#13 - Mars Exploration | Nolan & Preston | Oruga Studios | The Oruga Podcast

#13 - Mars Exploration | Nolan & Preston

[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they
look busy right he's like the Midas of our generation
yeah and I know there's like a lot of people against him like [ __ ] Elon Musk
and like I just I'm not I like too much for the social good yeah like what is he
doing that's not for the social good you know and I like that there's a billionaire that's sending Rockets to
Mars why I don't give a [ __ ] why he beat Jeff Bezos too though I'm cool with that
dude I'm cool did his Rockets are so cool the way they they go up into space
and then they Auto Land it is brilliant what he does they don't
disassemble or destruct no there's no debris these things are just absolutely like
engineering Marvels [Music]
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be produced by saipuda check him out at saifudabeats.com
open okay
um it's episode 13 I think we're recording and you know just to give you a little
back story we tried to do episode 13 a couple of days ago or maybe half a week
ago and did it never end up recording no we recorded it the file uh yeah that's
what was wrong with the audio so we try to like have three mics into this computer and it's digital audio so the
just the file didn't really record correctly so it made us sound super like
electronic and we sound like cyborg so yeah so we're re-recording the episode
13. um what was your clip
I'm trying to find her real quick oh dude so since we've been we're on
YouTube all right and I've been trying to figure out like how to you know groom the YouTube algorithm
okay and I've been watching like a bunch of videos of how to get views what's
like the the last thing we're doing is a sacrifice to the YouTube Gods that's the
last thing we haven't done I am about to have an altar for YouTube at my house
okay and I'm gonna give it praise just kidding just for the play button yeah
the golden diamond but when I was like trying to like look up YouTube videos about YouTube
algorithms and like how to make a good video and blah blah blah blah the people who are in that niche of
making YouTube videos about making blow up yes it is fascinating I was Finding
so many hyperactive people who were like I got this chart and this chart will
explain exactly what the YouTube algorithm is to you and to I and I have
to pick a sub niche in the in this sub Niche I have to answer a very specific question or you answer broad questions
and in this video you have to keep their attention the entire time and this dude is just going on and on for like 20
minutes looking at a whiteboard and just like drawing visually those SEO people
are some crackhead stuff and the other ones were like uh downloading metadata from YouTube and
going to excel sheets and doing math in the Excel sheets to figure out who gets
the most likes statistically yeah that's crazy breaks it down like I could never
say that word I literally study statistics and I can barely say it but yes so they're going to excel sheets
like trying to break down who gets the most likes per view and then then they
go to that video and try to recreate that video and like that was his whole
style of how he made content of it's just like ripping off what other great
YouTubers do and it's really fascinating but there's just a
whole niche of YouTube marketers trying to blow up channels I still think that
the people that make reaction videos are living life easy because they just get paid Bank to make
content off of other people's content and that just seems like such an easy
career right like lifestyle secondary reaction videos like I know you're doing
a secondary Market of content creators yeah all you're doing is finding Clips
to like make fun of dude there's YouTube channels I know
that they are built on movie clips and they'll just have a three minute video
clip of a movie and that gets that millions of views and then they have
like half a billion views on on YouTube and you're like dude we'll never know
who these people are but they are just well off let's put it that way they are
well off for real and it's fascinating how that there is a whole Market of that
because like the YouTube algorithm shows me a lot of um like comedians now but sometimes when I
see a comedian video of just like a comedian doing podcasting or maybe he'll do or maybe they excuse me gender but
um they uh well like either been doing podcasting or stand up
and sometimes it's a secondary YouTube account that puts that video up and then
that YouTube is solely using or solely getting the benefit of views from doing
no work besides putting a file together and throwing it onto YouTube they're just like meshing the creators
content and putting into like a little clip or like a two minute video
do that for us please if you're one of those people yeah mix all of our podcasts together
make us sound absolutely crazy or great it's up to you yeah shift The Narrative
who knows you could make your own propaganda by our propaganda
dude it's like okay so recently um I created all the ads and it's so
funny how the aruga ads are such propaganda it's so hilarious not just
that so the intro and outro it's that it's just like it's all propaganda man
it's hilarious I love it it's a Ruger propaganda and I hope it works on you let me tell
you [Applause] we used to work with the masses uh on the global scale yeah like to me it's
hypnotism like I literally like some of the the merch video dude I like I love it at this point like it's
so great it took forever dude I was trying to rip off uh this
so I was watching YouTube videos to try to create that merch video and
there was like some random Adobe YouTuber that was like show like
remixing Drake videos and trying to make it into like a a thermal looking video
and it's just like yeah the secondary Market on YouTube is so fascinating it's like you really can
