correct or not I remember her flashing the base sacks of cash in the
Mansion though like yeah and we learned later on that you know her mom's selling those houses and
money is probably prop money or if it is real money you know it's not hers it was pretty crazy yeah but that I remember
her and her Instagram account getting millions and millions of followers and
those and the thing is that's Instagram economy bro you can get paid from Instagram for sure which is crazy too
that you can get paid from Instagram bro dude I remember seeing a video of her like
just walking outside with her brother and then a gang of like gang bro a group
of black people yeah two or more black people as a gang yeah now a group of black people driving by and they're like
are you already talking all that [ __ ] on the internet what the [ __ ] is up what's up what are you talking what were you
saying before you're not the biggest lecture anymore that type of thing sure because she was dissing people she was
like my your rent my rent is like your grandma's I could pay your whole
families yeah yeah funeral whatever some crazy stuffers and then she just looked
like an innocent nine-year-old like confused and lost you know the whole thing that she was saying her script
that she was saying in this videos was like made by her older brother I kind of had something going on she was like leave her alone she's not actually like
that and she was just standing and being like scared all the stuff that she did
was script did for the most part yeah oh you just blew my mind dude because I thought that was actually her for a
second that's like that that Persona I think I could do 60 of it now I could do
zero yeah like I that Persona was like really well done and really well
I guess render didn't make my younger brother do that that's crazy her acting
skills were [ __ ] phenomenal too I mean it's not too hard to act ignorant
if you're nine years old but to be able to have but I have
younger cousins and family members right they probably really raised well and they're they can't do that [ __ ] yeah
I've been trying they don't you've been trying but trying to Monopoly yeah yeah yeah
there's a [ __ ] Market out there and let me tell you parents we can do it all
you need is just a one a couple a couple scripts that you know pull ten thousand dollars out of cash and have it you know
bound up and we'll be fine we'll we'll make an Instagram post have you seen the uh one little kid
streamer YouTuber that was he sung that virus song that was like I want to kill my mom I want to kill my dad I don't
know bro he's like five or something it's like one of those family channels where it's like Mom and the dad and then
the little kid and they follow him since he was like born and they like vlogged
they're like vloggers yeah yeah yeah and like you just have a lot of cloud a lot of money
those people were like I always worry about those kids because I don't know
what I would do if I could watch a bunch of videos of me as a young kid I don't
know however that's funny as hell the dad would like show clips of the kid when he was younger he's like look at
you boy and like roast him crazy but then the kids like this kid's like
who bought that watch for you you know what I'm saying yeah yeah
I understand man what time you what time you got to get out of here I'm leaving now nice talking to you bye all right
all right well okay this has been the app this is episode 14 chill try not to make so much fragments of audio approach
chill out let me at least cut it off first um uh take witness of our of our
commercials they're pretty great let that hypnotism get you please go on to
our shop maybe buy some merch maybe get some stickers and prints you know if
you're feeling generous oh all contributions go to us
I was trying to make that into a joke but I couldn't okay peace bye
[Music] do you want to collect a free nft
we'll head over to openc and visit at shop aruga to view our collections of
digital art our most recent collection citation is
available now check it out
[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they
look busy right
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