get deep deep into the crevices or at least I can sometimes it's really fast in the
Creator Market the creative Market on YouTube is so deep yeah it's so deep on
like stock footage on um like the cash sound the cash counter uh
computer that sound that it makes like that
stock footage on YouTube is in probably hundreds of rap videos and in hundreds
of rap um songs like it's crazy how often I hear that cash counter like it's in a
Drake song I know I can find a Drake song that has a cash counter like that and it's so fascinating to me that like
it's just stock footage on YouTube
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aroogastore.com for Unique Styles and streetwear [Music]
here's a weird question or debate what platform do you
think has more users do you think Adobe has more users or do
you think YouTube has more channels and YouTube like creators
and content makers so you're gonna you're gonna say is there more content creators or is there more Adobe users
designers and illustrators animators all right let's say there's more YouTube
accounts more YouTubers than Adobe experts it depends on what you said like
what's your cut off as you're cut off like a hundred videos I wish you cut off like 20 videos here's the thing though
how many people use Adobe monetize to make a YouTube video
I don't know any any application on Adobe I have no idea honestly I don't know if
like Adobe is really like the number one I don't know yeah like I use it because it's great yeah and I
like I love how easy their programs are and how everyone on YouTube seems to be
creating content about how to use Adobe I mean like the Adobe YouTube videos will make you snore and David like I
have to skip through half the video just to get to the juice of what I'm trying to find and
that's a good question I mean you could maybe make the argument that there's more Adobe users but that means Adobe is
like kind of a silent how do I say like Titan in the end yes
dude they are a [ __ ] Titan in the industry it's a great way to put it
because dude who talks about Adobe being like a billion dollar company nobody but
they charge I would assume that Netflix and Adobe would be the same
of like power noticing because of just like how many applications they have
like illustrator Photoshop and Premiere Pro dude those are like the top programs I
think I believe Adobe just starts their own streaming service or some [ __ ] like that
because they just have so many creators under their belt and they just start signing a bunch of
directors or something right or even computers dude I'm surprised they're not
like let's build computers now we have the Adobe Cloud why don't we just I'm surprised Adobe isn't like investing in
other places in the industry I think you're saying this I should invest into Adobe I bet I
bet their stock is probably I would be comfortable investing into it Walmart stock I don't know them
you think Walmart what is the word that they give you dividends the dividend count on Walmart
was unbelievable if you were almost 10 or something no I don't remember I couldn't tell you
off the cuff right now yeah Dividends are really helpful especially I think I had a couple
hundred dollars and they were pushing me a couple cents each month each month it was pretty great
damn I mean like I was not a whale in
investing it into Walmart that's for sure but they were a solid stock when I
was interested in stocks in our Robin Hood days dude those Robin Hood days we
would talk about investing for like hours I know
oh my gosh there were so many like um I was really into this Japanese Bank you
remember that what were they called it was like South Bank or something like that stuff I think yeah I was so I
definitely had some soft bang dude their stock was like so good for me as because at that time they were just like
increasing like two or three percent each month dude I was like [ __ ] yeah I
was making Bank off of some cannabis stocks I remember like
or it was like canopy growth I think there was like one called Aurora Aurora
cannabis yeah yeah and I remember they went on like a a merger
or something one of the cannabis companies like did a merger and then
damn near like two and a half times my investment and I pulled that [ __ ] out
real quick yeah because I was like I'm not keeping it any longer
it was like I just have some stock now like I just
have a little bit of stock and I don't even look or touch at like touch it or if I say touch it I don't it's a [ __ ]
app I can't touch it but anyways like I just don't look at it anymore but like it was so fun to rush to check it every
day and you're like [ __ ] if you if you ever had the chance of owning one Bitcoin would you check the price daily
I don't I feel like I would be that type if I was lucky enough to just have one whole
Bitcoin or like even a couple but one whole Bitcoin is like a decent investment let me change the
let me ask you this then if you had one whole ethereum would you
check it every day I definitely wasn't back then
okay I remember when it was like 1400 and then like dipping between like 11
and 1600 and I just never really interested in like keeping up
with it you know right if I had a whole Bitcoin I think I would have to check the news every day but I wouldn't want
to check like check its price right I would just check the news around it like correct
chain in general just to make sure that countries don't make it illegal I don't know I've been really what
happens when the United States of America is like that's illegal no they've been pushing for US dollar coin
or digital currency that's scary dude that's so scary and I've heard an argument about that
usdc yeah so like the beauty about cash
is that I want to cop some xrp though rather than have that [ __ ] to go to a dollar okay and then okay just who knows
what happens after it hits a dollar that's just like such an even number I remember when they were talking about
Dogecoin hating a dollar yeah it's 75 cents and like let's keep going
I pulled out of that one I remember I remember I stayed invested in for a
while Dogecoin yeah I put like a whole ass a thousand into it though yeah I did
too I think I had 12 or 15 000 Doge at one point or maybe that's
not even that much I don't even know yeah I don't even remember what the conversion is I remember we could have
like made so much bank if we heard about it like a week or two prior to us
investing I remember that we could have bought like 20 000 or 30 000 Dogecoin and we
just spotted a vehicle hater or something I bought it at I bought it at seven cents yeah all right and it was
[ __ ] under a cent a month before that yeah it was interested dude if
if I invested a thousand dollars into it would be watching that's in a studio
you have her own mic we would have a table that's levitating a 4K 60 frames
per second camera so you were showing me a video of this
element that that levitates yeah and it's like this new thing that levitates
and it has to be like almost Frozen to really act properly
but if we had a big enough investment from Dogecoin we could have had a table
that was just constantly levitating a marble looking table yeah that was so
wild do you remember what element they said that was the levitating metal
let me it was called it was like some advanced form of magnets that was the
best LK 99 sample and they were showing how it is used
with particle accelerators electric grids magnetic levitation trains ship
propulsion systems and Quantum computing and it's basically a hockey puck going
in a donut and it looks like it's got like liquid
nitrogen just it's frozen shooting out of its back it's it's so strange like I
I don't know what to make of it truly it's like watching um you know train
like little uh toy trains on a track but they're like super gripped to the track
but they're floating an audience if what we sound we sound so
stupid right now but if you just looked up what a Quantum lock even I don't know it's if you even if you
typed in LK 99 LK 99 yeah dude because that's the uh oh
that's the element then the number of oh I'm guessing yourself
no the skateboarder you remember watching
that one too such nonsense that looks so the skateboarding that's like vaping on
its own yeah if you want to skateboard that Vape there you go but it floats like what
we're talking about is this floating skateboard that uses these Advanced magnets to like levitate which is
really it sounds fake the the thing I just said sounds so utterly ridiculous
but you know it's really the future dude I'll save it so that it could be featured in the uh
in the actual video okay so that the audience can see for themselves so that
we're not as we're speaking about it you just see it right now yeah
but that's pretty cool dude that stuff is so interesting to me that like the
the future's here I mean like it's some it's kind of like
I don't even know what to make of it I mean if we're gonna have vehicles that just levitate now no more tires yeah no
rubber no air rubber yeah nothing nothing on the highways that are we're gonna be running over I'm gonna be like
did I just hit something or was it just some tread right you won't hear like you know how
highways have um audible sound it's like uh what sound
pollution I always produce sound pollution because of the rubber hitting the road
but imagine highways are just silent that'd be a little creepy
and you'll hear the air yeah you only hear them even if you could hear it I don't even
know if you could I don't know well I don't know man I really it's a magnetic propulsion I don't think there is any
sound it's just it would just be wisping like
a baseball being thrown just to get that little wisp of the air which is really
fascinating I don't know if I don't know what's going to be first magnetic railroad cars
or flying cars Fine Cars dude
we can't as like a like some you know that one movie is it it means you're
becoming a helicopter pilot I don't think everybody could become helicopter Pilots yeah flying cars are gonna be I
don't know you know blade dangerous yes 2049. those type of cars
how far off do you think we are like a cup probably 100 years
from that Twitter video that you just showed me no not that one like you know the movie no of course but I'm just
saying that like of that Twitter post that you just showed me of scientists throwing around this
um throwing around this magnet and it's not even getting jolted off of course or
anything yeah that makes me think that we could have levitating cars and maybe
a couple hundred years and like all the infrastructure matches up and we all have like we have magnets all over our
roads so we love it like you know okay I'm gonna become a nerd for a second
Star Wars in Star Wars there's this bike that levitates all right it looks like a
chopper it's like the whatever the um what's the Stormtrooper bike yes
those things are probably not far from us now because those are only a couple feet off the ground right exactly and
that makes total sense to meter the Speeder Bike Speeders yes those things are aesthetically pretty
cool yeah dude us talking about this seems
nuts but the fact that it could be happening is insanity and we've got to be ready
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you know how cool that vehicle is it's even um destiny made a spin-off of um like
speeder bikes and Star Wars really and they're called sparrows and sparrows I
wanted a cop on ever since that game came out and obviously since Star Wars since watching Star Wars yeah but so
that's funny let's paint a picture you're 55 years old all right okay instantly if I see It'll take 30
years but if I see them ever produced and like they're being made in a factory
they like give me give me one of them what would you rather would you rather that speeder or like a jetpack kind of
vehicle uh floating bike is kind of cooler than a cooler yeah you don't even
need the transportation you just want like the cool yeah of course of course jetpacks are kind of lame
because like it's a whole last pack that you're putting on your back if we just have those and like Humanity
keeps having this we're just gonna evolve to being like
um hunchbacks you know okay but okay what about
I'm gonna be a nerd again Iron Man he's got those hand and feet the feet ones
make sense okay I don't know about the hands oh hands make sense to me for sure
you want to be able to balance imagine yeah yeah I guess you're right I can't
do the splits and let's say I have to like stop I feel like a windsuit makes more sense than hand propulsers okay
you'd want feet propulsers and a wingsuit before you want a handful I guess you're right about the balance
part I just don't know and the the fact that you could let's
say let's talk about a universe where Iron Man does exist you're gonna be like am I aerodynamic now because like in a
wingsuit I feel like iron work with it in real life would have to have like aerodynamic
fins on him you know just like something other than a suit sure like a
bubble he almost like gets into I don't know about a bubble just well it would have to have some air
maneuverability okay okay I feel like if it was just a suit you know in like
those scenes where he's going up into the atmosphere for sure you need like some weird looking fins on his suit or
some [ __ ] okay go at an angle into the atmosphere or something okay
I think it's super unrealistic that like in some of the movies he just flies straight out like a [ __ ] rocket right
yeah and there's like nothing acting on his suit dude NASA has to especially
predict at what angle can they leave the atmosphere and he's just like straight up
let's just kick those boots yeah
he literally goes again to be a nerd again when um in The
Avengers movie when he just goes against the whole Army he just goes up into space hey yeah it really doesn't make sense
because like where is the fuel coming from Iron Man does not his chest all right he has a reactor in his chair
that's oh what is it electric where's the actual there's no fuel there's no
charge it's a um plasma dude I'm about to talk so much
[ __ ] I have no flirting I don't think I care actually that yeah we're nerding around I don't think I care that much if
we're just shooting on Marvel but the thing is though like all those things that we just talked about like the art
the Iron Man suit the levitating car the levitating bike those things
don't seem too far from like those could be in our lifetime it really doesn't seem like imagine the
time that like now we have the ability to make a nuclear reactor okay but soon
we'll have the ability to make a make a nuclear reactor tiny
imagine that imagine if we could have these suits and we do have nuclear reactors the size of
batteries like chips yeah because it you know like what in the 60s and the 70s and the 80s the the computer rooms were
huge yeah the the data and now they're megabyte exactly and my computer now can
out process those rooms full of computers so like
the day like and right now we're building um we're building those nuclear reactors
huge as [ __ ] ginormous huge nuclear reactors but the
day that we could make them into like microchips well I know even the grass whoa even the
graphic cards nowadays how can they make them that small and efficient could you imagine your car
running off a small nuclear reactor and you could take your car to [ __ ]
Neptune's moon that would be so cool and you're like yeah my nephew lives up here
in Neptune's moon and she's over there in the Fallout Universe all the cars and
Like Houses run off nuclear energy really yeah
it's like when you blow up a car it's like a mini it's like a mini explosion
whoa yeah whoa and like you could die if you're 15 feet next to the car Jesus
that's how big the explosion is yeah I don't know if I'm cool with that
kind of safety specs I don't know if I like that especially if someone's zooming down the
highway and they just crash and Collide into a wall right you just have the whole Road blocked off
for like a month we just yeah and they're like what happened what took out the whole highway oh one car
yeah and it just faulty it wasn't a 30 car pile up or anything it was just a malfunction it's okay go back to your
day move along Move Along yeah it would be dude I'll be so excited for
the for like for humans in general if we can like really tackle the celestial
solar system that we're in like if we could really go to all the moons and to
go to like the Jupiter's moons it would just be so cool like the I mean obviously the first step is gonna be
Mars and having people on Mars and just going beyond that but
if people were doing missions and like Expo or Journeys like that do you how
long or rare do you think it would be for them to encounter other humans
like would we ever send another like imagine we we send people to Mars
at least once by like 20 30. okay would we ever send another Colony no
sure well I I don't know I'm not talking to my ass by 2040 or some [ __ ] like what
would be the intervals in uh the way we send colonies like I wondered what the
gaps of years like we would estimate in the way that we
ship off people to different planets I don't know but there is like they have
to um kind of time it celestially I say that but like I don't know the journey
and all that well it's just like it takes um we kind of have to line up with these
planets in our solar system so Earth is going around the Sun and so is Mars and
there could be times where we're on the opposite side of the solar system because like Earth is on one side of the
Sun and Mars is on the other different seasons and all the times of
it's like um every time that we line up with Mars it's like every three years I
don't don't call me on that I'm not a scientist but I just remember hearing that about every three years Earth and Mars
get close together and then we can kind of see Mars like with the naked eye and we can then there's like this prime time
when we can launch rockets and we can potentially get to Mars because it's the
shortest distance and we can kind of like launch off of Earth's rotation Earth's gravity and kind of like
basically like slingshot ourselves towards Mars too so concerned with the way you're
playing oh my cat yeah but the topic I was about to bring up is
that what if there was like problems with seniority when people got to the planet and
they're like I've been here longer bro yeah I mean like we don't want you guys
on here we were the first colony this is my land like we don't want you colonized
right I think about when the first country is gonna break the
the space law like Chinese or uh they're setting up their new space station like
they're not gonna be part of the ISS anymore really they're setting up their level super modern and like Sleek
looking uh station that they're about to set up really yeah I I found an image of it and
they were comparing the ISS and how like disorganized and old looking it was
right and comparing it to like the new modern Chinese space station
interesting all the compartments and [ __ ] were just like really sleek
everything was like white or better yeah it was it was crazy I guess they're
getting out of that agreement well um I'm meeting more of the but what's
the space law there's kind of there's like this um there's this agreement that most
countries have and it's the fact that no country owns land beyond Earth
what about the fact that do you think there's any laws to do with debris in
space no God no I don't think they can enforce them I think that there is like one law that I remember reading that if
you're like say you send a satellite up or some sort of technology to the for like
weather or anything like that and it goes beyond our like
atmosphere okay and if it falls back down into our atmosphere it doesn't matter like what region or
land it falls in the country is responsible for reclaiming their
um craft okay it doesn't matter what year you send it up like
the year that it comes back down you're still responsible for it that's been a rule I think what happens when it like
lands on two
I'm sorry this wasn't like us we didn't mean this traumatic it's seismic event
right I was the next one I was gonna say is like Rome it just hits the St Peters
capitals yeah or just it hits like New York downtown and they're like we're
getting bombed and it's like no it's just this 60s satellite that's [ __ ] because I was I was reading something
where they didn't know what this cylinder was and it was just
um like Fallen it was either like an Indian satellite or some [ __ ] like that and I think it was from the 80s and it
fell and it washed up on like this beach and nobody knew what it was okay and
then the officials ended up like discovering that it was a satellite and they said in
the article that it's a law that every country signed
um that has like spacecraft um you have to reclaim it no matter what country or place it falls in
it's wild and like it's pretty interesting it's probably like the Only Rule about space like
who knows about what [ __ ] you could send up like imagine a huge like just a regular guy
could he make a rocket or satellite and just send it up into space without any
conversations conversations with organizations or like
governments could he just do that by himself without any
I think you're basically giving the argument of Elon Musk yeah I but I feel
like I feel like he does yeah had to have gone some oks with the government and like on the federal level almost
I don't think he hadn't given it no I'm talking out of my ass obviously
which is pure speculation don't you think you would get fined for the amount of Rocket Fuel you use in a certain
location or like wouldn't you think that you would have to have certain land he doesn't pay emissions tax
I remember in a conversation with Elon Musk he doesn't pay emission stats seriously no I remember in the
conversation he was like I'm willing to pay emissions tax and I think emissions tax should be a thing I think he gets
research funds from the government not from the government but probably uh
Private Industry yeah man he's just so comfy
he's got a space company car company man you say comfy but I think that's tunnels
that's so much liability yeah he could just make any type of
product and it'll it'll blow up you know he's like the Midas of our generation
yeah and I know there's like a lot of people against him like [ __ ] Elon Musk and like I just I'm not I like so much
for the social good yeah like what is he doing that's not for the social good you
know and I like that there's a billionaire that's sending Rockets to Mars why I don't give a [ __ ] why he beat
Jeff Bezos too though I'm cool with that dude I'm cool dude his Rockets are so cool the way they they go up into space
and then they Auto Land it is brilliant what he does they don't
disassemble or destruct no there's no debris these things are just absolutely like
engineering Marvels sure parts of them fall off like when they're going up but
when they land it's still mostly the same rocket that went back up that went
up you know and of course there's been plenty of rockets that have exploded and
they haven't worked and they've malfunctioned but his success rates probably higher than
the government on the government level that's that's the thing they were like comparing
um Private Industry Rockets compared to NASA which is government rockets and
they like SpaceX was able to do it more efficiently they were able to deliver
supplies to the ISS is that what they're called International Space Station yeah yeah um so they were able to deliver Goods
cheaper and they were able to have reusable Rockets I mean it's really brilliant and like I'm
gosh I I don't know if I'll ever get to the point where I'm sending Rockets to Mars
either but like it's so cool that he exists like the fact that he put his Tesla into Mars's orbit or Mars's like
atmosphere I just know that he sent it to space I don't know where you presented I think it's in Mars right now
okay I think it's in Mars atmosphere yeah could you please look that up
um but yeah like so I remember the like the mannequin was or like the mannequin
inside his Tesla was outside of Earth's atmosphere but then I thought he sent it to Mars after that
I could be wrong I just remember these wild [ __ ] photos
which is so cool though just the fact that like a Billionaire's like yeah that car right there let's send that let's
send that to space and it'll never decay it will be a it will be a a remnant of
this world for thousands and thousands of years you know what it's saying what
it's saying it has become yeah it has become an artificial satellite of the
Sun his Tesla that is such a bother statement
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I see that can I see I just want to see that in writing oh in writing
Elon musk's Tesla Roadster is an electric sports car that served as the
dummy payload for the February 2018 Falcon heavy test flight and became an
artificial satellite of the Sun a mannequin in a spacesuit dubbed Starman
occupies in the driver's seat wow
I was hearing a conspiracy theory that uh Elon Musk killed like a person that
he didn't like and then sent him into that dummy into into space with his car
oh God I don't think it's pure speculation but I don't know red register is moving
toward our home a home Earth it says from currently the red Roadster
is 203 million miles or 18.2 light minutes from
Earth wow and is moving toward our home planet at a speed of
6400 miles per hour so I I can't even I'm not even gonna
rationalize that that's pretty that's pretty cool pretty
cool man I can't even believe that that's a real thing that that's a real person in our
time we're just tracking it right like dude if this was the Renaissance like we
would think of those I don't even know how to say this like
it's just wild that like the really influential people of our time can send things to another other planets now oh
yeah what that's the the bougie thing that people are doing in our in our times
sending [ __ ] off Planet literally like if I was a baller billionaire
I think I would have a a probe that was circling Mars or not Mars the Moon
and it would just be like this little capsule that would be like a little home a little pot home I think you just get
into and you're like oh there's the moon there's the Dark Side that we're talking about a little like capsule yeah you can
just hop in and be like on my own satellite imagine it's like this is your like your rental home yeah like I you
know I usually rent this on Airbnb Airbnb and then just rotates around the moon
and you're like yeah yeah for a day but you can only enter into it on these days because the rotation around the moon are
just saying that is Airbnb you just hop in a little Space Capsule I'm going to
space for the weekend yeah I'm going off planet for vacation I'm
gonna get a couple views of uh Earth's rotation right for this weekend we go to Mars and you're like I'm just
gonna go see the biggest volcano in the universe solar system can you tan from
space are you getting the same sun rays
that you were probably more intense sun rays because the the atmosphere UV
hitting the window the same like can you can you tan through NASA or a rocket
window imagine that they like specially tune their windows so you can tan and so
you don't and so you don't privacy class or something well wait you don't need two-way glass what is an alien going to
see naked like there's bigger issues
H that's so funny but you I guess like as like a nasal
window you'd be like okay you can't get can't we need to make sure you don't get cancer while you're like not Sun cancer
I mean like real glamorase there's a lack of vitamin D you're definitely getting
or not received you're not receiving vitamin D when you're in space you know what I mean I guess so because like you
know what I mean yeah either the sun raiser gotta be hitting you remember like I don't know how their glasses I
wonder if the sun rays are protected against like protected against them I don't know
that's a big conversation with like the trip to Mars of you know if you're gonna send human beings
on a year and a half trip to Mars then you have to protect them from the
radiation of traveling in between Earth and Mars
and I don't know the things that you have to do two rockets to insulate them and to make sure that
deer that the people are yeah I don't know I'm about to talk out
of my ass so far so I'm no scientist but let me tell you I want the future the
future seems so cool to be able to like go on vacation to another planet
holy [ __ ] yeah that'd be so cool even though we don't know [ __ ] about our own
Planet like the we don't need what's in the water we're more we're more interested in space yeah let's go [ __ ]
up other planets too while we're at it but that's the thing imagine if we start drilling on other planets we start
getting like minerals finding concrete right resources we start drilling oil
for on other planets and just like I don't know obviously I don't know if there's oil on another plant I'm just
saying that imagine if we could look at Earth as like a sanctuary well isn't oil basically just dinosaurs yeah yeah but
that means we would find dinosaurs on other planets would be like oh [ __ ] there was actually life over here too the fact that we're using dinosaurs
for our cars and vehicles that's such a mind [ __ ]
and maybe people just go about their day and they're not thinking about that [ __ ] we're using dinosaurs to fill our cars
up and our boats up literally yeah fossil fuels
I totally forgot about that and we just go through the day I I I am fall victim
from this I pump my car with gas and I don't think oh there's a Tyrannosaurus
Rex unbutted um that's so funny inside the core of the
planet and we're just spitting it out like that's very fascinating and what are we
gonna do after fossil fuels are we just gonna start mining we're gonna do those magnetic rails oh yeah
well what are we gonna use to mine for this materials when we don't have any gas
we're just gonna go to Mars and start drilling we're just gonna
pray and Hope I wonder what the next billionaire is
gonna like try to do what elon's doing you think it's gonna be like the Paul
Brothers they're gonna be like we made enough money doing WWE and uh boxing
let's just let's go to let's go to Venus next Isaiah was showing me the
robot for Jake Paul and me and him were both like captivated
by this robot that Jake Paul brings out for like during his fights and it's got
two screen like I thought it was a real robot at first but it's a guy in a suit
and it tricked it tricked me and Isaiah like we both thought it was a real ass robot right and I was like looking at
the mannerisms and all that like his movements and I was like he's trying to
fit through an elevator like I think it's a guy yeah and like that's what I
was able to tell is that when he was trying to fit through an elevator but the coolest thing about this robot
is that it's playing it's got two screens on its chest and they're
probably the same size as like iPads and it's just playing either like Jake
Paul's highlights or the person he's playing against getting hit getting knocked out by other Fighters
and that's just such a baller thing to bring out with you right like that's cooler than any mascot
or any like NFL like any kind of Mascot out there right and he's just got that
thing behind him before every fight and that you could put your own speaker
system on him do you know which one's which yeah the Logan is the WWE one okay
what's the other one and Jake is the boxer so Jake I watched Jake Paul's fight against the UFC guy and ideas Nate
Diaz yes and Jake just I mean he he was he did well
he basically won that fight I mean well I could tell Nate Diaz was pretty fatigued dude and Jake landed ahead on
Nate Diaz that almost made Nate Diaz like fall and go into this and go into
like seating because like he doesn't matter my point is Jake when when he was
walking or coming into the stadium he was sitting on a tank that was
rolling in what dude the coolest stuff I've ever like he literally was just
sitting on top of a tank as it was rolling into the stadium bruh
it was badass it was the coolest entrance I've ever seen of any human
being going to like a fight like it's still like you're going into combat that's the thing you're doing you're
being a boxer and just for him to roll up in a tank was like so cool yeah those
two brothers though are definitely the types to like splurge on some other [ __ ] they would
probably do some crazy business venture having a resort on the moon would be
like yeah I could see him doing it like I in in 30 40 years and they're just
some old heads I couldn't imagine that they're like we got a moon base yeah
rebranding we're now vacation people like we're bringing Hawaii to the Moon
there's a couple of people that are rich as [ __ ] that I'm thinking that are just gonna Rebrand themselves and hopefully
just do the social good route like Elon you know what I mean I do but man
there's not many people who did her like do the social
um there's a Bill Gates Bill Gates is the one who's like trying to be the social he's buying a bowl of Farmland
right but he's being creepy about it you know he just it doesn't seem genuine it seems like he's like trying to
be this yeah I don't know at least had like a good interesting supporting message if
you're buying up all the Farmland because you're doing it under people's nose or like under the radar like you
should be very blase about it or like open and obvious instead of being like him because I've
never heard him talk about it you know he's never had a spokesman about it I would like to know what his plan is but
he's just like a he's probably gonna sell it all just foreign
it's fascinating who do you see that would make the like go for the humanitarian realm as a billionaire well
I feel like people like you know Kylie Jenner or some [ __ ] they've definitely exceeded
the threshold of like being I don't know she sold so much makeup and
all that already that I feel like becoming a billionaire from makeup it's too hard to turn back after that because
like who knows how that makeup was tested you you made a billion dollars off of it
obviously you don't think that they would want to go to the humanitarian route you think they're too entrenched in what they do yeah so you think like
or I think it's too they got blood on their hands from doing makeup I think they're too far gone in terms of doing
any social good okay social they've done too much Social bad they're not social
bad but just like pollution wise okay like how could they make up for it
unless they're like now we're gonna start just helping save all the plastic sure yeah they're all types of bullshits
sure yeah but there's some people that are like that that I think are too far
gone that they cannot be a character for social good do you know what I mean I do and there's just like
I don't know there's not that many people that I could think of that would reverse or like switch up I think like
there's a character like Tom Cruise seems like somebody who would try to go on the social route
um Floyd Mayweather he's actually been helping out you know the wildfires in Hawaii
no there's wildfires in Hawaii you're kidding right apparently yeah there's fires in Hawaii and he's like donating
to all the families interesting and yeah wouldn't that be scary though to donate
like I always think about this like when you donate money to refugees when you
donate money like Red Cross or sure where's that money going is that money going into the hands I would want to
know directly an itemized list right how many 24 packs are y'all buying no I
don't give a [ __ ] about that I would almost like wanna you don't want to go to a dangerous place and add to more
like you know add fire to fire but like just knowing that the money's not going to like a weird creepy organization but
the money's going to actually the people that yeah the hands of the community exactly the hands of the community
couldn't say it any better than that and yeah you just want like you know the Red
Cross the CEO makes like almost like I don't know 200 000 maybe a little bit
more than that and it's like 200 what 200 000 a year to be this
I thought you were talking about like 200 million or some [ __ ] I don't know that'd be crazy yeah but just the
fact that like uh a human is still not a lot though I mean to be the director of such a
renowned organization I guess I mean they are non-profit yeah that's the weird part like you
would think that people who want to help other people are like I guess a hundred thousand dollars would probably be
enough for me in a certain like a livable wage yeah you know like do you need a I don't know
maybe I'm talking on my high horse I don't know but it is really fascinating
you think Kylie Jenner's got blood on her hands she's already dude far deep
she drowns animals and it's fine into makeup because they're not what do they
do it's like non-humanitarian way to test making animal testing yeah yeah I
don't know what kind of animal cruelty yeah yeah I don't know if her company does it or anything but I feel like if you're a
makeup company and you've made a billion dollars from your makeup there's like a
bunch of environmental damage you've already exceeded right how much plastic was produced from your billion dollar
Corporation honestly because I'm sure a [ __ ] on a plastic
house to that makeup and then when you get that makeup that's the funny thing like you see powders and like what are
those powders you know me like where are you digging for these things [Music]
it's [ __ ] dirt right I mean I would assume it's just powder it's colorized yeah colorizer that's that's my
interpretation of it there could be some other ingredients it's just some sort of powder it's just like a sand yeah like a
like a a Milky sand but you know what's funny I could I would rather I hope I
never thought of this before like what what do you I'm sorry I'm sorry to cut you off you're good it's just the fact
that like what is makeup dude yeah it really doesn't make any like is it supposed to be this like
I don't understand you know what it's funny though I'd rather say that
look at this text message I just got a spam what is texting me about Bitcoin
and we just talked about that right is that [ __ ] weird yeah I've never
gotten this before that's such a crazy text message to get during this I know we were just talking
about it like 30 minutes ago and then I get like this like weird oh God now it's
like how are they texting me anyways I we digress um yeah the person the you know what's
funny though I would I could say that Kylie Jenner has like quote unquote
blood on her hands but would you ever would you ever consider and say that like Rihanna does
she's got a makeup company that's made a billion dollars does she really yeah but wow the only reason that I think
Brianna's okay is because she's got musical so and you mean plastic surgery that
wasn't a Brazilian web what are they what they call those a Brazilian BBL
yeah BBL yeah who knows Jesus
none of these celebrities are real I just think like a I I always thought
about this like when you get a billion dollars there's
there's gonna be a percentage there's so many routes that I would take with an investment wise
I just think that that kind of amount of money just adds like
um bags to your eyes that amount of money you just like just you won't I
don't know like I was watching this interview of Mark Cuban it was that Mark Cuban and Bobby he's got back circus
that's the biggest bags on everybody he doesn't look
and looks like the dude who would be chilling in a Seattle Starbucks he was
like getting some [ __ ] done on his laptop yeah and when you talk to him not
now he's been there since like five in the morning right yeah the bags under some of these billion
like billion dollar people it's really fascinating you know like why why do you
think Kylie Jenner needs some makeup I mean for God's sake I guarantee she doesn't sleep there's some problems that
she is worrying about and I don't know I never
it's not like I have a choice if I'm gonna be a billion billionaire but at the end of the day I like where I'm at
that's for sure because that's a lot of stress dude yeah that's a lot of stress
especially like what do you okay
at this time of your life you will never be able to spend a billion dollars unless you're doing some crazy [ __ ]
you'd have to be buying a Jet uh three homes that you have no business being in
yeah 16 bedroom homes with a theater yeah and like in downtown New York pools
right in downtown Beverly Hills and then you would have one in London too and you
and you would have a full maid staff a full cooking staff you have the private
plane that you know you can fly in between all of your homes and then you have a vacation home that you don't
really visit like to be a billionaire in that kind of Lifestyle planning
there's no chill Life as a billionaire there's yeah you have so much plan and
like with how much you've acquired and I I just like I like where I'm at I
like how I have no money it's a nice it's a nice place to be at this point
um definitely [Music] um man so Nolan do you want to do the
outro we're kind of done honestly but it's been fun though this has been the uh the aruga podcast thank you all for
listening and we hope you guys check in next week and get ready to be hypnotized
looking for an out of this world poster or some stickers to brighten your mood check out the posters and prints
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[Music] somehow somebody's always looking the other way now look at these guys they
look busy right

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